UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Anti-Phorm Protest Event this Wednesday, July 16th, in London
12-07-2008 14:42

Boris cuts wages of London’s poorest!
10-07-2008 15:50
The Guardian reveal their true colours today with a story claiming that Boris Johnson is to raise the minimum wage for ten of thousands of Londoners to £7.40 an hour. (1)News International threatens Media Lens with legal and police action
10-07-2008 14:44
Following on from the news that News International threatened Media Lens with legal and police action, Media Lens has posted a new alert about the repression. This was in connection with their critical commentary on the bias of the Times over Iran and the nuclear issue. Media Lens, for those who have not encountered their work, are a small (three person) web-based team who analyse British media output, especially at the "liberal" end of the spectrum. Since 2001 they have been publishing free email 'alerts' about mainstream distortion and bias based on Chomsky and Herman's "Propaganda Model" in their book "Manufacturing Consent".Related Indymedia article:

Posted from:

Will be soon archived here:

Virgin's lies about deportation flights
10-07-2008 00:57
Emails sent by Virgin employees to campaigners leading up to the proposed deportation of Kemi Ayinde (which was eventually cancelled, for the 2nd time) have left a trail of lies and deceit. Despite this Virgin's PR machine manages to spin the story in its favour and get them hailed as the hero of the hour in the Daily Mirror.Hated Mafioso Ken Livingstone plots return by rubbishing Boris with media help -
07-07-2008 17:06
Ken Livingstone has been plotting his return with the help of his dodgy Labour friendly Newsnight friend Emily Maitlis. The Ray Lewis story was a plant and Mr Livingstone was brought on there and oddly enough to deal with the newly released story questioning him. The Conservatives under Cameron and New Labour under most of them are busily trying to retain the status quo and doing anything to keep the neo-Liberalist corporate London agenda going. Dodgy Ken's record speaks for itself...Topical Fish Freesheet- response to the Corporate Media
07-07-2008 16:00

Times Newspapers threaten Media Lens with legal and police action
07-07-2008 08:42
Media Lens have felt the need to amend their 25th June alert, Selling the Fireball - George Bush and Iran following "repeated threats of legal and police action from Alastair Brett, legal manager of News International’s Times Newspapers on June 28 and July 2". This has now been picked up by The Guardian, in todays issue Peter Wilby has an article titled, publish and be damned. The original Media Lens report, before the amendments were made due to the legal threats can be read on this site and following is the message posted by the Media Lens Editors about the threats.
The Odds of Change: A Statistical Look at Our Democrat’s Voting Records
04-07-2008 16:36

Remember Independence Day . . . .a new way to impeachment - Congressional opener
04-07-2008 09:59
Yesterday the hitherto "outsider" campaign to get the facts of the USAs faulty election process into the mainstream - in fact, into action - (see"""election coverage") has at last got into Congress, after numerous semi-hushed up arrests, resignations, inquiries, then people doing actual jailtime for it in Ohio have taken it out of the realms of "theory" into actual proof, with results.Must Read Book - Crack House true story by Harry Keeble @ Stokey and Haringey
30-06-2008 13:39
A book about Stoke Newington aka "Cokey Stokey" and Haringey Drugs Squad has arrived. Having found a flyer on becoming a cop in the bin, Harry Keeble joins Cokey Stokey drugs squad and then Haringey drugs squad. He describes them as "drug dealers" and "naughty lazy coppers". They give him a cardboard desk, a box for a chair, a huge 80's phone, steal his answerphone & give him a decrepit purple car.Letter to the Times: Merchants of War
30-06-2008 09:18
The following letter to Bronwen Maddox and Oliver Kamm of the Times Newspaper follows the Medialens' correspondence with them regarding the US NIE and the IAEA report on Iran's nuclear programme. Bronwen Maddox is the Chief Foreign Commentator of the Times. Oliver Kamm, the Times’ columnist, is a founding member of the right wing Henry Jackson Society and a proponent of interventionism in foreign policyBritish Government should not recognize Burmese military Regime
26-06-2008 13:50

Galloway, Fake Protesters and the Daily Mail
26-06-2008 10:41

Bath Bomb #11 out now
24-06-2008 12:51
Monthly tabloid rantfest fresh out of the mean streets of BathJohn Pilger's keynote from a recent conference on Investigative Journalism
24-06-2008 09:57

Here is the keynote speech from the event by veteran journalist John Pilger.
Refugee week special from Bristol - plus more Cider With Rosie
22-06-2008 23:38

New Nerve magazine launched in Liverpool
21-06-2008 20:26

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Action Altert: Contact Eagle Asset - HLS Investor
21-06-2008 11:57

Birthday Bash Benefit Gig Bonanza in Bath
18-06-2008 15:43
Benefit gig with proceeds being split between the upcoming Bristol Anarchist Bookfair and the Bath Bomb.CIA Malta Talons Hold Trusts In Golden Triangle
18-06-2008 15:22