UK Other Press Newswire Archive
Palestinian Solidarity Discourse and Zionist Hegemony
25-11-2006 23:26
The following article is from a talk given on 22nd November 2006 in Edinburgh, hosted by the Scottish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, orginal (includes some additional hyperlinks) is here:
WTO should be disbanded, international law respected, and genetically engineered
25-11-2006 18:08
The poor Canadian Canola industry is lamenting discriminatory tariffs and anticipating correction at the WTO Hong Kong meeting. If the WTO had not intervened in propping up GE food and crop industry, as it has recently done in the decision against the European Unions’ opposition to Canola, genetically engineered foods and crops would have been banned years ago .Marcos: “We Are On the Eve of Either a Great Uprising or a Civil War”
25-11-2006 17:31
Calderón Will Begin to Fall from the Day He Takes Office, Warns the Rebel LeaderProtest Litvinkeno's murder at the Russian embassy in London, 1pm Saturday
23-11-2006 23:27
Alexander Litvinenko died this evening at University College Hospital, in Central London. A vocal critic of Russia's corrupt and murderous President, Vladimir Putin, Litvinenko is believed to have been poisoned by Russian agents on Putin's orders. The British government must not sweep this quietly under the carpet. Justice for Litvinenko!Eva Golinger's new book - BUSH VS. CHAVEZ
23-11-2006 13:37
HOW THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION IS TRYING TO UNDERMINE HUGO CHAVEZVenezuelan Autonomous Movements March in Caracas for Chavez
23-11-2006 04:08
Caracas, November, 22, 2006 ( - Thousands of Venezuelan campesinos, indigenous, roof-less (sin techo), union members, media activists, and members of land, water, health and community committees marched in Caracas on Monday. The political party, UPV (Union Popular Venezolana), led by Chavez militant, Lina Ron, also joined the demonstrations, where the various groups marched in support of Venezuelan President Chavez, for the consolidation of the revolution, and for the continued autonomous mobilization of their various movements.fingerprinting - the future is already here
22-11-2006 17:33
apologies for linking mainstream media stuff here, but i thought it may be of interest to see these two recent bbc website articles and their comments section on fingerprinting technology and the argument over rights.The strange disappearance of CIA's prisoners
22-11-2006 17:23
On 20 Nov 2006, The New Statesman led a cover story by Stephen Grey, the author of "Ghost Plane: the inside story of the CIA's secret rendition programme". Under the title "Missing Presumed Tortured", the article wondered whatever happened to the 7,000 or so prisoners captured in America's 'war on terror', when just 700 of them ended up in Guantanamo Bay. "Between extraordinary rendition to foreign jails and disappearance into the CIA's 'black sites'," Grey asks, "what happened to the rest?"
Read the full article
Related articles on Indymedia: Stop Torture Flights | Europe Knew | List of CIA Torture Planes | CIA's Secret Jails | CIA Aircraft Flying into Scotland
Urgent Action: Help save the life of brave journalist
22-11-2006 16:54
Colombian journalist FREDY MUÑOZ ALTAMIRANDA has been arrested by Colombia's notorious secret police after participating in a workshop organised by one of the BBC's US correspondents.Venezuela, Elections 2006: Anarchists Speak
21-11-2006 17:33
From the Commision of Anarchist Relations (Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas) and its organ El Libertario, we disseminate three texts in which we publically express our perspective on the upcoming Venezuelan elections of December 3, 2006.Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East”
21-11-2006 13:35

NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan has been successfully divided, all but in name. Animosity has been inseminated in the Levant, where a Palestinian civil war is being nurtured and divisions in Lebanon agitated. The Eastern Mediterranean has been successfully militarized by NATO. Syria and Iran continue to be demonized by the Western media, with a view to justifying a military agenda. In turn, the Western media has fed, on a daily basis, incorrect and biased notions that the populations of Iraq cannot co-exist and that the conflict is not a war of occupation but a "civil war" characterised by domestic strife between Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds.
Democrat Congressman calls for reinstating the draft
21-11-2006 09:50
Only two weeks after the US midterm elections, in which the overriding sentiment was public opposition to the war in Iraq, political debate in Washington has shifted markedly. Gone is any discussion of even a partial troop withdrawal in the near future. The main question within the political establishment is whether or not the US should send more troops to Iraq, and if so, how many and for how long.Full article | 1 addition | 15 comments
Newspaper editor collaborates with BNP
20-11-2006 19:08
Local newpaper editor Danny Lockwood is being sued by Dewsbury Labour MPShahid Malik.
Lockwood has decided this matter is all about freedom of speech and has decided to start a fighting fund to pay his legal team.
However he has enlisted the help of resident BNP "folk" band "Red Claire"
Red Claire consists of BNP councillors Colin Auty and Paul Cromie along with BNP candidate Frank Atack.
Red Claire played at this years BNP Red,White and Blue festival.
They are playing at the Park Public House in Batley,a pub that regularly holds BNP meetings and has even had Nick Griffin speak there.
This isn't the first time Lockwood and the Press have shown support for the BNP.
But this has been the most open and blatant.
Please register your polite protests with the Dewsbury Press.


Alternatively telephone them at 01924 439498
Please keep it polite please.
memorial service for son of Anni rainbow
20-11-2006 18:15

17-11-2006 18:56
THE HARM AT HOME AND ABROAD OF BUSH ADMINISTRATION POLICYCall for Telegraphs ‘Bin Laden story’ to be investigated by the PCC
17-11-2006 15:25
Demand that press plays fair and remains accurate. Not a call or impartiality but decent honest journalismUnconditional Basic Income - A Way to a Modern Socialism
17-11-2006 13:03
In a world full of concrete suffering, the particular individual and his inner nature can be assured in a new way. Trust is based on experiences made in experiments of alternative life and is neither naive nor blind. People would no longer be forced to only experience others as competitors on the foreign-determined market of capitalism.Targeting Iran?
16-11-2006 15:58
The United States has already started a campaign of destabilization through fomenting ethnic unrest. There have already been a series of explosions and bombings targeting mostly civilians, in Khuzestan and Kurdish cities bordering Iraq, and raids on government vehicles and even civilians in Baluchestan, on the Pakistani border, by small groups which have surfaced calling for independence.Organising for Fighting Unions: turning anger into workplace activism
16-11-2006 15:25
Activists gathered in London last Saturday to discuss the kind of trade unions we need todayNerve 9 Launched on Merseyside
16-11-2006 14:33