UK Feature Archive
DSEi 2005: First Day Of Action
12-09-2005 21:42

The world's largest Arms Fair [official website] opened its doors for business at the Excel Centre in London's Docklands. Protets took place throughout the day which included a march, a Diaper Bloc and affinity group actions.
Around 400 people marched from East Ham central park towards the Excel exhibition centre. When the demonstration reached near Prince Regent DLR station, police blocked the road to prevent the march from going further. Several speeches were made by local groups, and eventually the crowd dispersed.
Nearby, a Diaper Bloc action took place outside Custom House station, where kids donned police helmets and riot shields whilst imposing a S60 on adults inside the designated protest zone. Meanwhile a batallion of the Clandestine Insurgent Clown Army toured central London visiting companies involved in arms trade and DSEi. At least 1 arrest was reported during the day's protests and, as it is becoming common place in London, police forces continued with their tactics of surveillance and harassment.
CAAT demo: pictures: [1] [2] [3] [4] Pictures and report: [1] Audio: [Speeches mp3] Videos: [1] [2] | Baby Bloc [pics 1 | 2 ] [comment] | Rebel Clown Army detained | Protestor blocks the east entrance to the ExCel centre.
A Week Of Protests Against DSEi Arms Fair Has Started
10-09-2005 01:24

The much criticised bi-annual DSEi (Europe's largest arms fair) runs from 13-16th September in London, sparkling protests in and around the East End docklands. This year condemnation of the arms fair has also come from Newham Borough Council and the Mayor of Newham. Events against the arms fair include two counter conferences, press briefings, direct action trainings, a Reclaim the Streets Party, candlelit vigils, marches and blockades. A delegate's dinner protest and critical mass have also just been announced for Thursday 15th evening.
Is spite of police intimidation, harassment and relentless surveillance, actions and protests started ahead the opening of the fair. On Thursday 8th, anti arms trade campaigners paid a visit to the offices of DSEi organisers Reed Elsevier in Kidlington, Oxford, to raise awareness of the companies involvement in organising and promoting the arms fair. See [report and pictures] [video] Also see The Lancet Medical Journal Attacks its Owners Reed Elsevier | Corporate Watch on Reed Elsevier | CAAT on Reed Elsevier [Reed Leaflet + Action]
On Saturday the 10th, a Beat The Bombers - Pary for Peace took place in the streets of east London. Some of those who turned out were subjected to somewhat questionable but predictable police tactics against lawful protesters. See Timeline of Events and photos [1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5] [Videos 1 | 2]
On Sunday 11th, companies in the south-east of England involved in exhibiting at the arms fair were targetted with disruptive actions against their premises. On Monday 12th evening a Candelit Procession and Prayer Vigil took place outside Excel centre, while a noborder meeting was held in the convergence center.
Aberdeen: activists hung a banner outside an Offshore Europe oil and gas exhibition. Nottinghamshire: arms manufacturers at east Midlands expo. Netherlands: Reed Elsevier targetted.
Background to DSEi:
"DSEi Arms Fair 2005: The global arms trade comes to London", an in depth 30 page CAAT report (pdf) | SchNEWS on DSEi | The Arms Fair is Coming to Town a Red Pepper article | Indymedia UK DSEi Protest Archives [2003 | 2001- incomplete]
Website Links: Disarm DSEi | Campaign Against The Arms Trade | CAATs Armsfairs.Com | Newham Opposition to War and Racism | RTS Party for Peace | Mobilising The Mediators
The situation in New Orleans goes from bad to worse
03-09-2005 14:19

In possibly the biggest natural disaster of US history, hurricane Katrina has left devastation in New Orleans and surrounding areas. Things have gone from bad to worse. Martial law is declared in New Orleans City. The National Guard is deployed, with the order to 'Shoot To Kill' in an attempt to 'stop looting'.
Updates on the hurricane disaster on New Orleans Indymedia | Coverage of the refugee situation on Houston Indymedia
Houston Indymedia Coverage: Video: 1 | 2 | 3 | Reports from New Orleans: 1 | 2 | 3
How to help: Donate: Red Cross | Second Harvest | Katrina Help Wiki
More Links: Weather Warning (28th August) | Democracy Now! reports (Aug. 30) (Aug. 31) (Sept. 1) (Sept. 2) | Explanation about Hurricanes (MP3) | Further analysis: 1 , 2 , 3 | Insane looting? - Not at all! | An analysis of the 'anarchy' in New Orleans' streets Commentary from the Newswire: Katrina open letter to radical/progressive community (From Houston) | In Praise of Looting | American Genocide in New Orleans | Michael Moore's open letter to Bush
SmashEDO Peace Camp
26-08-2005 14:07

Smash EDO recently held a week long peace camp in the Wild Park behind EDO MBM in Brighton. The Peace Camp came just months after EDO MBM sought a civil injunction under the Protection from Harassment Act aimed to limit protest outside the factory. Smash EDO are a grassroots campaign group who have been trying to shut down Brighton arms manufacturers EDO MBM for over 18 months. EDO MBM manufacture weapons for the US/UK's war on Iraq and to the IDF for their oppression of the Palestinians.
Demolition Threat in Glasgow
25-08-2005 11:41

Glasgow Housing Association seek undemocratic demolition solution for Sighthill housing estate in Glasgow. Tenants continue to fight against housing privatisation agenda, as 1,200 homes come under threat.
[Stocktransfer Info | Defend Council Housing | City Strolls | MSP vs. tenant debate in SenScot]
Strike for union rights at Rolls Royce
15-08-2005 00:35

Workers at the Bristol Rolls Royce plant have voted for an indefinite strike, starting on August 22nd, until their dismissed colleague, Jerry Hicks is fully reinstated. Jerry was "probably dismissed on trade union grounds", the employment tribunal found, for supposedly organising unofficial action, influencing the decision of the disciplinary panel (both to support two sacked colleagues), and standing on the way of normal working practices [more details]. The aim of the strike and campaing is nothing short of unconditional reinstatement. But the real target are the anti-union laws that allow employers to criminalise "unofficial" actions. They have been on the law books since Thatcher introduced them, but have also survived two terms of Labour government. Yet when faced with pressures from employers, as Jerry Hicks said, "we never balloted, we always walked out!" [see also Heathrow Airport strikes background].
[Bristol IMC: Updates logo background | Unions: Amicus labournet | Talk in Cambridge: text photos call | Solidarity: photos | The arms trade: RR demo CAAT report | Latest reports 1 2 3 | Video 1]
EDO MBM desperate to stop protests as resistance increases
08-08-2005 17:08

Brighton-based arms manufacturer EDO are producing electrical weapons components for the US, UK and Israeli militaries. For over a year, the Smash EDO campaign has been trying to shut them down by direct protest at their premises. Recently, EDO MBM have applied for a High Court injunction to stop all protest at their premises except at designated times. The Smash EDO campaign regards this as a direct attack on freedom of expression and calls for a week-long protest camp, starting with a peace march in Brighton [report].
Nottinghamshire (Notts) Indymedia born in cyberspace!
06-08-2005 21:43

After Birmingham, Notts Indymedia is now IMC UK's new baby. With the website live, there's nothing stopping the new and enthusiastic collective, itching to get the project going. For years it was felt that Nottinghamshire could really do with a open, independent and community-orientated media space. Well, now it has finally arrived.
Notts Indymedia produced a short film about the G8 Justice Ministers meeting in Sheffield, back in July. It can be downloaded here. There are plans to open a media centre in the city and various other film projects are in the pipeline.
One dead and over 50 injured as police spread chaos at Czech Tekno Festival
06-08-2005 00:37

The annual Czech 'CzechTek' (also known as Technival) is one of the biggest free festivals in Europe. With over 6000 people attending this year, it has met with severe police hostility. Police blocked access to the legally rented festival site and later attacked it, resulting in over 50 injured people. One man has been confirmed dead. Police has stated he was killed in a "normal car accident". The Czech League of Human Rights have called upon Interior Minister František Bublan to immediately resign. A large demonstration against the police brutality, in Prague on Sunday July 31th was attended by over 5000 people and was supported by the former Czech President Vaclav Havel. The demonstration in the capital ended in a streetrave. Solidarity actions have been taking place throughout Europe.
Official Festival Website | Photo's Festival [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] | Photo's Motorway Blockade | Photo's police brutality [1] | Video police brutality [1] [2] | Statement by Czech Prime Minister | Updates on Indymedia Slovakia
Defend Freedom to Protest
03-08-2005 22:16

The latest legislation which will be used to repress protest is the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act which comes into full force on 1 August 2005. This Act amends previous harrassment and trespass legislation as well as banning all unauthorised protests for about a half a mile around Parliament, requiring that organisers of a protest request permission from the Metropolitan Commissioner 6 days in advance (or 24 hours in not 'reasonably practicable') and allowing him to place potentially stifling restrictions on protests.
Sections 132-138 of SOCP Act were brought in to remove Brian Haw from his continuous peace protest opposite the Houses of Parliament. Brian Haw has been demonstrating against the suffering caused by this government's foreign policy towards Iraq - economic sanctions, invasion and occupation - since June 2001.
Ironically, a High Court hearing on 29 July 2005 found that the law did not apply to Brian because prior authorisations is only necessary for demonstrations that 'start' after 1 August. But this law still affects everyone else who may want to protest in Whitehall, opposite Parliament, or in a large area of Westminster. Even the London Eye is part of the 'designated area'. The weekly anti-war community picket [leaflet] is likely to be quickly targeted.
This new law amounts to the police making political decisions as to who may protest - and how - near Parliament. Campaigners will be openly and peacefully defying the Act in a series of demonstrations at the beginning of August. [Photos and Reports 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 ]
There will be a Mass Act of Defiance for the Right to Protest on Sunday 7 August at 12 noon in Parliament Square. Apparently other people may be in the area in a non demonstrating capacity.
Sunday: Reports and Photos [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] | Arrests | Video
Website coordinating the protests with loads of useful info about the new law. Other Legal Notes.
Restrictions that can be imposed include where and when the protest may take place, how long it can last and how many people can attend, how much noise can be made and the number and size of banners or placards used.
A network of activists are organising a Freedom to Protest Conference on 23 October 2005 in London.
British Women That Marry Asylum Seekers
29-07-2005 01:22

In February 2005 The Home Office brought about new regulations forcing all non European Nationals to ask ‘permission’ before getting married.
Those non EU Nationals married in the United Kingdom before February of this year may classify themselves as being amongst ‘one of the lucky’ few who managed to marry the person they love, however it seems that even before these new laws were passed marriage to an non-EU member didn’t count for very much in Britain anyway.
The shocking reality of being married to an non-EU member in Britain today is a life of forced uncertainty, dominated by the imminent threat of your loved ones being deported and returned to a country where they most probably face certain death. Astonishingly the ’Right to Marry and found a family’ as outlined in Article 8 of The Human Rights Act is certainly not a right that exists for many British women today.
EU co-ordinated deportation of Afghani refugees
24-07-2005 01:00

On Monday July 25th or Tuesday 26th, young failed asylum seekers from Afghanistan will be put on a charter plane at one of the London airports. The charter will then travel to Paris, pick up more young failed asylum seekers from Afghanistan in France for onward transit to Kabul. At least 60 Afghans are expected to be on board.
Reports by Lille Indymedia tell of widespread repression in the form of mass arrests and detention of Afghani refugees since July 14th ahead of the chartered flight. According to Lille Indymedia, a significant number of Afghani refugees have attempted to flee France to seek sanctuary in England. There are also reports of a hunger strike by 51 detained Afghanis that has since been broken up by the French authorities.Expulsions to Kabul, be ashamed! | NCADC response and model letter | Deportation Alliance
State of Terror
23-07-2005 20:27

[ reports 1 | 2 ] [ photos Oval | Warren Street | Route 26 bus video + stills ]
A statement posted on an Islamic website in the name of, Abu Hafs al Masri Brigade, an al-Qaida-linked group claimed responsibility for both sets of London attacks. The group has threatened "a bloody war" on the capitals of European countries that do not remove their troops from Iraq within a month.
The following day was extremely tense with many people expecting a follow up attack because the bombers had left too much evidence behind for them to believe they would not soon be captured. Security around the capital was increased with so-called 'random' stop and searches introduced on London Transport but many people stayed away from the city.
At around 10am (Friday 22/7), police shot dead an unarmed man on a train in south London. They had trailed him from a block of flats which they had under surveillance, allowing him to board a bus and then enter Stockwell Station, despite apparently believing that he was a sucide bomber. [first reports | more on shooting | train driver threatend ]
Transport remained in chaos all Friday and into the weekend with many security alerts, one of which involved armed police at the East London Mosque. Police has since raided several addresses and made at least three arrests. The dragnet extended to Birmingham where one man was arrested under terror laws but later released uncharged.
News of the 'shoot to kill' policy raised urgent concerned from Muslims and non-Muslims alike, especially since the man (now named as Jean Charles de Menezes) turned out to be completely unconnected with the bombers. After police admitted the man was innocent on Saturday a hastely organised vigil was held at Stockwell Station on Sunday 24 morning. [reports and photos - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | audio | video ] A second much larger vigil took place on Monday 25 evening. [Pics and report | Impromptu march | Photos vigil and demo] On the following Wednesday 27 another protest took place outside the Metropolitan police headquarters at Scotland Yard. [Photos and Reports 1 | 2] [Audio interviews]
- The Jean Charles de Menezes Family Campaign has called for another vigil and a memorial service on Friday 29 at 5.30pm, Prliament Sq. [Flyer (pdf)]
Red Alert Lifted Throughout Zapatista Autonomous Areas
21-07-2005 17:42

Almost a month after the EZLN announced a Red Alert in all the autonomous Zapatista communities, the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee – General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation announced on July 11 that "with the completion of the internal consulta the EZLN has decided to lift the Red Alert which it has been maintaining since June 19, 2005". The EZLN also informed that "the Zapatista Caracoles will be reopened" and that "the different Good Government Juntas will also once again begin their work in their respective headquarters". [ Read full Communique ]
This follows a period of internal consultation with the Zapatista autonomous municipalities and support bases, where "meetings and assemblies were held in more than one thousand indigenous communities in the southeastern Mexican state of Chiapas". On June 26 a new Communique announced that "the results were that more than 98% approved the new step, and less than 2% decided not to support the proposal", and that over the next few days, the EZLN would make public a series of texts which would form the "Sixth Declaration of the Selva Lacandona."
On June 29 the First Part of the Sixth Declaration of the Selva Lacandona is published. This is followed with Part 2 in which the Zapatistas describe how they "see what is going on in the world and in our country", and Part 3 that not only states what the Zapatistas "want to do in the World and in Mexico" but also how they are going to go about doing it.
On July 13, the CCRI-CG of the EZLN publishes two further communiques in which the Zapatistas explain the "Ways and Means" of the new phase of the Zapatista struggle to all those "individuals, organizations, collectives, groups and associations of the left who support what has been proposed in the Sixth Declaration of the Selva Lacandona".
Zapatista breaking news:
IMC-Chiapas | Archive of Zapatista communiques 2005
G8 2005, Gleneagles: Repression, Resistance and Clowns
15-07-2005 01:00

All over Scotland, (dis)organisations as varied as the grassroots network dissent! and the largely conservative coalition "make poverty history" protested against the 2005 G8 summit in Gleneagles. The reasons were as varied as the forms to express disagreement, from marching to blockading, from clowning to filming, from talking to direct action. Although police from all over the UK were busy containing protesters in pens, arresting, searching and holding them under section 60 [Legal Support Group statement], discontent with the G8 agenda was voiced in many significant places and eventually supported by international solidarity.
Read the Full Article for summaries on issues, actions, timelines, repression and resistance in Scotland from Saturday 2 July to Friday 8 July. And check G8 Info for quick links and resources.
[ G8 video coverage | G8 Audio | G8 Photo Archive ]
[ IMC Scotland | IMC UK G8 topic pages | Worldwide IMC Reports + 2 ]
[ Red Pepper Blog | Live 8: Corporate Media Bonanza ]
[ Legal Support | Medical Support | Activist Trauma Support: +44-796 240 6940 | Missing Persons/Prison support: +44-131-208 0767 ]
G8 - Day 3 Update
08-07-2005 14:21

To celebrate the end of the G8 summit and to highlight opposition to the extension of the M74 there has been a street party called in Glasgow. [Detailed timeline | Photos 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9] [Videos]
With hundreds of arrests, many still in prison, and bail conditions telling people to leave within near impossible speeds, there were some prisoner solidarity protests today. A demonstration outside Saughton prison in Edinburgh this afternoon was restriced by police using section-14. [Detailed timeline] [Unprecedented police harrassment against Wombles]
Section 14 was also in place in Edinburgh, to hinder a group of people at Waverly train station from protesting against the ongoing 'war on terror'. The police said they would only be allowed to hand out leaflets for half an hour. Some were stopped, filmed and searched [Report and Photos] In an earlier action, two climate ativists climbed onto the bridge that traverses Leith Street, connecting the St James Mall to the car park in Central Edinburgh, and hunged a banner that read "Coming soon, millions of ecological refugees, to a city near you"[Report | Photos]
In the eco-village in Stirling [Report], the situation is calm, but the police are still checking people going in and out. 3 arrests were made, apparently based on information from the Forward Intellegence Teams (FIT). The local police confirmed that (despite rumours) no private homes had their windows smashed and that the report of children being injured was false.
Anti-G8 actions have been taking place all over the world. [List of links]
[ Glasgow Timeline | Edinburgh & Prisoner Solidarity Timeline | Stirling Eco-village timeline ]
Glasgow street party photosEco-village photos: 1 | 2 | 3
Update on the situation in London
08-07-2005 00:49

It appears that there were 3 explosions on the London Underground along with another bomb that exploded on a London Bus blowing its roof. There was no warning and although an unknown group linking themselves to Al Qaeda has claimed responsibility on a known Jihadist web site [offline - see screenshot instead | translation ], this has not yet been confirmed. The mainstream media are reporting that the death toll now stands at 52, with 700 or so injured. Reports that the Israeli embassy had been tipped off are circulating although a Scotland Yard spokesperson denied this. Transport within the capital is gradually returning to normal with bus routes reopening, although commuters and tourists will still rely on river boats, taxis, private transport and of course feet for many journeys.
Eyewitness coverage : Aldgate first reports & photos | video confirms at least two killed | London bombings: an incredible story of survival ]More indymedia commentry : [ Indymedia UK Statement | Poor use of Indymedia | London bombing to the eyes of the third world | Its' not enough to blame Al Qaeda | London: Explosion Updates | Anarchist response to attacks (includes West Midlands Anarchists) | Photos from Edinburgh vigil in response to London bombings
Official statements: [ Number 10 | London Metropolitan Police | Transport For London ]
Other media: [ The Guardian | Wikipedia | Al-Jazeera ]
Travel news: [ National Rail ]
Statements of solidarity: [ Muslim Council of Britain and Churches Together in Britain and Ireland | Various religious leaders | The E.U. | The U.N. | Personal messages from across the globe (BBC) | Personal messages from across the globe (Al-Jazeera) ]
G8 Day 2: Thursday 7th
07-07-2005 06:51

After a long day on the streets [Personal Accounts: 1 | 2] the people that slept at the eco-village awoke to being surrounded by police on the second day on the G8 meetings at Gleneagles. The police stated they had no intention of invading the eco-village, but were concerned about "more disruptions". People were barely allowed to leave the camp all day, with police only letting small groups out at a time if they provided personal information. The police used Section 60 as justification, effectively halting movement from the eco-village. By five pm all actions from the camp had been cancelled and there was consensus to not resist the blockade today, although at times tension rose high as people demonstrated in front of the police lines. However, the anarchists did challenge the police to a football match and claimed victory when the police did not play.[Pics of Eco-Village 1 | 2 | 3]
Meanwhile in Edinburgh, prisoner support actions took place in the early afternoon at Saughton prison near Haymarket station accompanied by Seattle's Infernal Noise Brigade. There was also a spontaneous prisoner support rally in front of the Sheriff Court where at least two people were arrested [pics]. More solidarity actions are planned for tomorrow Friday 8th July. [Prisoner Support Statement | Wombles targeted in Glasgow police operation]
In Glasgow, six people locked down to Weir Pumps, one of the first companies in the UK to win contracts in Iraq. On the other hand, and following explosions in the London tube today, bomb threats were also made and responded to in Edinburgh.
Full Timelines of Events:
Ecovillage timeline | Edinburgh timeline | Glasgow timeline
G8 Day1: G8 Blockades, Mass Arrests and Fence Breaches
07-07-2005 00:00

Movement against the G8 started very early this morning: while the beacons of dissent were still burning in the dark in the Ochil Hills, hundreds of people were making their way out of the Stirling convergence eco-camp 'Hori-Zone' to head for Gleneagles. Initial clashes with riot police forced many back, but other went on to occupy roads. In Edinburgh there was an attempt to blockade G8 delegates in the Sheraton Grand hotel and people obstructed delegate coaches as they passed through the streets. The M9 motorway was also blocked by a several hundred people.
Throughout the morning multiple blockades were set up on the approach roads to Gleneagles, from people locking themselves together to the late afternoon Kids Tea Party blockade. All this activity resulted in many G8 delegates having to delay their trip to Gleneagles. Later in the afternoon, and despite sporadic torrential rain and long traffic jams, people continued to converge aound Gleneagles Hotel. Just before midday, the police announced that the G8Alternatives march and rally at the town of Auchterader had been cancelled, but despite this announcemnt thousands of people continued to stream towards the G8 Summit location. Coach loads of protestors were also delayed for hours by police roadblocks, but the majority were allowed through in the end.
Meanwhile a spontaneous demonstration was taking place in Edinburgh. This was mainly made up of some 700 people whose buses had been prevented from reaching Auchterader. The demonstration started in Princes Street and was quickly penned in by police, with some people arrested violently. Local people watching the police actions shouted "outrage" and "disgrace".
In Auchterader at around 1pm, up to 10,000 people started to move towads the perimeter of the fence. The demonstration included many national and international groups and networks, as well as a large battalion of the clowns, Seattle’s Infernal Noise Brigade and an International Samba Band. This mixture of people, groups and nationalities gave a cheerful and colourful athmosphere to the demonstration.
When the march reached a fence blocking the road to Gleneagles Hotel many people paused bringing the entire march to a standstill. Later a determined group of people dismantled the fence in front of police lines, whilst another group of about 700 people moved into a nearby field towards another fence that actually formed the enclosure of the Glenegales Hotel. This was also partialy dimantled by this crowd, and a watch tower attacked. At this point police presence was masive, with hundreds of riot police, police on horses, police with dogs, and even military helicopters that kept dramaticaly flying in more riot police. The crowd maintained their ground for over an hour resisting police charges, whilst a group of about 100 people staged a sit down protest in front of the gap caused by the earlier breach of the fence. Eventually a big police charge managed to push people back down the hill and out of the fields. While Auchterarder itself was full of protestors, many local residents were friendly and there were no clashes or property destruction.
The Legal Support Team reported "hundreds of arrests" throughout the days actions and blockades, whilst a later update spoke of "over 400 arrests" confirmed, several of which are the result of London's FIT teams.
[Complete Timeline Reports: Stirling/Gleneagles Timeline | March on Gleneagles | Edinburgh Timeline | Glasgow Timeline]
Edinburgh Reports: 1 | 2 | 3] [Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5] [Video]
Stirling: Report | 2
Blockades: Reports (various): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 + 10a | 11 | 12 | 13
Blockades Photos (various): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
Blockades Videos (various): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Autcherarder/Gleneagles: [Reports: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8] [Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 14 | 15 | 16] [Audio: 1] [Videos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5]
International Solidarity: Collected Reports | Bern, Hannover, Heidelberg, Lugano | Kansas City | Sidney [pic] | San Francisco | Barcelona
G8 Reports: Tuesday 5th July
05-07-2005 15:47

This morning a banner was hung from a tall crane near Edinburgh central train station saying "No More Brown Wash" [full report]. The campaigning group WDM have been critical of both Make Poverty History and the Governments G8 spin [audio: mp3 from crane].
Later in the morning an Anti-Shell demonstration took place outside the Irish Consulate, with people protesting against Shell's plans to turn an area of outstanding natural beauty into an onshore oil refinery. The protest them moved by the streets with yet another over the top police escort [see report | pics]
Meanwhile a small prisonners solidarity demonstration took place outside the Court. On the other hand, police FIT teams have been active in central Edinburgh all day stopping and searching people at random.
Update 20:00: The Legal Support team informs that the Section 60 has now been imposed at the Hori-Zone rural ecovillage. Reports of police helicopters activity in the camp. On a more positive note, an IMC access point is now opperating inside the camp. Also the new Trespass Law has been brought into a effect around Gleneagles suspending open access in the area around the hotel.
Dungavel Protests
Around 1000 people are demonstrating at a rally at Dungavel Detention Centre. Earlier some of the coaches were searched by police who took people's names and addresses - some demonstrators were also temporarily surrounded by police. All is calm, but marches are not allowed around the detention centre and there are thousands of police there. Instead the protestors are listening to some moving and powerful speeches from ex-detainees from the centre. The detainees however have been moved out of Dungavel for the period of the G8. [Photos 1 | 2 | 3]
[see Dungavel Detainee Interview (audio mp3) | Borders at the G8 Feature | IMC Migration Section Amnesty Report on Detention Centres (june)]
Timeline of Events | Legal Update
Unconfirmed reports have also come in of people arriving back in London being questioned under anti-terrorism legislation and filmed.