UK Feature Archive
London-Benefit night for Ahmed Meguini
21-08-2002 02:46

Benefit and Noborders chat 24.8, 7pm, 47 Kynaston Rd Stoke Newington. Food and DJ's.
trial result
Woodland planning struggle continues
21-08-2002 02:35

Cop out at Cannabis protest
14-08-2002 06:44

Other arrests have included for poking fun at an officers wig and infamous arrest of cannabis smuggler Howard Marks. This years picnic was held without a trace of the Police. Local businessman and activist, Dave Bear, sees it as a victory and believes that the over policing of the event in recent years has been a waste of money and was designed only to intimidate and harrass. A community worker organised people to paint their own colourful bear masks, while a Gormet cook created an Organic cake with a kick in the shape of Smokey Bear. While teddy bears in fancy dress dotted the ground, guitars were plucked and drums where played while Cannabis packed Bongs were blown in full view of the world.
[read more @ undercurrents | 2001 picnic website | UK Cannabis Internet Activists | Video of Cannabis campaign ]
Selfridges Criticised for Israeli Sales Policy
09-08-2002 20:14

Some campaigners entered the store with banners, flags and flyers and were removed by security staff. Outside people played drums, held banners, blocked entrances, and handed out leaflets. One drummer was arrested after police pushed people out of the road.
Reports + Pics: outside | inside | another report
Background: 1 | 2
Debate: here
Previous Protests: June 1 | 2 | April
Dick Cheney downplays Devonport risk to save money
07-08-2002 14:53

Activists modify GM field trial
02-08-2002 15:59

Dozens of Billboards Subvertised in Bristol
02-08-2002 12:22

Recent subverts : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
More strikes: Firefighters and train drivers
28-07-2002 18:43
Thousands of firefighters from all over Britain demonstrated Monday 21st in Glasgow. Later in the week, RMT members in dispute with Arriva trains started a mass picket at Manchester Picadilly station to co-incide with the start of the Commonwealth games on Thursday 25th.Arms Fair Dinner Disrupted
28-07-2002 18:38

Primary School Children Fingerprinted
28-07-2002 18:34

Strasbourg NoBorder Action Camp
25-07-2002 11:37
Sunday 28th: NoBorder camp ends peacefully, managing to get all remaining prisoners released, after a week of protests against European border systems. Latest reportSaturday 27th: the police attacked demo in Strasbourg city centre where all NoBorder related demonstrations have been declared illegal. For latest updates see the Global Features page or Strasburg timelines: Saturday | Friday | Wed & Thu. See also the NoBorder newswire.
Anti-GM Convoy Heads to London
23-07-2002 00:57

A convoy of people from Devon will arrive in London on Wedensday July 24, joined on route by other concerned citizens from all over the country. They will converge at Westminster, to voice a strong message of public resistance to the commercialisation of Genetically Modified (GM) crops. The current GM crop trials, which are almost complete, have been contaminating the environment for over three years and are widely recognised as fraudulent.
Strasbourg noborder camp
22-07-2002 00:00
This first Europe-wide noborder camp was initiated by the Noborder network and organized by activist groups from a number of European countries. The camp consisted of 10 days of actions, workshops and discussions around the central demand of 'Freedom of Movement and Settlement for Everyone', bringing together activists, migrants and artists from across Europe in a laboratory of creative resistance and civil disobedience.Remembering Genoa One Year On
18-07-2002 23:00

While Amnesty International accused Italy of failing to punish those responsible for violence and torture, a press conference held by victims of the Diaz school raid called for Deputy Italian Prime Minister Fini to be held responsible for the brutal attack, more claims of a state strategy of using agent provocateurs also emerged, as has recent evidence that the police faked the discovery of two molotov cocktails at the school. Back in the UK two people recently had their cases dismissed after they were arrested at a solidarity demonstration with Indymedia Italy at the Italian Embassy last February.
Indymedia UK is set to screen a new and comprehensive hour-long documentary on the G8 Genoa protests. The film will be shown at The Ritzy in Brixton on Wednesday 24 July at 7pm and at the Watershed in Bristol, the Big Green Gathering festival, the Glasgow Film Theatre and the Casa Dockers Club in Liverpool. More info on screening dates.
Genoa Background Links
IMC UK Genoa Coverage : IMC News Blast, Genoa G8 : Diaz Raid Archive 1 (and more) : Diaz Raid Archive 2
Council strike an 'overwhelming success'
18-07-2002 22:59

Underpass reclaimed from muggers
14-07-2002 19:56

London Rising Tide disrupt conference
12-07-2002 09:02

On 16th July, a Climate Criminals critical mass highlighted the planned Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey Pipelines System (or AGT). If built, it will have an enormous effect on climate change and human rights abuses.
Long jail sentences for young Asians
12-07-2002 08:48
Young Asians are being dealt very harsh jail sentences following the riots in Oldham, Bradford and Burnley last summer.A youth, 17 at the time, has been sent down for a year and a half, another defendant was jailed for two years and three months. A further 26 people from Burnley are due in court on 2 September. Other sentences include four years for throwing three stones, four years and nine months for throwing two stones and 11 months for picking up but not throwing two stones.
[Full report]
Woomera hunger strikers at the Strand
09-07-2002 15:36

Since yesterday four hunger strikers have positioned themselves in front of the Australian High Commission at Australia House at the Strand (London). They are staging a protest in support of the refugees locked up in the notorious Australian Woomera Detention Centre, who have been on hunger strike themselves for the past sixteen days.
The police threatened to remove the hunger strikers, claiming their presence constitutes an 'intrusion to the dignity of the building'. The protesters action theme now is: "What government puts the dignity of a building over the dignity of a person?".
Other support actions for Woomera took place in New Castle , Kyogle (New South Wales), Mexico, Israel, India and the United States. This Wednesday Chilout (Children out of Detention) will hold a solidarity fast outside Australia House as well.
Join the hunger strike and Chilout's action!
Full report | Pic1 | Pic2 | Woomera video by IMC NYC and Italy
Derisory Damages in first of Bookshop libel cases
07-07-2002 17:21
Housmans Bookshop - Moral Victory, Legal Impasse, Financial PredicamentThe High Court veredict against Housmans bookshop to pay only £14 damages on Tuesday 2 July was the culmination of an action brought nearly 2 years ago against the Kings Cross store. They faced the potentially ruinous libel case for stocking the anti-fascist magazine Searchlight. The case was brought by someone criticised in Searchlight, who chose to sue only the shop, not the author or publisher concerned, due to his distaste for the sort of material made available in radical bookshops. This was the first case to end up in court, but another case is due in court in autumn against Housmans and also Bookmarks. The Bookshop Libel Fund is calling for urgent financial support for the shops to cover their costs in these cases, and for a change in the law to stop bookshops being targeted in this way.