UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
06-07-2005 22:27
we all assembeled outside the city gallerey, with banners placards, loudhailers ect.........G8 'Kids Blocl Blockade, Wednesday 6th
06-07-2005 22:24
Police trash guy's bikelock and act like dicks
06-07-2005 21:58
Police stopped a man riding his bike down the A9 this afternoon, grabbed his bike, used bolt-cutters on his bike-lock (presumably they were worried he might be able to use it to lock on to something) and refused to display uniform numbers or provide a receipt for damaged property. Note the particularly dick-headed look on this cop's face throughout the incident.
Report from Gleneagles
06-07-2005 21:45
report from the busride and protestOn the way to Gleneagles -- Edinburgh
06-07-2005 21:42
War on Want: G8 falls massively short
06-07-2005 21:15
Anti-poverty campaigns group War on Want has today released calculations showing that the money on the table at the G8 will provide under 5% of the debt relief and less than 20% of the aid needed to meet the objectives of the Make Poverty History (MPH) campaign. Worse still, the G8 countries have hardened their stance on trade, which threatens to wipe out any financial gains made by developing countries in other areas.
Oxford in Solidarity with Edinburgh - Audio and Photos
06-07-2005 21:06
Boogie on the Bridge
06-07-2005 21:06
Stop the M74, Save the Climate!Glasgow, 2 PM, Commerce Street Bridge
Video testimonies: How the G8 effects South Africa and Ethiopia
06-07-2005 20:02
Sheritan Hotel Blockaded! (by cops)
06-07-2005 19:59
London g8 action
06-07-2005 19:36
London g8 action at Business Action for AfricaDungavel No Borders Demo. Pics
06-07-2005 19:27
[Breaking news in spanish] Cobertura anti-G8 en español
06-07-2005 18:06
[Cuando no se indica otra cosa, los informes son de producción propia de La Haine o de Medios y política]clowns
06-07-2005 18:04
Photos from our trip on the A9
06-07-2005 17:44
Heli - Camping at Stirling
06-07-2005 17:16
Edinburgh march breaks free, roams (and runs) through town
06-07-2005 16:40
After a relatively slow midday marching up and down Prince St., the anti-G8 march in Edinburgh broke free with the help of a samba band and several shifts in momentum. Suddenly more upbeat, active, and growing it ran up and down hills, melted through police lines, and ran through downtown (and is still moving as of this writing).Picture Report from the blockade of M9 junction near Stirling
06-07-2005 15:07
The blockade was split by police aroung 6am, but some could hold it until about 9 o clock this day.
UGLF Takes Local Direct Action in Solidarity With Those in Scotland
06-07-2005 14:55
Edinburgh Timeline, Wednesday 6
06-07-2005 14:30
Action and events in Edinburgh