UK Feature Archive
Scotland says Don't Attack Iraq
25-10-2002 14:26

[ Report and photos | More photos | Army Recruitment Office Action | Iraq War Threat ]
Protest against Closure of Sangatte Refugee Shelter
21-10-2002 07:52

Audio reports and interviws: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Sangatte is due to close in March 2003. The inhabitants will be separated in what the authorities call "genuine" and "non-genuine" refugees. In contrast, demands at the demo included the continuation of Sangatte, abolition of immigration controls and borders and free movement for every one - including a group of aliens who asked for admission to the camp during the demo. Many refugees gave testimonies to mainstream and alternative media. Information about the campaign against the IOM was distributed as part of the european week of action.
More on Dover: Carf report
About Sanguatte: Guardian, Downing Street, Sangatte to close
Support from IOM Campaign
Media Democracy Day
17-10-2002 11:50

-Media Circus outside Daily Mail in London, report
-Guerrilla Screening at London's South Bank, report and photos
-MDD in Lancaster, report.
-MDD Radio Broadcast 5pm-6.45pm Resonance FM 104.4 Webstream here
International Media Democracy Day, October 18th, sees events occurring in over 25 cities across the world. Creative actions, protests, film screenings, discussions, lobbying, print publications, subvertising and spoofs are all playing their part in the beginnings of a new global movement around media issues.
Held for the first time last year in Canada and involving groups like Adbusters and FAIR, this year the day has gone global, supported by high profile groups like The Media Channel, alternative news networks like Indymedia, and smaller grass roots community media groups.
Focusing on the key themes of "Education, Promotion, Protest and Change" it provide an opportunity both to unite and publicise the work of independent, alternative and community media projects, and to protest against the failings of an exclusive corporate media system enslaved by advertising and profit.
In the UK events include a guerrilla film screening of the European NewsReal on Friday 18th October in London, as well as other events, screenings and discussions. Planning for 2003 is already underway with one eye on the UN World Summit on Information Society in Geneva, December 2003.
Reclaim The Media!
Global MediaDDay Site / UK MediaDDay Site
Media Detox Plan
Italy IMC Media Map pdf
Mediachannel: October Media Action Month
Media Mogul Ate My Hamster PDF
Plymouth Scrap Trident Protest
16-10-2002 17:47

They called for the UK government to comply with International Law and scrap the Trident nuclear weapons program. They also rejected Tony Blair's hypocritical pro-war stance in relation to weapons of mass destruction.
Indymedia UK Wins New Media Award
14-10-2002 02:54
Indymedia UK has won the Advocacy Award, as well as being commended in the Online Communities Award in the New Statesman magazine's annual New Media Awards.The awards took place on October 1st at a fringe meeting at the Labour Party Conference, where the opportunity was used to highlight the increasing threats to free press and civil liberties and increasing political repression post September 11 (see IFJ Report)
Detailing some of the attacks on Indymedia from around the world over the last year indymedia volunteers accepting the award wondered whether the support shown for Indymedia by Stephen Timms (E-commerce Minister) who presented the award, and judges like Bill Edwards, the Director of the government's e-Communications office, could be counted on if Indymedia UK is attacked by the police or state in the future. The opportunity was also used to highlight Media Democracy Day on October 18th and next year's UN World Summit on Information Society in Geneva.
Read Full Report / Media Democracy Day: UK + Global / UN World Summit on Information Society 2003:
12-10-2002 07:31
Indonesian Embassy Stormed

As part of the same campaign, activists also blockaded for nearly six hours Anglesey Aluminiums on Holy Island, Anglesey. Report and pictures.
Busines Leader Gets His Just Deserts

Reports and Pictures
Diggers, Dams & Damage
09-10-2002 06:42

This report from last month's week of action at Hatfield Moor and Tickhill garden centre near Doncaster, has just been posted up to Indymedia.
Plans for Reddish Vale Rubbished!
04-10-2002 13:09

At a public meeting in July, about 80 people told representatives of the golf club what would happen if they went ahead with the plans . It was made clear there would be objections and perhaps actions against any Waste Disposal Licence, and that people would be contacting the Environment Agency. The campaigners have now been told that the golf club have changed their minds about tipping on the site.
Opposition To War Increases. Biggest peace protest in a generation in London.
27-09-2002 02:43

Click here for IMC-UK full report, photo, video and audio files, first-hand accounts, transcrips of speeches and background information.
IMC UK Iraq Section
Similar protests were held throughout the world on Saturday. Around one hundred thousand demonstrated in Rome, while more actions were held in Milano, Cairo, Berlin (de), Dublin (pics), Sevilla and Madrid (esp), Sydney and across New Zealand [

See also: Iraq : Active Resistance to the Roots of War : Direct Action Against the War Now : Voices in the Wilderness : Media Workers Against War
RTS Parties in Dublin and London
27-09-2002 01:39

In London the 'Reclaim The Future' event went ahead at a large squatted building which activists had cleaned, repaired and painted. Despite an early police presence people managed to get the sound systems into the building and over 20 workshops were held as well as a large exhibition, with entertainment provided by bands, theatre groups, poets and DJs.
Crystal Palace Fences Torn Down
26-09-2002 09:44
At a candle lit vigil on Sat 21st, around 50 local residents tore down fencing blocking off part of Crystal Palace Park in south London. The fencing had been erected by Bromley Council pending development of the park area. In previous years the site had been earmarked for a huge 18 screen UCI cinema but lobbying, protests and direct action were successful in stopping the development.Background Info Old News May 01: 1,2
anti-nuke flotilla meets Mox ships
18-09-2002 10:07

A flotilla of sailboats from Ireland and the British Isles and the Rainbow Warrior were waiting in the Irish Sea to peacefully protest and to highlight the madness of the shipment.The freighters were first spotted off the coast of Portugal and entered the Irish Sea on their way to Barrow.
The main concerns are that the ships are vulnerable to catastrophic accident or terrorist attack, which could lead to large-scale contamination of the marine environment and coastal communities.
The Irish Government, backed by all opposition parties has condemned the imminent arrival of the plutonium shipment,who this summer issued Iodine kits to households to protect against nuclear contamination , agreed to deploy naval vessels and aircraft to track the shipment and to ensure that it did not enter Irish waters.
The Nuclear Free Flotlla, which the Rainbow Warrior supported, comprises individuals whose love of the sea and communities that it supports, has united them to take action to protect it.
BNFL and the British Government should take note of the strength of commitment of some of the people whose lives they risk with their deadly shipments and radioactive discharges from the Sellafield nuclear plant.
A year after S11- analysis of the legacy
15-09-2002 08:29
One year on, Osama Bin Laden has not been found and is not reported as being looked for - which was the reason for bombing Afganistan? Or was it to replace the Taliban with a friendlier regime that would allow the construction of a pipeline to carry the newly found oil in the Caspian region? Read some thoughts on the legitimacy of actions labelled as 'war on terrorism':Implications of the 'war on terrorism' in privacy rights. Amnesty International concerns over Human Rights violations following the 9/11 attacks. Implications for the provocation to start a war. Noting the lack of investigation on the 9/11 attacks. Vilification of Islam. Other events to remember on 9/11 too. Read about an association of victims of September 11. Report of actions in New Zealand.
More links: Gas attacks by Iraq did not stop us during Iran-Iraq war. Human rights abuses since September 11. Robert Fisk Bush plans FBI arrests of dissidents in Pakistan. US paramilitary and rights removal in Colombia by President Uribe. Iran and Bahrain oppose US war plans against Iraq. Huge trade deal draws Iraq to Russia deal worth £60bn.
Reporting the Earth Summit
30-08-2002 22:23

As for now, the repression continues in South Africa - latest news from South Africa IMC
For further in depth coverage also see Climate Indymedia
See full coverage on imc-uk Major Reports page.
Social Centre News Update
30-08-2002 22:14

A recently opened squatted Social Centre in Colchester has been ordered closed after court action by PFI partners Capita Insurance Services. The 50 room building had been left empty by the Capita Group for years, but the new occupants had more community minded plans including cafe nights, internet access and childrens events. See reports 1 : 2 : 3
A new resource centre (La.R.C) has openeed in Lancaster. Not to be mistaken for 'LARC' (the London Action Resource Centre in Whitechapel) the Lancaster Re-Source Centre in Penny St has a literature section and internet access and is open on Wednesdays from midday to 7pm.
Meanwhile the Carnivalistas are founding the Lambeth Community Action Network in south london, while raising funds to buy a space for a new social centre. The Carnivalisas and are part of the growing London Social Centres Network which includes Emmaz and the Radical Dairy (020 7249 6996 for summer events).
Contaminated GM News
30-08-2002 22:09

PGA Conference Radio Coverage
30-08-2002 14:50
Leiden, Holland. Activists from all over Europe and beyond are gathering at the 2nd European PGA Conference. People's Global Action is a network of grassroots groups, developing ways to link up local issues globally. This process takes place in conferences, streets, local meetings, telephone, cyberspace & more. In this spirit, People's Global Radio is broadcasting coverage of the conference from 5pm until pub closing time both on the internet and FM. They'll also pick up the Diversity Radio stream from the WSSD Summit in Johannesburg.In defense of Titnore Woods
21-08-2002 03:20

Human Rights Abuses of Post-September 11 Detainees
21-08-2002 03:02