UK Feature Archive
Peaceful demo attacked by outrageous diplomatic police.
24-02-2002 08:32

On Saturday 23rd Feb, a demonstration was held outside the Italian embassy to show solidarity with Indymedia Italy after the raids by police last week (see article below). Around 50 people gathered on the pavement and posters were taped on the embassy pillars stating 'Siamo Tutti Indymedia' - 'We Are All Indymedia'. Video tapes representing the footage seized in Italy were left on the doorstep and video tape wound across the entrance. See report and picture here .
A small samba band was playing when a lone diplomatic police car arrived. The police immediately started punching and pushing people towards the other side of the road. One of them was heard to say "I don't give a fuck about the law", whilst several people were punched and kicked in an unprovoked attack on a peaceful gathering. The crowd did not rise to the provacation and eventually moved across the street. Two people were arrested and later charged, although the charges could be dropped as a mass of video and stills were taken at the time of the police aggression.
Photos 1 / 2 / Watch video evidence
Police operation against IMC Italy
20-02-2002 04:57

Firenze, Torino, Bologna, Taranto: On Wednesday morning, Carabinieri (paramilitary police) raided several social centres allegedly housing indymedia centers. The nation-wide operation was due to an order from Genova's attorney, who tried to seize audio and video material referring to the anti-G8 actions in Genova last summer, focusing on what could deal with the police raid at the Media Center and the Diaz school. Police have seized computers, archives, and equipment needed by hundreds of italian activists for daily cultural and political activities. From a statement by Indymedia Italy: "This morning, an attack has been struck against freedom of information. A few places have been targeted, to exercise a political pressure on a complex and manifold subject as Italy Indymedia."
The raids continue: On Thursday 21st, the offices of a lawyer in Bologna were searched.
As part of the wave of international solidarity, a demonstration took place at the Italian embassy in London on Saturday 23. Jan. To show solidarity with IMC Italia also check the list of Italian embassies and consulates in the UK and Ireland where you can send emails and fax's to register your protest against state repression of free speech.
Copy of search warrant 1, 2 (It) | Translation (Eng) | Report London Demo
Subvertising culture doing OK
19-02-2002 10:49

Police Brutality at Sellafield
19-02-2002 10:41
Following on from recent peaceful anti-nuclear protests in Plymouth and at the Faslane submarine base, around 200 peaceful protestors staged a blockade of the two main gates at Sellafield nuclear power plant on Thursday 14th Feb. Despite informing the authorities of their plan to protest, and three previously peaceful demonstrations at the plant, people were thrown to the ground, and police caused injuries as they tried to pull obviously chained together activists apart, while arresting those trying to intervene. The gate was blocked for three hours. Legal actions are being considered against the police. Protestors also visited BNFL Head Office in Warrington - see hereReport : Chronology of police action
IMC Ireland Reports: 1, 2, Audio
Indymedia Switzerland threatened with legal action
15-02-2002 16:14
Update: IMC Switzerland has closed its site for now while further discussions occur and a statement is prepared.The Swiss-Jewish pressure group Aktion Kinder des Holocaust (Children of the Holocaust) is threatening legal charges against two supposed members of the Swiss IMC for allegedly publishing anti-semitic material.
Brazilian political cartoonist Carlos Latuff had posted a series of cartoons called "We are all Palestinians" to promote an International Campaign for the victims of the notorius Lebanese Sabra & Shatila massacres. This series was also published throughout the Global IMC network including the Israeli IMC. AKdH, who are campaigning against Nazi websites, consider the cartoons antisemitic and hold IMC Switzerland responsible for the contents of their open posting newswire.
From a statement by IMC Switzerland : "The filing of a lawsuit is a further step against Indymedia. After the newswire was flooded with postings in December, Indymedia is now attacked via judicial channels. We will maintain our commitment to a public discussion about the content and aims of Indymedia in order to do our bit for a movement against any form of oppression, be it racism, antisemitism,sexism or other."
Fire At Yarls Wood Detention Centre
15-02-2002 07:10

It is not known how the fire started, though detainees are adamant that the fire started in the reception centre, which they did not have access to. It is reported that attempts by security staff at the centre to remove to hospital an elderly sick detainee in handcuffs started the protest. The detainee had been ill for the last three days and other detainees felt she should have been moved to hospital immediately.
Block 'n' Roll 2002
13-02-2002 07:30

Pictures 1, 2, 3, 4 : Video day one : Background links : Links to last years October blockade.
Welcome to Bristol and Ireland IMC's!
12-02-2002 12:21
A big welcome goes out to two new Indymedia websites joining the global network. Recently both the Bristol and Ireland sites have gone live - congratulations to all those who have put the hard work in.Don't hate the media - Be the media!
Tirade against Trident
05-02-2002 11:03

Numerous times before we have seen that when people feel strongly enough about something, they can make a difference. Those people may have gone away having made connections that will change their own lives and help to create a better future. The protest came just a week before the planned Big Blockade at the Trident submaring base is Faslane.
Manchester occupation of public space
05-02-2002 02:52
On Saturday 50 people gave Manchester's Free Trade Hall back to it's original use, taking this unique site, if briefly, out of the hands of private developers.The building was occupied for three hours and banners were unfurled protesting at the sale and demolition of the building whose history bears witness to the stuggle for democracy. Watch a quicktime video of the history here and the action itself here
This one goes out to all people fighting for free expression and people power this weekend at the WEF protests and at the World Social Forum.
World Economic Forum, New York, Jan 31 2002
04-02-2002 23:00
From Thursday 31st January to Tuesday 5th of February, three large events collided to show the 'anti-corporate-globalisation' movement is certainly not dead! New York saw the lastest in a long series of protests against the World Economic Forum, while 3 days of protest against NATO and militarisation happened in Munich, Germany. Meanwhile on the other side of the world in Porto Alegre, Brazil, the World Social Forum saw a gathering of thousands to discuss alterative social and economic models to prove that Another World Is Possible.Wipe Out WEF! No to NATO! Another World is Possible!
31-01-2002 13:19
From Thursday 31st January to Tuesday 5th of February, three large events collided to show the 'anti-corporate-globalisation' movement is certainly not dead! New York saw the lastest in a long series of protests against the World Economic Forum, while 3 days of protest against NATO and militarisation happened in Munich, Germany. Meanwhile on the other side of the world in Porto Alegre, Brazil, the World Social Forum saw a gathering of thousands to discuss alterative social and economic models to prove that Another World Is Possible. In both New York and Munich riot police attacked and arrested peaceful demonstators in a clear example of political repression. There were a total of 40 arrests in New York, and over 894 in Munich.For full coverage of events, images and background information see IMC-UK's special feature page.
For the latest Roundups and Timelines of events in New York, Munich and Porto Alegre see:
WEF Breaking News - NATO Breaking News - WSF Breaking News
Meanwhile,in the UK Solidarity Actions took place: Military conferece disrupted, London. Argentina / WEF solidarity action in London. Manchester WEF Solidarity Action - Reclaiming Trade Hall.
Bayer HQ Blockaded
25-01-2002 10:46

Diary of an Occupation
24-01-2002 10:37

Allies in the struggle against forced deportations
24-01-2002 10:23
Over the last fortnight there have been almost daily protests at Heathrow Airport's Terminal 4 against refugees and asylum seekers being deported against their will.On Saturday, 12. Jan 02, the latest in a line of successful airport actions at Heathrow Terminal 4 took place. Supporters of a mother and her two children, due to be removed to South Africa, handed out leaflets to the passengers detailing the plight of the family, asking them not to take their seats. They also spoke to the cabin crew and the pilot who were completely unaware and then refused to carry them. Two of the demonstrators were arrested, but later released without charge. www.immigration
Iran torture video tapes released
21-01-2002 19:39

The videos (download them in either 33.6 MB MPEG or in 23 MB Quicktime) show the "rogue elements" being beaten and mistreated when interrogated, and then confessing to fantastic "crimes" including working for foreign intelligence agencies, blasphemy, adultery etc. The videos appear to have been made in the detention centre of Iran's military security agency. (Press Release)
Peaceful protesters charged in fight against Casualisation
20-01-2002 02:13
Five people from Brighton were charged on 15th January 02, following a peaceful protest at Euromin's Shoreham docks in December last year. The protest, organised by the Simon Jones Memorial Campaign, followed the acquittal of Euromin and its general manager, James Martell, on manslaughter charges the previous week.One of the accused, Carly North, 25, of Craven Vale, Brighton, a local single mum and friend of Simon's, says: "My friend died and the company that killed him gets off with a fine. I sit in their office for a couple of hours and get charged as if I'm the criminal."
The five were charged in Brighton Police Station under section 241 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations Act 1992 for 'besetting'. They will appear at Worthing Magistrates Court, Christchurch Road, at 9am on Wednesday 23rd January. A picket is planned for the hearing, at which all defendants will plead not guilty.
The Simon Jones Memorial Campaign is hosting a rally entitled LIFE BEFORE PROFIT - STOPPING THE CORPORATE KILLERS on Monday 21st January from 7pm to 12.30am at the Komedia, Gardner Street, Brighton.
Welsh Nuclear Waste Dumping Plan Rejected
15-01-2002 06:01

Listeners jeered and walked out in disgust as Amersham plc representatives outlined their proposal during a public consultation meeting in Cardiff on Monday. The proposal, named "Project Paragon", is an attempt by the medical research company Amersham to meet the criteria for its production license renewal, expected in March.
A regional benefit:Afghan Plight Night
Bloody Sunday Films Criticized By Daily Mail
14-01-2002 15:12

Writing for the tabloid The Daily Mail under the heading "Bloody Fantasy" historian Ruth Dudley-Edwards and another Mail journalist made a number of spurious claims about the film?s accuracy. The articles have led to a call for a boycott of the Daily Mail and other papers in the Mail group, including Ireland on Sunday, according to the Derry News and the BBC.
Bloody Sunday site
Disband the RUC
British Collusion in Ireland
Ireland's OWN
Anarchist flag on Argentine Embassy
12-01-2002 11:22

The occupation of the embassy was in solidarity with the insurrectionary events instigated by the majority of the Argentinean population.
They declared we wholeheartedly support the dreams and desires of the peope as they reject the right of governments and corporations to rule them."
As the protesters appeared in court it was clearn that one of their number who had refused bail due to the stringent and unrealistic conditions that were set, had been beaten by security guards during his time in custody. An outraged friend of the protester who was in court reported that "his face was swollen and bruised".