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Syrian whispers:
Syrian whispers:The lack of press freedom in Syria causes more speculative rumour than it prevents
Iraq's guerrillas adopt new strategy: copy the Americans. By Robert Fisk
By Robert Fisk. The Independent.Understanding the brain. That's what you have to do in a guerrilla war. Find out how it works, what it's trying to do. An attack on US headquarters in Baghdad and six suicide bombings, all at the start of Ramadan. Thirty-four dead and 200 wounded. Where have I heard those statistics before? And how could they be so well co-ordinated - well-timed, down to the last second? And why the Red Cross?
'Syrian' Bomber Caught Alive in Baghdad, U.S. Says
Anti-American groups sponsored and protected by Syrian ArmyWar Criminal in Norwich 29/10/03 All Welcome!!
Albright at the UEA.Group wanting new local railway has public meetings.
CAST.IRON - the Cambridge And St. Ives Railway Organisation - is to host aseries of public meetings to present the case for returning rail services to
the line.
Investigation into Tom Hurndall's shooting
Isreal announces investigation into Tom Hurndall's shootingPoster for Shebab Daiya film

Live ammo goes through walls, Nablus
Friday night, two Palestinian boys and two Nablus ISMers were shot in Balata Refugee Camp by soldiers.US Soldiers in Iraq
President Bush is trying to convince the world that those who have been to Iraq realize that situation is not as bad as 'media' portrays it to be. Growing evidence of low morale and lack of committment to the Iraqi invasion, among the americans actually spending time in iraq, the US soldiers, will help build pressure against the occupation. However, history cautions us against looking for a quick resolution.Bush in Australia
For detials of how our Australian friends welcomed Bush, check out the following links...Shooting of ISM-ers in Balata
Just received this account in the middle of last night from my close friend, a former Cambridge student who is working in Palestine.The Zapatistas talk in Cambridge
***** The Zapatistas *****video, talk and discussion with UK activists
supporting the Chiapas Zapatistas of Mexico
organised by Cambridge People and Planet
Monday 27th October, 8pm
Corpus Christi College, room i4
Kings College Cambridge goes on rent strike

decided to support direct action taking the form of a rent strike, to
protest against the rent rises and the increased college costs that are
dumped on the students.
Help me, if you know php
I am developing a portal for monitoring the policing in developing countries for transparent, accountable and responsible policing. I want to modify php nuke for this purpose and need help from any activist group interested in promoting civil rights and civil liberties. This will have no copy right and will be diturbuted free and will surely tune up criminal justice system which is under threat in countries in transition.It will be community and content driven and will have open publishing where common people can post their compaliants against police authorities and the volunteers will try to help them out.
e-mail me at:

Poster for KM0 screening

You can view a trailer of the film at

Video of Sky protest in Roma

CamSAW speakers Galloway, German

Kings College and Political Reaction: a primer
Some of you might have noticed that the Anti Capitalist Action (ACA) group is functional again

Shit they are back !! AntiCapitalistAction meeting-
Tuesday, October 21 - Chetwind room, King's college- ACA meeting and Argentina in Revolt video screening.IRAQ REPORT - CLASS STRUGGLE AND STRIKES AFTER SADDAM
An extract of a report from an anarchist in Iraq, about the new forms the class struggle is taking there after the fall of the Baathist "socialist" regime. Wildcats strikes, picket lines with AK-47s, workplace militancy and State repression.Full article online at link below
"The Most Powerful Men in the World, The Peroxide Spook and The 25c
Armed Picket Line"