UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
Church of England: Dumping Caterpillar
14-02-2009 12:42
God whispered in the Church of England's ear and it dumped its shares in Caterpillar. This House of God had about £2.5m invested in a company that manufactures one of Israel's weapons of mass misery and destruction. After saying for years that they couldn't see anything unethical about it, Church bosses finally agreed with the rest of us that Caterpillar’s D-9 bulldozer, which is used in the Holy Land for the ugly purpose of demolishing Palestinian homes, uprooting olive groves and destroying civilian infrastructure, is more like a vicious weapon in Israel’s hands than a civil engineering tool.
Madan Lal Dhingra Public Meeting
14-02-2009 01:26
RGA Statement on Energy Sector Strikes
14-02-2009 01:12
A statement by Reading Grassroots Action on the current wave of energy workers strikes.Abolition of King Coal, Fossil Fuels, Nuclear Power and Weapons(update Friday Fe
13-02-2009 21:11
McLibel Film Night
12-02-2009 03:19
![The Flier They Could Not Rip Up!](/icon/2009/02/421917.jpg)
McLIBEL! The Story of Two People who Refused to say ‘Sorry’!
The postman and gardener who took on McDonald's. And won.
85-minute Director's Cut, released for McDonald's 50th birthday!
9pm at The Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone St, Forest Fields, Nottingham NG7 6HX on Wednesday 18th February.
Bilingual message to the people of the world and of France.
11-02-2009 13:33
I saw also, in my "around-the-world" trip that there are other strange things happening in some areas of free publication of other countries.I propose that the responsible collectives do communicate more among themselves and that they get better organized with their communities, so we can better defend freedom and real democracy against the Nazis.
Bilingual message to the people of the world and of France.
11-02-2009 12:41
I saw also, in my "around-the-world" trip that there are other strange things happening in some areas of free publication of other countries.I propose that the responsible collectives do communicate more among themselves and that they get better organized with their communities, so we can better defend freedom and real democracy against the Nazis.
Over Five Million Dead in Congo?
11-02-2009 07:54
...the story of war and plunder in Congo is not unreported. It is a story that has been censored, manipulated and covered up even when it is ostensibly being told.Millions of job losses threaten to trigger social unrest in China
10-02-2009 23:05
The Chinese government is facing a massive unemployment crisis, far worse than in the late 1990s, when lay-offs of more than 30 million workers from state enterprises led to a wave of militant protests. This time, the growing army of unemployed mainly consists of internal migrant workers from the countryside, who have been hit hard by plunging export orders in the urban manufacturing centres and the collapse of the construction boom.Obama paints a picture of economic catastrophe
10-02-2009 22:38
Addressing a national television audience in his first White House press conference, President Barack Obama, promoting his economic stimulus plan, used unprecedented language to characterize the deepening economic crisis. He described conditions of rapidly rising unemployment, growing demand at food banks, widespread foreclosures, the collapse of consumer spending and the failure of small businesses.NATO in the Persian Gulf: From World War 3 to the Istanbul Cooperation Initiativ
10-02-2009 21:45
Jean-Michel Boucheron, then outgoing chairman of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s Mediterranean and Middle East Special Group, said "that while Nato states did not have the same obligation to defend GCC countries as they would other alliance members in the event they were attacked, Nato would 'not remain indifferent' if a Gulf country were subject to aggression.
Obama’s economic “stimulus” paves way for multi-trillion-dollar bank handout
10-02-2009 10:10
In his weekly radio address Saturday, President Barack Obama endorsed the compromise stimulus plan worked out by a small group of Republican senators, right-wing Democratic Senator Ben Nelson and “independent Democrat” Joseph Lieberman, a fervent supporter of the war in Iraq who backed Republican presidential candidate John McCain against Obama in the November elections.Strikes in oil refineries and power stations
10-02-2009 01:01
The walk-outs and demonstrations by workers in oil refineries and power stations over the question of unemployment show the depth of anger in the working class faced with the tidal wave of redundancies brought about by the economic crisis. This wave of lay-offs and short-time working is not confined to Britain but is engulfing the globe. From the USA to China, from western Europe to Russia, no workers' job is safe; and even when they have work, wages are being cut and working conditions worsened.Imperialism can't offer any solution to the global crisis
10-02-2009 00:41
Economic recession, not only threw Iceland into the throes of bankruptcy, political protests against the social crisis, now even toppled its government. Obviously, because of structural recession, elsewhere this type of economic collapse will continue . Will Ukraine be next? And finally, who?Could Khatami be Iran's Obama?
09-02-2009 22:47
You have an economy in shambles, increasing international isolation, the danger of further wars, an unpopular millenarian president who thinks God put him in office to reshape the world, and an alarmed public across the board. And you have a liberal challenger to the woeful status quo who is known for an ability to reach out to conservatives and a dislike of social polarization, who is wildly popular with youth, women and liberals, but who might attract even conservative votes. Sound familiar? I am talking about Iran.US congresswoman says to squat in foreclosed houses
09-02-2009 00:06
After an $850 billion bailout for Wall Street and another $25 billion for the auto industry, struggling homeowners still await large-scale government assistance. The Obama administration says it’s working out the details of its plan to stem foreclosures. In the absence of government action so far, some are taking action on the local level. In Michigan, Wayne County Sheriff Warren Evans announced Monday he won’t enforce sales of foreclosed homes.And in Ohio, Rep. Marcy Kaptur is encouraging homeowners facing foreclosures to stay in their homes. Meanwhile, the government-backed mortgage giant Fannie Mae has agreed to restructure mortgages after a campaign led by one of its biggest critics, the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America.
Food is a human right, not a corporate commodity
08-02-2009 23:05
This is a response to a particularly bad Foreign Affairs article in which Collier, author of The Bottom Billion, suggests that what we need to combat hunger is to throw the peasant off the land, bring machinery to bear on agriculture, and plant GM crops.It is, as Aal et al note, a full-speed backward vision of agriculture, filled with wild fantasies of infinite production and zero environmental or social consequences. Frankly, it's a Stalinist vision, one that owes more to the dreams and delusions of the 1950s than anything else. In the next issue of Foreign Affairs, Paul Collier presents his solution to the transportation crisis: nuclear-powered flying cars.
The campaign for the bank users strike begins
08-02-2009 22:54
With this message from the Crisi collective, begins the Banks users strikeGreek banks downgraded!
08-02-2009 17:04
Three of the top Greek banks have been downgraded by the economic agency Moody’s, after losing 70 per cent of their share price in the Athens Stock Exchange during 2008.Full Disclosure or Damage Control
08-02-2009 15:38
Last week a High Court ruling confirmed Binyam Mohamed was tortured whilst in the custody of the US in the full knowledge and cooperation of the Blair government. Mohamed has claimed that he was beaten, scalded and subjected to sleep deprivation, starvation and other forms of extreme mental and physical torture. Furthermore, British authorities were aware of the extent of the torture that Mohammed was subjected to making them complicit in his unlawful detention and abuse.