UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Do you writes zines or comics anonymously?
07-03-2008 14:15
A new web host for anonymous zines and comics has been set up,
Stop The Camden Atrocity Laboratory Potential Tragedy In The Making....
07-03-2008 00:21
Oppose planning permission for The Camden Virus Containment Facility / Animal Testing LAb by writing to Mike Greene : Mr Mike Greene, London Borough of Camden Old Town Hall Judd Street London WV1H 9JE. No-one wants thgis troublesome lab to affect them on their on their own doorsteps.....a council estate is no palce for a high security lab. {It will be used for animal torture unless stopped!!}Sign online petition / join campaign.
06-03-2008 20:45
The MRC intend to build a dangerous virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a Camden council estate {Somers Town} - please help us stop this. This will ruin the community forever, creating adangerous environment patrolled by armed police and saturated with members of the security services - MI5/6. The arae will be at risk of attack and virus leaks. {Camden New Journal}Camden Town - Stop The Death Lab!! C.A.L.M.
06-03-2008 04:57
The MRC / Wellcome Trust intend to build a high security risk virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a London council house estate in a deprived area that needs homes and community facilities. Ths area will be turned into a max security terror threat zone.Camden Death Lab poses risk to Camden Town Kings Cross St Pancras
05-03-2008 14:41
The MRC / Wellcome Trust / Cancer "Research" propose to build a dangerous virus containment facility on a Camden council estate {Somers Town} at Brill Place behind the British Library, at St Pancras / Kings Cross. The area has already seen bombings and could again become a target. Camden needs council homes and community facilities and is severly deprived. Thugs and informants allegedly paid by the MRC have targeted female Camden AR activists at their homes and over the net.Birmingham police forced press photographer to delete images
05-03-2008 12:05
The Editorial Photographers website has published an exclusive article about a Birmingham-based photographer who was forced by a police officer to delete images from his memory card while covering a protest on public roads outside the International Conference Centre (ICC) in Birmingham city centre. Lawrence Looi, from the News Team news agency, has since lodged a complaint with West Midlands Police.The full article can be found here:

Jack FM - prejudiced idiots?
05-03-2008 11:01
Oxford student interviewed by prejudiced idiotFull article | 1 addition | 10 comments
Mancs Reclaim The Night march a success
02-03-2008 19:16
Manchester Reclaim the night March a success,despite threatened 'transqueer' counter protest.
Revolutionary 1st of May Berlin Kreuzberg 2008
29-02-2008 17:24

Stop the Camden town Death Lab!
29-02-2008 14:38
A new campaign to stop the Camden Death Lab.The MRC intend to build the "world's largest ever, highest level, virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden on a Camden council estate. {As seen in Camden New Journal}.
AR activists targeted by "Myspace Mafia" numpties and The London Fiend....
29-02-2008 12:33
Some numpties running a "Protection Racket" over myspace are targeting individuals including AR activists. These silly people are even sending out threats via bulletins. Many people don't read their bulletins so rather like TV license letters people are recieving messages such as "We contacted you several times for over three months, why are you ignoring us?" You couldn't make it up. We haven't.....ALF on the rise across Europe
28-02-2008 04:53

Prince Charles Bans Foie Gras From Royal Menus
28-02-2008 00:28
Prince (of Wales) Charles has instructed chefs at all of his royal residences to stop serving foie gras, known as the "delicacy of despair". He will also be reconsidering the royal warrant at one of his favourite shops - the House of Cheese in Tetbury, Glos, - after he was told that it was selling the pâté.Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
US judge arranges summary execution of
20-02-2008 11:38
The following article from The Register is about the attempt to close down
Anti-ALF myspace pages disguised as AR pages used for phishing / hacking etc
19-02-2008 00:02
Beware of these dodgy {yeah I know...myspace is evil / it's ALL dodgy ....} "AR" / "ALF" / "ELF" myspace pages which are being used to send computer viruses / hacking / spamming / phishing etc. Some are strange, others look like genuine AR sites.Camden goes up in flames....
10-02-2008 23:36
Camden Canal Market AND Camden Lock Market ahve gone up in flames.With developers wanting to move in one can how the fires started and spread......
Economic Terrorist Tea Party: Restoration Project Fraud Unpunished
10-02-2008 16:25

Grisham's Eyes Opened With Help Of Dennis Fritz On Death Penalty Wrongful Cases
09-02-2008 19:11
Hard work aside, it was the process of writing the book, The Innocent Man and his friendship with Dennis Fritz, author of "Journey Toward Justice"—who received a life sentence in the Carter case, and whom Grisham credits with helping him—that opened his eyes to the problems of death-penalty cases and wrongful convictions.Gagged! #22 - South Wales Anarchist Newsletter
08-02-2008 15:00

Restoration Project Fraud
08-02-2008 01:49