UK Feature Archive
International Solidarity Movement's trade fair protest
27-06-2003 00:00

For full story Click Here
Arundel - a tale of two by-passes
27-06-2003 00:00

Bypassing the existing bypass, it would cross the important River Arun wetlands south of Arundel on concrete stilts or a huge embankment, and then plough through a mile of precious Sussex woodland. Thousands, probably tens of thousands, of trees would be lost, including some fine 100 foot oak trees, yews, and one particular 100 foot beech tree, thought to be the oldest tree in the woods.
Protestors are meeting on Sunday 29th June for a walk along the proposed bypass route. Meet at 2pm outside the 'Red Lion' Pub, High Street Arundel.
Thessaloniki - 8 Prisoners Remanded
25-06-2003 21:13
On 25 June, a court hearing took place against 8 protesters who were arrested during the demonstrations against the Thessaloniki EU Summit on June 22. A British protester, and 6 other people from Greece, Spain and Syria will be remanded in custody for the next three months until their cases are dealt in Court.They were charged on three separate counts, all of which carry sentences ranging from 7 to 25 years in prison.
Supporters are calling for a protest at the Greek Embassy in London on Saturday 28th June, 2PM. Reports [1 | 2 | 3].
Update #3 | Update #2 | Support for Simon (UK) and Jonathan (US) | Anarchist Call | Situation in Thess Prison | International Solidarity Group
Oxford peace activists seem to be winning the legal battle
25-06-2003 15:25

Toby and Phil, the 'B-52 Two', were granted bail Friday the 20th and finally have their freedom! Charged with conspiracy to cause criminal damage when they tried to disarm a B52 warplane at RAF Fairford in March 2003, they pleaded not guilty as they acted lawfully to uphold international law. The Gloucester Crown Court will make a judgement on the legality of the war on 19 September.
Several other people with Fairford related cases had good news also. Two Oxford activists were offered bindovers in place of charges of aggravated trespass, a citizen from Oxford pleaded not guilty to charges of criminal damage and aggravated trespass - the case was adjourned, and two others had their charges of criminal damage to the main gate of Fairford completely dropped. Mysteriously the gate -related charge of another Oxford activist is still being pursued and was adjourned for the time being.
* The "B-52 Two" WEBSITE
* pictures of Phil and Tobi getting out of jail
* video of a vigil held by supporters of Phil and Tobi outside Gloucester Prison
* Prisoners for Peace website
Thessaloniki EU Summit Protests Summary
24-06-2003 01:00

Celebrate the Solstice
20-06-2003 23:24

Campaigners demanded full restoration of their traditional rights of free access to Stonehenge and provision of land for camping while attending the Midsummer Solstice Celebration (21-23rd June)with: Music Fun and Agit Prop Morris dancing, with Seize The Day, Headmix, Celtica, Tarantism, Judge Trev, 2000DS and Nik Turner (of Hawkwind), Threefortenpound, RinkyDink + other cycle sound-systems.
Reports [1 | 2] Pics [Saturdays sunrise from Tash's mobile phone | Solstice Sunrise & Arrest
Frock On and On
19-06-2003 01:00
On 7th of june, the second "Frock On" Festival took place in Glasgow.
"Frock On and On" was helt this time at the Govanhill Neighbourhood Community Centre for the daytime workshops for women, and in the Queenspark Glasshouse for gigs and spoken word in the evening,the artists, audience and the bar in between exotic plants and small animals.
"Our goal is to make links with and strengthen/build on the existing feminist community with aim of making feminism cool again.
Frock On is against homophobia, racism, ablism, ageism, and men bashing.
It's about talking, having fun, making new friends, subverting, resisting, doing it yourself, gossiping/networking, respecting, listening, dancing, eating, rioting, drinking, laughing, relaxing, empowering ourselves and others, clothes swapping, cycling, supporting our music, creating, growing, expressing ourselves, challenging ourselves, learning, scheming, giggling, planning, cups of tea, taking care of ourselves, gaining confidence and self esteem, finding our voices and keeping it real."
More information under
Welcome to the new imc uk site!
17-06-2003 00:00
IMC UK has changed to a new codebase (Mir). Welcome to the brand new site!Users and moderators alike need to get used to the new code - please bear with us during this transition.
Click "Read more" for info on various browsers and instructions for publishing.
We had lots of feedback and hope you'll continue speaking up and getting involved by posting to the imc-uk list or the thread on Urban 75 [thread 1] [thread 2] Check our Documentation of the migration to Mir, the archives of the tech and features lists, and a summary of our working practices.
If you find any bugs please mail to the tech list - thanks!
we'll keep u posted
IMC United Kollektives
16-06-2003 18:22
On monday 16th of june, after 15 years of non violent resistance the neighbours of the village of Itoiz are being evicted violently by the Spanish para military police: The Guardia Civil. Itoiz lies on the heart of the Longuida Valley which the Spanish Gouvernment and the Navarrian Regional Gouvernment want to flood despite the inhabitants opposition. After the tragic eviction of Nagore two months ago where a man, his family and his cattle were kicked out of their house and had to watch the bulldozers destroying the house they had inhabited for generations.Post-G8 - Injured getting better!
13-06-2003 16:37
Guy Smallman, the photographer who was shot in the leg by a concussion grenade during the G8-Protests in Geneva has returned to the UK. He posted a letter asking for people to support Martin Shaw. A press conference was held on Friday 13 at the NUJ headquarters. On June 7, Swiss security minister Spoerri failed in an attempted PR stunt at Guys hospital bedside [Report]More Info
Video interview in different formats
Pics of Guy's injuries and police brutality [1 | 2 ]
Report & pics by Guy | witness reports & pics.
Martin Shaw, who fell from a motorway bridge during an action when the police cut the rope he was hanging from is still in hospital in Switzerland. He has found a reliable lawyer. Read a statement from Martin (06.06).
Updates [11.06 | 06.06]
Links on [imc uk | imc norway] Eyewitness report on Aubonne Bridge
A Call to Action" for Saturday June 14th was sent from Barcelona. Two activists have been hanging from Swiss consulate n Barcelona for moe then 80 hours. [pics 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5]
International Demonstrations Against The G8...
13-06-2003 16:28

Since Wednesday June 3th, solidarity actions for those injured during the determined anti-G8 protests, and in outrage against police repression in Geneva and Lausanne during the G8 protests took place.
On June 13, the Swiss embassy in Barcelona has been occupied, particularly in support of Martin Shaw. The action enforces demands to the Swiss government, a petition includes a list of Swiss embassies.
The first solidarity actions were held on Tuesday 3 June in Barcelona and Berlin.
More followed on Friday, June 6: In Manchester, the Swiss Consulate was occupied [call | letter of Swiss Embassy]. In London, a demonstration took place at the Swiss embassy [ report/audio/pic], where placards were held up showing the injured leg of Guy Smallmann, who was hit by a targeted concussion grenade on Sunday June 1 [call].
A solidarity group for Martin Shaw has been set up in Berlin, where an abseiling action highlighted the outrage against the Swiss police's decision to cut the rope he was hanging from during an action on Sunday June 1st.
Oslo had a solidarity action on Monday 9th.
Post-G8 Statements: Disobbedienti communication from Evian | Press releases of Legal Team and L'Usine | Witness forms for complaints against police.
>> Collection of articles in english from the multilingual G8 Indymedia site.
Italian Activists Detained And Beaten By American Troops
03-06-2003 10:19

Photo galleries 1 and 2
Update on the refugee camps in no man's land between Iraq and Jordan.
Repression Unites Protesters
03-06-2003 03:28
Tuesday 3 June 2003The Camp de Bourdonette in Lausanne was evicted this Tuesday morning, and a peaceful demo (no teargas!) took place in Lausanne [video].
People are starting to evaluate the last few days. Although all demos in the last days started off cheerful and full of positive vibes, many people were injured during the anti-G8 demos by massive police teargassing, rubber bullets and concussion granades [report]. Peaceful protesters have stated their solidarity with the blockades carried out by Black Bloc activists. A disobedient solidarity action has taken place in Barcelona when 21 activists occupied the French consulate for 12 hours. Whilst in Berlin 40 activists just returned from Geneva demontrated outside the Swiss embassy, during which, the Swiss embassador stated his rejection to the police violence during the G8 summit..
Reports: Aubonne Bridge, eyewitness report
Photos 1 | 2 and video of today in Geneva.
Timeline of Events complete with Reports, Photos and Videos
Tear Gas, the Smell of Frightened Capitalists
02-06-2003 05:21
Monday June 2
Monday's actions started peaceful. Activists creatively approached the red zone in Lausanne, and a pirate ship made of oil drums tried to reach Evian via the lake. In Geneva, a mixed crowd demonstrated against water privatisation. Another demo protested about Sunday's police repression. When both demos joined at Pont du Mont Blanc, where 300 had gathered for a sit down blockade, police escaleted the situation. The main Bridge of Geneva was blocked for 7 hours. The night was marked by teargas all over the old town of Geneva. The last protesters were gathered at 4am by a truck from the VAAG village.
Read the full Imc Uk Feature complete with links.
Collections and Resources
Summary | Imc Uk Timeline | Collection of Links
Background on Water & Report]
Geneva Evening Dispatch | Photo Gallery | Videos [1 | 2 | 3]
Two Men Injured on Sunday Protests

No Roads Lead To Evian
31-05-2003 21:09

On the main G8 protest day, cheerful crowds delayed the G8 summit for two hours. As early as 5am, protesters blocked crossroads in Lausanne [pics] , bridges in Geneva and main access roads from Annemasse towards Evian. Later police moved in everywhere with increasing heavyness: mass arrests, heavy use of teargas, rubber bullets and concussion granades. All official demos during the afternoon were (unsuccessfully) prohibited. 2 men were seriously injured. Many locals took to the streets against german riot police who appeared out of control in Geneva, offered water to teargassed crowds in Lausanne and were generally very supportive.
Read the Full Feature.
Timeline of Events complete with Reports, Photos and Videos.
Resources & Collections
Maps Lausanne | Geneva | Annemasse | area
Summaries [1|2]
Press Releases (Legal Team): 03.06, en | Collection from 26.05 to 04.06 (fr) | 04.06. (fr)]
Video Collections: [imc it | v2v] | KanalB]
Pic Archives: [1 | 2]
Overviews: Dispatch | Global G8 Imc | Collection of most imc txt/pics/video/audio | Overview with extensive links (ne).
"Fires On The Lake"
31-05-2003 05:28
Saturday 31 MayWhen someone overly panics, locals in the Lake Leman area calm him down by saying that "the Lake will not be on fire", meaning that nothing can be so dramatic that it would set the lake on fire. On the evening of Saturday 31st, protesters symbolically set fire to the lake.
On Friday night, more than 5,000 inhabitants in the activist "villages" debated the best strategies to blockade the G8 summit until the early hours. In the morning, a protest at the Socialist Party Conference in Annemasse was teargassed. Some G8 delegates were trapped in the building. Streets were blocked in Lausanne. Many fires were lit at night in Geneva, mostly using symbolic targets. Police was everywhere, particularly at the media center at L'Usine. The city was quiet at 3.30, only a couple of hours before the first blockades started.
Collections and Resources
Imc Uk Timeline | Imc Uk Full Feature
Maps of Lausanne | Geneva | Annemasse | area
Call [(en) | (fr)] Fire Map | Corporate Media Coverage
Manifestos on "violent direct action" | Queers Against the G8 | BioZone versus the G8.
G8 - Convergence Has Started
28-05-2003 13:18

Impressions from Lausanne and Geneva | Summary | Imc UK Feature
Protest Camps Annemasse Pics | Reports [1 | 2] Video | Personal Account
Lausanne, May 28, Pink & Silver [Report]
Demos Thu 29 Annemasse [Report]
Lausanne Pics [1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6] Pic Reports [1 | 2 | 3] [Video]
Protests Against G8 Summit In Evian
21-05-2003 16:43

noborder call | AQUA Bloc | fires on the lake |
Read on:
Background | pre-event roundup | Situation there + Links (12th May) | Amnesty: G8 countries arm human rights violators | links | More Good Evian Links + Info | video reporting | Official G8 Evian Website
Resistance is growing!
21-05-2003 16:34
Not only GM crops, but resistance and direct action against these plants is growing. Anti-GM protesters destroyed the last GM-field in Scotland last week, in direct response to negotiations of the WTO to force GM crops into our food.In Brazil landless farmers invaded a Monsanto Brazilian biotech test farm to replace it with organic farming. In the UK the headquarters of Bayer was blockaded and simultaneously protests took place at the company in Germany.
Most of the public continue to be critical of GM crops, yet their opinion has again been ignored or reinterpretated by politicians obeying economic pressure rather than enforcing their voters views.