UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
No choice for the oppressed of Myanmar/Burma
21-10-2007 15:53
The anti-junta uprising in Myanmar/Burma, and its violent suppression by the military force, has placed the concerns of this county on the international stage. In New Zealand, political oganisations ranging from the National Party through to the Greens and ‘far-left’ Socialist Worker have issued statements of uncritical support for the pro-democracy movement. The military regime is clearly despised by a vast majority of the population in Myanmar/Burma. However, leftists who want to support the people of Myanmar/Burma should cast a critical eye on those leading the ‘pro-democracy’ movement there. By examining the policies of the Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy (NLD), the less than positive implications of an NLD-led government coming to power can be deduced.
A Talk with Indian Student Activist Kavita Krishnan
20-10-2007 18:50
Excuse poor video quality, heavily compressed to get it online and keep sound as good as possible.
Portugal - 200 000 protest against a "Constitution of Europe"
20-10-2007 09:00
EU leaders have begun a summit in Portugal that is aiming to create a constitution for Europe. However the start of the gathering was overshadowed by what is believed to be Portugal's biggest demonstration in 20 years and by renewed political disagreements over the treaty.
UK Homeland Security & Dads Amy
18-10-2007 14:45
In the US the homeland security complex has expanded enormously thanks to the Bush-Cheney mafia. Here in Britain its growth has been less obvious since only the Conservatives have spoken openly of the need for a formal Homeland Security Department to take over from the MoD. What I would like to know is are the foot soldiers of private security companies little more than extras from Dads Amy?Public meeting & Exhibition celebrating 1857, 1st Indian war against imperialism
18-10-2007 04:24
Public meeting and Exhibition in Birmingham to celebrate the anti-imperialist struggle of 1857 in south asia.A Hundred and Fifty Years Later and Marx Still Prevails
16-10-2007 20:23
Marx Was Right But Don’t Tell ThemBurmese Pressure Breaks UN Mould. . . . keep breaking the news blockades!
16-10-2007 15:11
Recent statements from the western media that the burmese situation is blocked by china have shown themselves as the"cold-war nostalgia" war spin they were intended as. . . .Encounter of the Indigenous Peoples of America
15-10-2007 19:15
Full article | 8 additions | 5 comments
RBS round-up - 23 actions and counting!
15-10-2007 16:20
Triple whammy for RBS in Norwich
15-10-2007 15:13
![RBS closed](/icon/2007/10/383709.jpg)
Cambridge RBS action
15-10-2007 14:27
![ATM users read leaflets and placards](/icon/2007/10/383701.jpg)
David Graeber: The Shock of Victory
15-10-2007 12:25
The biggest problem facing direct action movements is that we don’t know how to handle victory.This might seem an odd thing to say because of a lot of us haven’t been feeling particularly victorious of late. Most anarchists today feel the global justice movement was kind of a blip: inspiring, certainly, while it lasted, but not a movement that succeeded either in putting down lasting organizational roots or transforming the contours of power in the world. The anti-war movement was even more frustrating, since anarchists and anarchist tactics were largely marginalized. The war will end, of course, but that’s just because wars always do. No one is feeling they contributed much to it.
The "Great Game" Enters the Mediterranean: Gas, Oil, War, and Geo-Politics
14-10-2007 21:16
![Contours of the Nabucco Project](/icon/2007/10/383614.jpg)
Colombia (and Latin America) Solidarity
14-10-2007 19:09
MONDAY 22 OCT, 7PM. MCR. UNIVERSITY SU, room MR1HEAR: ANDY HIGGINBOTTOM secretary Colombia Solidarity Campaign
WATCH: MEMORIA DE SAQUEO, extacts from the Argentinian film
DISCUSS: developing a local Latin America solidarity network
Worldwide Anti-McDonald's Demo
14-10-2007 18:31
The New World Order, Forged in the Gulf
14-10-2007 13:04
The neo-conservatives have no discipline in their strategy; they are rabid imperialists, but prefer a strategy of showing their might through brute military force. The neo-cons, however, cannot be considered to be ‘brilliant’ strategists by any means, but rather just outright, overt colonialists. If you compare tactics briefly, you will understand the difference better. Brzezinski’s tactics of preserving American hegemony in the Middle East and Central Asia, were done so covertly that it had no outright repercussions of the public perception of America. Afghanistan was seen as being at the fault of the Soviets, whereas, the Iranian Revolution, to this day, has been viewed as damaging to American hegemony, and in fact, America was largely seen as the victim in that event. But, it nonetheless managed to achieve the overall aims of the Anglo-American alliance, in preserving their hegemony in the region and preventing the USSR from gaining a foothold in the region, as Islamic, religious governments would not work with the Soviet Union, a secular, anti-religious communist state.Protection for infant health won in Philippines baby milk marketing case
12-10-2007 13:07
Following national and international campaigning, babies in their families have gained greater protection from the aggressive marketing practices of the baby food industry.Resistance, Not Repression, Is the Real Story From Burma
12-10-2007 00:44
Oil Laws - Colonising Iraq’s Economic Prize
10-10-2007 11:58
An Equitable Sharing of Resources?We are led to believe that Western societies are free and open. In many respects this is true: freedom of speech and the right to protest still exist, albeit within ever-tighter constraints. At root, however, much of what we see and hear in the corporate media has been shaped by money, power and greed. What passes for vibrant public debate is often a sham.
Burma: Total Oil London HQ picketed again
10-10-2007 09:42