Protest against Closure of Sangatte Refugee Shelter
21.10.2002 05:52 | Migration
October 19th: The first cross-channel demo was held by activists from a wide range of anti-racist groups in France and the UK. It started at Dover Removals Center, continued at the Red Cross Camp in Sangatte and was supported by Kent refugee action network, Barbed Wire Britain, Committee to defend Asylum Seekers, CAE Paris Commite Anti-Expulsions, Green Pepper Magazine, Amsterdam, European Youth For Action, Amsterdam, and London noborder group - and by hundreds of people inside Sangatte, mainly from Afghanistan and Irak. Full report
Audio reports and interviws: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Sangatte is due to close in March 2003. The inhabitants will be separated in what the authorities call "genuine" and "non-genuine" refugees. In contrast, demands at the demo included the continuation of Sangatte, abolition of immigration controls and borders and free movement for every one - including a group of aliens who asked for admission to the camp during the demo. Many refugees gave testimonies to mainstream and alternative media. Information about the campaign against the IOM was distributed as part of the european week of action.
More on Dover: Carf report
About Sanguatte: Guardian, Downing Street, Sangatte to close
Support from IOM Campaign
Audio reports and interviws: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Sangatte is due to close in March 2003. The inhabitants will be separated in what the authorities call "genuine" and "non-genuine" refugees. In contrast, demands at the demo included the continuation of Sangatte, abolition of immigration controls and borders and free movement for every one - including a group of aliens who asked for admission to the camp during the demo. Many refugees gave testimonies to mainstream and alternative media. Information about the campaign against the IOM was distributed as part of the european week of action.
More on Dover: Carf report
About Sanguatte: Guardian, Downing Street, Sangatte to close
Support from IOM Campaign