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UK Globalisation Newswire Archive

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Bob Brown on Global Democracy and World Parliament

02-04-2012 10:36

Bob Brown delivers the 3rd annual Green Oration

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Germany: anti-capitalist demonstration in Frankfurt (photos and videos)

01-04-2012 11:31

Germany: anti-capitalist demonstration in Frankfurt (photos and videos)

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(Nl) Billboards call for M31

31-03-2012 07:30

In several places in the Netherlands the billboards have started to announce M31, international day of action against capitalism....

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An Interview with Ed Greens: ‘Screaming Revolution’ & Palestine

30-03-2012 20:07

Beats, Rhymes & Revolution, Hackney Picture House, London, 29th March 2012
Ed Greens, 21 year old musical artist & poet from Camden Town, London performed at the Hackney Picture House yesterday. The show premiered the music video to ‘Screaming Revolution’ by Empdy x Ed Greens. I caught up with brother Ed to ask a few questions, particularly, how he came to start making ‘active’ music and why Palestine is a common thread in his music.

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#M31 Movie

29-03-2012 21:44

#m31 logo
#M31 – The Movie has been re-edited in English and is now online!

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Global General Strike - May 1st 2012

26-03-2012 17:09

This is a call for a 5 day weekend beginning Friday April 27th, culminating in global General Strike on Tuesday May 1st. We propose using this mobilization as a tool for realizing more global solidarity and mutual aid while creating and strengthening the necessary relations and conditions for revolutionary potential – here and now. We will strike, assemble, block and shut down the circuits of capital!

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Penny drops for local authority as IPC process begins

21-03-2012 01:19

over 1,000 protestors outside the gates of Hinkley Point
The following is a press release about the first undemocratic Infrastrucutre Planning Commission meeting to deal with the government plans for new nuclear build in the UK, radical changes have been introduced to the planning system to force through unwanted infrastructure by gagging communities opposed to such developments.

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London’s ‘Syria Global March’ - 17th March 2012

20-03-2012 19:20

'Syria Global March' Procession, London 17 03 12
On 17th March 2012, a global people’s march was called to commemorate the first anniversary of the Syrian Revolution with a demand to ‘an end the slaughter & carnage of innocent people by a barbaric regime.’ A video featuring conversations with Mohammed, the son of a Syrian Muslim Brotherhood member and a demonstrator, the procession and speeches from the day can be viewed here -

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The New Walking Dead

20-03-2012 07:09

They created the crisis and they offers now as the saviors. 2012 can not bring anything good having put wolves caring the hen house.

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Blood, Sweat, Gear: the human cost of the Olympics

15-03-2012 10:55

Outside Downing St

International and local speakers will discuss whether the Olympics legacy will be exploited garment workers and the marginalisation of east London communities. The leader of sweatshop workers in Bangladesh and community representatives in east London will speak out this month on the human cost of the Olympics. They will address a major conference staged by War on Want, after the anti-poverty charity accused top sportswear brands of exploiting Bangladeshi staff.

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Blood, Sweat and Gear: the human cost of the London Olympics

13-03-2012 18:06

International and local speakers will discuss whether the Olympics legacy will be exploited garment workers and the marginalisation of east London communities.

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Israel's Rogue Killing Machine

13-03-2012 13:53

Israel's entire history reflects depraved, out-of-control targeted and mass killings. Days of unrelenting bombing, murdering and injuring Gazans shows its contempt for law and human life. Netanyahu exceeds the worst of Ariel Sharon and other rogue Israeli leaders. Gideon Levy says Israel never had one like him before. He governs by deceit, mocks the peace process, and reflects extreme racist hate for Arabs. Murdering Gazans shows why. So did his comment saying he'll kill as many more as he wishes "as long as necessary" to achieve his degenerate aims. Four merciless bombing days left at least 25 dead and dozens injured, many seriously. Civilians, including children were victimized. Washington expressed support. ........

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Wake Up Call follow-up: Oxford coaches NHS rally in London this Wednesday

05-03-2012 15:52

Following the screening of Wake Up Call, a series of three films explaining the Coalition Government's proposals for the privatisation of the NHS, there was quite a lot of interest from people interested in getting hold of the film and also to go to the rally to be held this Wednesday.

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Alter-Globalisation Week - University of Essex

01-03-2012 22:54

From March 5th - 11th, the Universtiy of Essex will be hosting Alter-Globalisation week, seven days of discussions, talks, film screenings and workshops on neo-liberalism and resistance to globalisation across the world. All events are free and open to all, so come join us!

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James Murdoch Resigns and runs from justice....

29-02-2012 15:37

A long time ago when the seattle protests caused and earthquake under the mainstream media and caused it to split into two distinct groups.

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Today is just another day of destruction

28-02-2012 21:57

Today could have been a day to celebrate. Today is the deadline for proposals as set out in at the Durban COP for increasing the level of ambition on international co-operation on climate change. Instead, a silence broken only by the drum beat for war and destruction of our planet by the world's elites.

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Purchasing Prisoners, Creating Criminals & How Occupy Could be Next

28-02-2012 06:31

Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), owner of the largest private prison system in the United States, recently sent a letter to 48 states offering up to $250 million to manage government-owned detention centers. The letter lists the criteria of eligible purchases, which include an assurance that state corrections agencies “have sufficient inmate population to maintain a minimum 90 percent occupancy over the term of the contract.”

This guarantee isn’t difficult to rationalize when considering it from CCA’s point of view. They are paid by the government for each prisoner they house, so they want to house as many prisoners as possible in order to maximize their revenue.

But what if there aren’t enough prisoners to fill CCA’s quota? Private prisons have faced this dilemma before, and they’ve responded by buying prisoners through legislation, government infiltration and old-fashioned bribery. And in the not too distant future, these conditions may mean that the mass arrests of Occupy protesters could become a windfall for investors.

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The lies of a youthcare employee

26-02-2012 14:32

Exposing the lies and perjery of a youthcare employee, on the basis of a different riligion.
The courts and state do nothing to right this wrong.
The queen, who privatised childcare, could not care less.

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Militant Camp @ Arcadia Missa : Public events

26-02-2012 12:20


As part of the survival series artist Tom Bresolin will initiate a militant camp at arcadia missa.A week long social experimental performance camp. Involving physical and mental training to prepare for the inevitable apocalypse and collapse of capitalism

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UG#582 - The Cargo Cult of Money (Money = Hierarchy = Slavery)

26-02-2012 05:08

This week we keep our focus on the dark sides of the modern money system, hearing from monologuist Mike Daisy on why he considers money is a cargo cult, and Edward Griffin on the founding of the Federal Reserve system. We continue reading from David Graeber's Debt, The First 5000 Years, reaching chapter 6, Games with Sex and Death.