UK Other Press Newswire Archive
London's Death Sentence For Brendan Lillis
27-07-2011 02:23
Brendan Lillis is an Irishman left dying in the UK prison system. The British Govt and their agents shockingly believe that Brendan is still a dangerous man. What nonsense.Palestine Today 07 26 2011
26-07-2011 15:37

Why the Scottish SP is opposed to reopening the case of Tommy Sheridan
25-07-2011 21:58
Andy Coulson, former editor of Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World and one-time aide to British Prime Minister David Cameron, is under investigation by Strathclyde Police into “allegations that witnesses gave perjured evidence in the trial of Tommy Sheridan and into alleged breaches of data protection and phone hacking,” Chief Constable George Hamilton has confirmed.British media quick to dismiss death in Murdoch phone hacking case
25-07-2011 21:45
In an article posted July 20
Palestine Today 07 25 2011
25-07-2011 15:51

This Week in Palestine week 29 2011
22-07-2011 16:03

What did he know and when did he know it? Cameron Coulson and those pesky emails
22-07-2011 13:23
The political/corporate class must be rueing the day email arrived, it is proving to be the undoing of many a powerful individual and perhaps even the downfall of the government? But only if the media do the job they claim to be doing, investigating malfeasance at every level.Amid the Murdoch scandal, there is the acrid smell of business as usual
21-07-2011 22:40
In Scoop, Evelyn Waugh’s brilliant satire on the press, there is the moment when Lord Copper, owner of the Daily Beast, meets his new special war correspondent, William Boot, in truth an authority on wild flowers and birdsong. A confused Boot is brought to his lordship’s presence by Mr. Salter, The Beast’s foreign editor.Boy, Do We Need A Hippocratic Oath For Journalists
21-07-2011 20:52
For the record: Around June 17 or 18, both Edward S. Herman and I each began submitting manuscripts to the Guardian of London, prompted by false and misleading claims that had been made by the British writer George Monbiot on June 14, in his weekly commentary for this prestigious newspaper. "Left and libertarian right cohabit in the weird world of the genocide belittlers," was the title the Guardian had given it. At Monbiot's own website, the title he had chosen was more direct: "Naming the Genocide Deniers" (June 13).Palestine Today 07 20 2011
20-07-2011 16:19

10 questions the MPs did not ask Murdoch
20-07-2011 13:53
As predicted the day before the Murdoch's were questioned by MPs, the difficult questions did not get asked.Why did police declare death of News of the World whistleblower “not suspicious?”
20-07-2011 09:42
When the former News of the World reporter Sean Hoare was found dead Monday at his home in Watford, north of London, the immediate response of the Hertfordshire police was to issue a public statement declaring his death to be “unexplained but not thought to be suspicious.”Palestine Today 07 19 2011
19-07-2011 14:18

Oh, what a lovely war! Murdoch’s other legacy
19-07-2011 08:23
They've hacked into the voicemail of a murdered teenager and the relatives of dead UK soldiers. They've paid police officers for information. The charge sheet against News International is a long and serious one.Palestine Today 07 18 2011
18-07-2011 15:29

WikiLeaks vs News Ltd: Jail Murdoch, not Assange
18-07-2011 07:23
When it comes to comparing the cases of two publishers of secret information — WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange and billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch — the hypocrisy from politicians and media is huge.The key difference between the two is obvious — one seeks to challenge the establishment, the other exerts huge control over it.
NowT publishing again?
16-07-2011 22:27

NowT publishing again??
Invitation, Olive picking, Palestine, 15th October 2011
16-07-2011 13:33
2011 will be the 8th year the annual JAI / ATG Olive Picking Program in Palestine from October 15th to 24th 2011. This event is of special significance to the Palestinian economy when all energies and efforts are mobilised.This Week in Palestine Week 28 2011
15-07-2011 17:23

Palestine Today 07 14 2011
14-07-2011 14:47