UK Workers' Movements Newswire Archive
Awesome! 2 campers fox police to get into climate camp
01-04-2009 19:40
Awesome stunt at climate camp as 2 campers outside kettle climbed up building over the top of police lines and dropped into camp to huge applauseCar factory occupations spread across the UK
01-04-2009 19:06
Pic of police line following baton charge on climate camp
01-04-2009 18:52
Riot police baton charge climate camp
01-04-2009 18:37
Unprovoked riot police baton charge climate camp at threadneedle end of bishop gate - people put their hands up and were hit back by police - there was a short advance but some people have been injured. Camp is dancing and holding the line.Mobile pics - Bank sealed off
01-04-2009 16:27
African Liberation Day events unite worldwide movement of African resistance
01-04-2009 15:44
With the theme of “One Africa, One Nation: Separated by Colonial Slavery, Reunited by Revolutionary Resistance!” African Liberation Day events will be held simultaneously in Washington, DC and in Manchester, UK on May 22-24 by the African People’s Socialist Party, which leads the Uhuru Movement. The goal of the events is to build the African Socialist International, the organization working to unite and liberate Africa and African people everywhere.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Police swarm Queen Street - mobile pics and report, 1st April
01-04-2009 14:37
Wave of factory occupations across the UK
01-04-2009 13:38
Sorry, it's cut and pasted from corporate media, but i'm in the middle of work! Solidarity to all factory occupiers and the G20 rioters - our struggles are one!More mobile pics from climate camp 1st april
01-04-2009 13:37
Riot police at Threadneedle street 1st April
01-04-2009 13:32
Mobile pics from Climate Camp 1st April
01-04-2009 12:22
Climate Camp tents up outside carbon exchange
01-04-2009 11:44
Mobile pics crowd scene outside Bank of England, G20 Meltdown March
01-04-2009 11:32
Day of action against Subway for firing of pregnant worker
01-04-2009 09:48
Trade unionists and activists are taking part in the National Day of Action against the Subway sandwich chain on Saturday 4th April, in protest with their firing of pregnant worker Natalia Szymanska.Stop the Forcible Removal of Jeevitha and Neeraja
01-04-2009 08:45
Left Luggage answers it's critics
31-03-2009 13:19
Socialist strategy site addresses some of the criticisms posted on discussion boards.