Abolition of King Coal, Fossil Fuels, Nuclear Power and Weapons(update Friday Fe
Paradigm Shift Environmental Alliance | 13.02.2009 21:11 | Climate Chaos | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World
Burning Dinosaur
has no future
Abolition of King Coal, Fossil Fuels, Nuclear Power and Weapons(update Friday Feb 13. 2009)
February 13, 2009
Abolition of King Coal, Fossil Fuels, Nuclear Power and Weapons
July 13, 2008
(Thisdocument is sent to all global politicians, energy stakeholders, investment and banking houses etc., please post, link and circulate widely)
According to an old story, a lord of ancient China once asked his physician, a member of a family of healers, which of them was the most skilled in the art. The physician, whose reputation was such that his name became synonymous with medical science in China, replied, “My eldest sister sees the spirit of sickness and removes it before it takes shape, so her name does not get out of the house. My elder brother cures sickness when it is still extremely minute, so his name does not get out of the neighborhood. As for me, I puncture veins, prescribe medicines, and massage skin, so from time to time my name gets out and is heard among the lords.”
(Dr. Thomas Cleary’s introduction to Sun Tzu’s Art of War translation – note: Sun Tzu was writing at a time when Chinese civilization was embroiled in civil wars.)
War, Global Warming, financial calamity, starvation and suffering has become pornographic fodder world-wide. “The best and brightest” participate and profit by it regardless of their being on the right, left or the middle.
Chaos and Disorder are imbued and dispersed in our Knowledge-, Economic-, Climate-, even Wisdom networks of knowing. Politicians run amuck and Corporations have their blinders on to everything except what legally they are obligated to do – that is to make profit above all else. (see The Corporation documentary - What is a corporation?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pin8fbdGV9Y )
Too late is it now for long-term planning in the phase-out of King Coal and other Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Power and Weapons.
All Tribes, Nations, Communities and Peoples must call and ACT for the Full Abolition of King Coal, Fossil Fuels, Nuclear Power and Weapons immediately.
The Earth herself and all Species are our Allies
Abolition of King Coal, Fossil Fuels and Nuclear power and Weapons Everywhere!
Call for the Abolition in your community now-
Stop the Global Warming Machines!
Stop the Coming Genocides - Food/Water/Energy Chaos!
Divest from King coal
Weekly Vigil - presently July 13, 2008
Sunday Noon-1pm
Ottawa, Ontario - Canada
U.S. Embassy
490 Sussex Dr.
Paradigm Shift Environmental Alliance
Please see the following links or google “abolition king coal”
http://quebec.indymedia.org/en/node/28427 (previous document)
President George W Bush backs Israeli plan for strike on Iran
The Sunday Times July 13, 2008
President George W Bush has told the Israeli government that he may be prepared to approve a future military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities if negotiations with Tehran break down, according to a senior Pentagon official.
Despite the opposition of his own generals and widespread scepticism that America is ready to risk the military, political and economic consequences of an airborne strike on Iran, the president has given an “amber light” to an Israeli plan to attack Iran’s main nuclear sites with long-range bombing sorties, the official told The Sunday Times.
Iran ‘to target Israel, US bases’
Iran will target “the heart of Israel” and 32 US bases in the Gulf if they launch an attack on Iran, an Iranian official has warned.
Ayatollah Kashani Warns that Iran Must Be Accorded Proper Respect
Iranian Republic News, Islamic Republic of Iran
“Iran is ready for talks. So don’t raise such a hue and cry against Iran. Oh! the world’s liars! Oh Israel the liar! Oh White House the liar! If you do attack Iran, we’ll give you a response that will make you regret it.”
“Iran and Europe are ready for talks. Overall, Iran accepts the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program is completely clear.”
(Here we have the crux of the globally critical situation: “Dual-use technology” in this case, nuclear can be for civilian and/or military purposes. Iran is technically correct in the global confines of Energy security and Nuclear power. Yet, Israel is the Realist – in that the spin on nuclear power will not wash with its own National Security endangered.
And should President Bush or the Israelis pull the trigger,it’s de facto effect would also be to create the presumptive next president-a war President John McCain-the candidate who also represents without waiver King coal, fossil fuels, Nuclear power and weapons.
Six Arab states join rush to go nuclear
Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, UAE and Saudi Arabia seek atom technology
The London Times, November 4, 2006, By Richard Beeston, Diplomatic Editor
Total, Eni may offer nuclear for oil, gas - FT
Reuters UK - July 9, 2008
MILAN, July 9 (Reuters) - European energy firms Total (TOTF.PA: Quote, Profile, Research) and Eni (ENI.MI: Quote, Profile, Research) plan to offer help to build nuclear power stations in the Middle East to have a stronger negotiating position for oil and gas projects, the Financial Times reported in its European edition and on its Web site.
(PSEA UPDATE FEB.13)TORONTO, Feb. 4 .2009/CNW/ - Organization of CANDU Industries
(OCI) president Dr. Neil Alexander is urging decision-makers
to adopt a long-term perspective on Canada’s global nuclear
“The nuclear industry is experiencing a growth in demand
that will generate trillions of dollars of investment in new nuclear
plants around the world,” said Dr. Alexander.
“It’s a once-in-a-generation opportunity for Canada to forge its
place in the burgeoning global nuclear industry.”
Trillions of dollars in nuclear power and weapons will make the credit crisis look
like patty cakes. Like American Revolutionary Paul Revere, we must all be on the
midnight run to stem this flow, an Energy, Environmental, Economic Holocaust.
Middle Eastern States Seeking Nuclear Power
May 2008
Peter Crail and Jessica Lasky-Fink
In recent years, more than a dozen states in the Middle East have expressed an interest in developing nuclear energy. These states have offered a number of official rationales for their interest, including powering water desalination plants, diversifying their energy industry in the face of increasing energy demands, and furthering economic and scientific development. The timing of this renewed interest, which coincides with suspicions regarding Iran’s nuclear aspirations, suggests that security interests also provide a motivating factor for at least some states in the region.
Israel’s Nuclear Program and Middle East Peace
Council on Foreign Relations, Lionel Beehner
February 10, 2006
FutureGen Alliance dies on Sunday
The Southern June 13, 2008 - By Caleb Hale
The U.S. Department of Energy informed the group, set up to bring the billion-dollar clean coal power plant into reality, that is contract with the government ends Sunday
BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE, was the global co-ordinator for the FutureGen Alliance consisting of the largest coal and energy companies in the world including Rio Tinto, Peabody, BHP Billiton, Luminant, and China Huaneng Group…
Battelle Memorial Institute is also the global coordinator of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP.) It was also a critical part of the Manhattan Project to build the nuclear bomb specializing in uranium enrichment.
Battelle specializes in Biological, Chemical and Nuclear warfare. It is the go to “guy” for Big Oil etc., Exxon Mobil went to Battelle for an Environmental Assessment of the “Exxon Valdez’ oil spill., they are the go “guy” for Water safety etc.
Battelle is also now in charge of the Nation’s National Renewable Energy Strategy
Tuesday, July 29, 2008(psea update)
Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC Brings Together Key Partners Battelle and Midwest Research Institute to Manage National Renewable Energy Laboratory
On October 31, 2007, dozens of energy and nuclear experts wrote the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development
“We write to oppose the Department of Energy (DOE), Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) plan for reprocessing spent nuclear fuel because it undermines U.S. nonproliferation policy, would cost taxpayers $100 billion dollars or more … We urge you to eliminate funding for the program… Proposed enrichment or reprocessing programs in other countries create similar dangers. Clearly GNEP is fostering the spread of reprocessing technology and dangerous nuclear weapons-usable materials, undermining U.S. nonproliferation goals.
Bush’s Nuclear Reprocessing Plan Under Fire
Miles A. Pomper July/August 2008
The Bush administration’s Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) program, already under siege, has been further imperiled after recent action by several congressional panels and an April report from the congressional watchdog agency.
A nuclear-free world
By Ivo Daalder and John Holum October 5, 2007 Boston Globe
Senator Barack Obama pledged that as president he would say: “America seeks a world in which there are no nuclear weapons.” Former senator John Edwards has also pledged to lead an international effort to eliminate nuclear weapons, as has New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson.
And it isn’t just presidential candidates who are talking about a nuclear-free world. So are former statesmen like Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Bill Perry, and Sam Nunn. Writing in The Wall Street Journal last January, they urged that the United States set the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons, and proposed specific actions to that end.
British elders join ‘no more nukes’ call
Julia May, London
* July 1, 2008
TWO decades after the Cold War ended, some of the most influential elder statesmen are calling for a world free of nuclear weapons.
Four political and defence heavyweights from Britain yesterday threw their support behind an initiative by a group of their US counterparts. The three former foreign secretaries, including Sir Malcolm Rifkind, and a former NATO secretary-general, Lord George Robertson, said that a combination of nuclear proliferation and extremism had brought the world to the brink of a “new and dangerous phase”.
They demanded a dramatic reduction of nuclear stockpiles and urged British and European governments to back the anti-nuclear campaign being led by former US secretaries of state George Shultz and Henry Kissinger, former defence secretary William Perry and former chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sam Nunn.
In a Nutshell: McCain vs. Obama on National Security
The G8 fiddles while petro-civilization burns
Today, world oil consumption is about 84 million barrels a day. Oil analysts expect demand to reach 104 million barrels a day by 2020 and then climb considerably higher. Oil production, however, is expected to stall at below 100 million barrels a day by 2012. Ergo, not enough to go around. What will happen, then, when demand outstrips supply, the reserves are even tougher to get at, and worth yet more than the $140 a barrel they fetch today? Fortunes, nations, coalitions, empires and regimes are at stake. ..
Big Oil Returns to Iraq
By Patrick Cockburn, The Independent UK. Posted June 21, 2008.
The return of the four major Western oil companies will be greeted with dismay by many Iraqis who fear losing control of their vast oil reserves.
Nearly four decades after the four biggest Western oil companies were expelled from Iraq by Saddam Hussein, they are negotiating their return. By the end of the month, Royal Dutch Shell, BP, Exxon Mobil and Total will sign agreements with the Baghdad government, Iraq’s first with big Western oil firms since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 ..
Posted AT 2:30 AM EDT on 19/06/08
Pipeline opens new front in Afghan war
SHAWN MCCARTHY From Thursday’s Globe and Mail
OTTAWA — Afghanistan and three of its neighbouring countries have agreed to build a $7.6-billion (U.S.) pipeline that would deliver natural gas from Turkmenistan to energy-starved Pakistan and India – a project running right through the volatile Kandahar province – raising questions about what role Canadian Forces may play in defending the project.
G-8 Gamble: Pols Hope for Salvation in ‘Clean Coal’
Posted by Keith Johnson Wall Street Journal, July 8, 2008
Plenty of environmentalists—and not a few politicians—are disappointed with the G-8’s long-awaited plan to curb greenhouse-gas emissions and fight climate change. But one group should be thrilled: anybody with a stake in the future of “clean coal.”
Susan Estrich: Harry Reid Is Correct on Coal Issue
Wednesday, July 02, 2008, By Susan Estrich
LOS ANGELES — Harry Reid is right.
Coal does make us sick.
It’s not even debatable. It’s just the truth. The fact that Republicans think they can use this fact against Democrats tells me just how out of touch they are with the new realities of American politics. The only question is whether the McCain campaign will turn out to be equally misguided.
Green protesters hijack train carrying 1,000 tonnes of coal
By Dave Higgens, Saturday, 14 June 2008
Riot police last night boarded a coal train which had been stopped by climate protesters as it headed for one of Europe’s biggest power stations. Dozens of officers surrounded the locomotive which was halted a few miles south of Drax power station, North Yorkshire. ..
Protesters oppose Somerset coal gasification plant
Posted by David Beard, Boston.com Staff, July 11, 2008 08:33 AM
By Beth Daley, Globe Staff
The state may be a leader in pushing green energy, but coal is undeniably in our future.
And yesterday, dozens of youth activists in the region delivered a pile of coal to the state’s Executive Office of Energy and the Environment to tell officials they don’t want it to be. ..
Russia power firms turn away from coal as cost surges
By Simon Shuster and Jackie Cowhig
MOSCOW, July 7 (Reuters) - Russian power producers expect coal prices to follow the cost of gas sharply upward in the coming years, and are switching away from coal as much as possible, said the head of one of Russia’s largest power firms.
AG seeks to slow coal-fired plant’s approval process
BY CHRIS RIZO, July 10 2008
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (Legal Newsline)—New Mexico Attorney General Gary King has filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and supporters of the proposed Desert Rock power plant on Navajo Nation trust land in the Four Corners area of the state
Desert Rock coal-fired plant is owned by Sithe Global who in turn are owned by the world’s, largest private equity corporation, Blackstone.
Brian Mulroney joins Blackstone board Firm takes on new directors as it prepares for blockbuster IPO
OTTAWA — Former prime minister Brian Mulroney has been named to the board of directors at Blackstone Group PLC, just as the U.S. private equity firm prepares for a blockbuster IPO.
Blackstone said in a regulatory filing Monday it has also named Lord Jacob Rothschild as a director.
Energy Association worried about coal
Monday, 07/07/2008
The power industry has warned that Australia needs to look after its coal industry in the face of reduced greenhouse gas emissions targets…
The world’s largest Coal mining and Uranium corp etc., is RIO TINTO
Both the firm Rio Tinto and its name come from southern Spain, where the Río Tinto (Spanish ‘Red River’) was the site of an ancient mine [1] which supplied the Phoenicians, Ancient Greeks, Carthaginians and the Roman Empire. Its water is red-colored because of highly acidic pollution from acid mine drainage.
In 1873 N M Rothschild & Sons of London and de Rothschild Frères of Paris joined with other investors to acquire the Spanish government’s money-losing Rio Tinto mines. The new owners restructured the company and turned it into a profitable business. From 1877 through 1891, the Rio Tinto mine was the world’s leading producer of copper.[3] By 1905, the Rothschild interest in Rio Tinto amounted to more than 30 percent. Alfred Milner, 1st Viscount Milner served as chairmen for a period before World War One.
During the Spanish civil war (1936-39) Rio Tinto sold pyrites to the fascists on credit which allowed General Franco to trade with Hitler and finance the war against Republican Spain. British investment in Spain was also a major consideration for British non-intervention in Spain.[4]
Barrick Gold: Planned Environmental Catastrophe in the Andean Cordillera Pascua Lama Open-cast mine
No to Pascua Lama Open-cast mine in the Andean Cordillera
Halt the destruction of glaciers providing pure water
No to Pascua Lama Open-cast mine in the Andean Cordillera on the Chilean-Argentine frontier. We ask the Chilean Government not to authorize the Pascua Lama project to protect the whole of 3 glaciers, the purity of the water of the San Felix Valley and El Transito, the quality of the agricultural land of the region of Atacama, the quality of life of the Diaguita people and of the whole population of the region.
Judge for yourself if you want to take action. In the Valle de San Felix, the purest water in Chile runs from 2 rivers, fed by 2 glaciers. Water is a most precious resource, and wars will be fought for it. Indigenous farmers use the water, there is no unemployment, and they provide the second largest source of income for the area. Under the glaciers has been found a huge deposit of gold, silver and other minerals. To get at these, it would be necessary to break, to destroy the glaciers - something never conceived of in the history of the orld - and to make 2 huge holes, each as big as a whole mountain, one for extraction and one for the mine’s rubbish tip. The project is called PASCUA LAMA. The company is called Barrick Gold…
China chases ultra low quality, cheap coal
By Jackie Cowhig and Rujun Shen
LONDON/SHANGHAI, July 11 (Reuters) - Coal end-users in China and India have given up waiting for standard quality prices to fall — instead seeking extremely low quality coal which matches their target prices, traders and producers said.
U.N. Warming Program Draws Fire
By Jeffrey Ball
Wall Street journal
A United Nations program designed to combat global warming has started doing something no one expected: It is subsidizing fossil-fuel power plants that spew millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere annually.
World coal fired power plant capacity to increase by 60%
July 14, 2008 - According to latest forecasts in “Coal Fired Boilers: World Analysis and Forecast” published by the McIlvaine Company, World coal capacity is expected to reach approximately 2,500 GW by the end of 2020, an increase of nearly 60% from 2008.
Climate campaigners threaten to invade and shut down power plant
By Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor
Friday, 11 July 2008
Green activists are vowing to force their way into one of Britain’s biggest power stations next month in what will be the most serious clash yet between the burgeoning climate change protest movement and the authorities…
Vietnam to Produce More Coal in 2010
Posted on: Wednesday, 9 July 2008, 09:00 CDT
Vietnam to produce more coal in 2010
HANOI, July 8 (Xinhua) — Vietnam will, under a recent national coal development strategy, explore more coal mines, and exploit more coal using advanced and environmentally-friendly technologies in the coming years, according to local newspaper Vietnam Economic Times on Tuesday.
Northern councils urge Shell to halt methane hunt
WENDY STUECK , July 9, 2008
Municipal councils in Smithers and Prince Rupert have passed a resolution calling for an immediate halt to coal-bed methane exploration in the region, throwing their weight behind native and environmental groups that have been lobbying against Shell Canada’s plans to hunt for coal-bed gas there.
“There are a lot of unanswered issues,” Smithers Mayor Jim Davidson said Monday. “And the biggest one is what impact it will have on rivers.”
Coal War: Georgia Court Halts Construction of New Coal-Fired Plant: First-ever thumbs-down by a court based on greenhouse gas as a pollutant
By David Biello Scientific American July 4 2008
Tribes look to benefit from energy sources - Royalties rising as hope grows for more development
By MATTHEW BROWN, Associated Press
Sunday, July 13, 2008
CROW AGENCY, Mont. - They tried casinos on the Crow Indian reservation. The one designed to bring in the biggest crowds, Res-a-Vegas, went bust within a year and is now a fireworks stand.
But now the Crow are convinced a really big jackpot lies below the surface: coal…(coal to liquids)…
Vigil/Info Picket against Nuclear Power and Privatization of Ontario Power Wed February 25, 2009, Toronto, ON (psea update)
Ontario Power Generation building (OPG)
700 University Avenue corner of College/University Av,
Toronto, ON M5S 1VO
Say No to Ontario Power Authority Disempowerment
Say No to Nuclear Power, Gas and Coal plants
Say No to $40 Billion for Nukes
Say No to privatization of Ontario Power
Say Yes to Green Jobs, Social Safety Net, Anti-Poverty Programs, Ending Child Poverty etc.
Say Yes to 100% Public Power
Say Yes to 100% Energy Efficient Infrastructure (old and new)
Say Yes to 100% Renewable Energy
Vigil-Info picket
say no to Nuclear Power
11-12 noon / Wednesday February 25, 2009
Ontario Power Generation Bldg corner of University and College,
Toronto Across from Queen’s Park
Paradigm Shift Environmental Alliance(a homeless network of transborder activists, students, academics, Aboriginal etc.)
Paradigm Shift Environmental Alliance (a homeless network of transborder activists, students, academics, Aboriginal etc.)
The Great Struggle Continues….
has no future
Abolition of King Coal, Fossil Fuels, Nuclear Power and Weapons(update Friday Feb 13. 2009)
February 13, 2009
Abolition of King Coal, Fossil Fuels, Nuclear Power and Weapons
July 13, 2008
(Thisdocument is sent to all global politicians, energy stakeholders, investment and banking houses etc., please post, link and circulate widely)
According to an old story, a lord of ancient China once asked his physician, a member of a family of healers, which of them was the most skilled in the art. The physician, whose reputation was such that his name became synonymous with medical science in China, replied, “My eldest sister sees the spirit of sickness and removes it before it takes shape, so her name does not get out of the house. My elder brother cures sickness when it is still extremely minute, so his name does not get out of the neighborhood. As for me, I puncture veins, prescribe medicines, and massage skin, so from time to time my name gets out and is heard among the lords.”
(Dr. Thomas Cleary’s introduction to Sun Tzu’s Art of War translation – note: Sun Tzu was writing at a time when Chinese civilization was embroiled in civil wars.)
War, Global Warming, financial calamity, starvation and suffering has become pornographic fodder world-wide. “The best and brightest” participate and profit by it regardless of their being on the right, left or the middle.
Chaos and Disorder are imbued and dispersed in our Knowledge-, Economic-, Climate-, even Wisdom networks of knowing. Politicians run amuck and Corporations have their blinders on to everything except what legally they are obligated to do – that is to make profit above all else. (see The Corporation documentary - What is a corporation?

Too late is it now for long-term planning in the phase-out of King Coal and other Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Power and Weapons.
All Tribes, Nations, Communities and Peoples must call and ACT for the Full Abolition of King Coal, Fossil Fuels, Nuclear Power and Weapons immediately.
The Earth herself and all Species are our Allies
Abolition of King Coal, Fossil Fuels and Nuclear power and Weapons Everywhere!
Call for the Abolition in your community now-
Stop the Global Warming Machines!
Stop the Coming Genocides - Food/Water/Energy Chaos!
Divest from King coal
Weekly Vigil - presently July 13, 2008
Sunday Noon-1pm
Ottawa, Ontario - Canada
U.S. Embassy
490 Sussex Dr.
Paradigm Shift Environmental Alliance

Please see the following links or google “abolition king coal”

President George W Bush backs Israeli plan for strike on Iran
The Sunday Times July 13, 2008

President George W Bush has told the Israeli government that he may be prepared to approve a future military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities if negotiations with Tehran break down, according to a senior Pentagon official.
Despite the opposition of his own generals and widespread scepticism that America is ready to risk the military, political and economic consequences of an airborne strike on Iran, the president has given an “amber light” to an Israeli plan to attack Iran’s main nuclear sites with long-range bombing sorties, the official told The Sunday Times.
Iran ‘to target Israel, US bases’

Iran will target “the heart of Israel” and 32 US bases in the Gulf if they launch an attack on Iran, an Iranian official has warned.
Ayatollah Kashani Warns that Iran Must Be Accorded Proper Respect
Iranian Republic News, Islamic Republic of Iran

“Iran is ready for talks. So don’t raise such a hue and cry against Iran. Oh! the world’s liars! Oh Israel the liar! Oh White House the liar! If you do attack Iran, we’ll give you a response that will make you regret it.”
“Iran and Europe are ready for talks. Overall, Iran accepts the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program is completely clear.”
(Here we have the crux of the globally critical situation: “Dual-use technology” in this case, nuclear can be for civilian and/or military purposes. Iran is technically correct in the global confines of Energy security and Nuclear power. Yet, Israel is the Realist – in that the spin on nuclear power will not wash with its own National Security endangered.
And should President Bush or the Israelis pull the trigger,it’s de facto effect would also be to create the presumptive next president-a war President John McCain-the candidate who also represents without waiver King coal, fossil fuels, Nuclear power and weapons.
Six Arab states join rush to go nuclear
Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, UAE and Saudi Arabia seek atom technology
The London Times, November 4, 2006, By Richard Beeston, Diplomatic Editor

Total, Eni may offer nuclear for oil, gas - FT
Reuters UK - July 9, 2008

MILAN, July 9 (Reuters) - European energy firms Total (TOTF.PA: Quote, Profile, Research) and Eni (ENI.MI: Quote, Profile, Research) plan to offer help to build nuclear power stations in the Middle East to have a stronger negotiating position for oil and gas projects, the Financial Times reported in its European edition and on its Web site.
(PSEA UPDATE FEB.13)TORONTO, Feb. 4 .2009/CNW/ - Organization of CANDU Industries
(OCI) president Dr. Neil Alexander is urging decision-makers
to adopt a long-term perspective on Canada’s global nuclear
“The nuclear industry is experiencing a growth in demand
that will generate trillions of dollars of investment in new nuclear
plants around the world,” said Dr. Alexander.
“It’s a once-in-a-generation opportunity for Canada to forge its
place in the burgeoning global nuclear industry.”

Trillions of dollars in nuclear power and weapons will make the credit crisis look
like patty cakes. Like American Revolutionary Paul Revere, we must all be on the
midnight run to stem this flow, an Energy, Environmental, Economic Holocaust.

Middle Eastern States Seeking Nuclear Power
May 2008

Peter Crail and Jessica Lasky-Fink
In recent years, more than a dozen states in the Middle East have expressed an interest in developing nuclear energy. These states have offered a number of official rationales for their interest, including powering water desalination plants, diversifying their energy industry in the face of increasing energy demands, and furthering economic and scientific development. The timing of this renewed interest, which coincides with suspicions regarding Iran’s nuclear aspirations, suggests that security interests also provide a motivating factor for at least some states in the region.
Israel’s Nuclear Program and Middle East Peace
Council on Foreign Relations, Lionel Beehner
February 10, 2006

FutureGen Alliance dies on Sunday
The Southern June 13, 2008 - By Caleb Hale
The U.S. Department of Energy informed the group, set up to bring the billion-dollar clean coal power plant into reality, that is contract with the government ends Sunday

BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE, was the global co-ordinator for the FutureGen Alliance consisting of the largest coal and energy companies in the world including Rio Tinto, Peabody, BHP Billiton, Luminant, and China Huaneng Group…
Battelle Memorial Institute is also the global coordinator of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP.) It was also a critical part of the Manhattan Project to build the nuclear bomb specializing in uranium enrichment.
Battelle specializes in Biological, Chemical and Nuclear warfare. It is the go to “guy” for Big Oil etc., Exxon Mobil went to Battelle for an Environmental Assessment of the “Exxon Valdez’ oil spill., they are the go “guy” for Water safety etc.
Battelle is also now in charge of the Nation’s National Renewable Energy Strategy
Tuesday, July 29, 2008(psea update)
Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC Brings Together Key Partners Battelle and Midwest Research Institute to Manage National Renewable Energy Laboratory

On October 31, 2007, dozens of energy and nuclear experts wrote the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development

“We write to oppose the Department of Energy (DOE), Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) plan for reprocessing spent nuclear fuel because it undermines U.S. nonproliferation policy, would cost taxpayers $100 billion dollars or more … We urge you to eliminate funding for the program… Proposed enrichment or reprocessing programs in other countries create similar dangers. Clearly GNEP is fostering the spread of reprocessing technology and dangerous nuclear weapons-usable materials, undermining U.S. nonproliferation goals.
Bush’s Nuclear Reprocessing Plan Under Fire
Miles A. Pomper July/August 2008

The Bush administration’s Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) program, already under siege, has been further imperiled after recent action by several congressional panels and an April report from the congressional watchdog agency.
A nuclear-free world
By Ivo Daalder and John Holum October 5, 2007 Boston Globe

Senator Barack Obama pledged that as president he would say: “America seeks a world in which there are no nuclear weapons.” Former senator John Edwards has also pledged to lead an international effort to eliminate nuclear weapons, as has New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson.
And it isn’t just presidential candidates who are talking about a nuclear-free world. So are former statesmen like Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Bill Perry, and Sam Nunn. Writing in The Wall Street Journal last January, they urged that the United States set the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons, and proposed specific actions to that end.
British elders join ‘no more nukes’ call
Julia May, London

* July 1, 2008
TWO decades after the Cold War ended, some of the most influential elder statesmen are calling for a world free of nuclear weapons.
Four political and defence heavyweights from Britain yesterday threw their support behind an initiative by a group of their US counterparts. The three former foreign secretaries, including Sir Malcolm Rifkind, and a former NATO secretary-general, Lord George Robertson, said that a combination of nuclear proliferation and extremism had brought the world to the brink of a “new and dangerous phase”.
They demanded a dramatic reduction of nuclear stockpiles and urged British and European governments to back the anti-nuclear campaign being led by former US secretaries of state George Shultz and Henry Kissinger, former defence secretary William Perry and former chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sam Nunn.
In a Nutshell: McCain vs. Obama on National Security

The G8 fiddles while petro-civilization burns

Today, world oil consumption is about 84 million barrels a day. Oil analysts expect demand to reach 104 million barrels a day by 2020 and then climb considerably higher. Oil production, however, is expected to stall at below 100 million barrels a day by 2012. Ergo, not enough to go around. What will happen, then, when demand outstrips supply, the reserves are even tougher to get at, and worth yet more than the $140 a barrel they fetch today? Fortunes, nations, coalitions, empires and regimes are at stake. ..
Big Oil Returns to Iraq
By Patrick Cockburn, The Independent UK. Posted June 21, 2008.

The return of the four major Western oil companies will be greeted with dismay by many Iraqis who fear losing control of their vast oil reserves.
Nearly four decades after the four biggest Western oil companies were expelled from Iraq by Saddam Hussein, they are negotiating their return. By the end of the month, Royal Dutch Shell, BP, Exxon Mobil and Total will sign agreements with the Baghdad government, Iraq’s first with big Western oil firms since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 ..
Posted AT 2:30 AM EDT on 19/06/08

Pipeline opens new front in Afghan war
SHAWN MCCARTHY From Thursday’s Globe and Mail
OTTAWA — Afghanistan and three of its neighbouring countries have agreed to build a $7.6-billion (U.S.) pipeline that would deliver natural gas from Turkmenistan to energy-starved Pakistan and India – a project running right through the volatile Kandahar province – raising questions about what role Canadian Forces may play in defending the project.
G-8 Gamble: Pols Hope for Salvation in ‘Clean Coal’
Posted by Keith Johnson Wall Street Journal, July 8, 2008

Plenty of environmentalists—and not a few politicians—are disappointed with the G-8’s long-awaited plan to curb greenhouse-gas emissions and fight climate change. But one group should be thrilled: anybody with a stake in the future of “clean coal.”
Susan Estrich: Harry Reid Is Correct on Coal Issue
Wednesday, July 02, 2008, By Susan Estrich

LOS ANGELES — Harry Reid is right.
Coal does make us sick.
It’s not even debatable. It’s just the truth. The fact that Republicans think they can use this fact against Democrats tells me just how out of touch they are with the new realities of American politics. The only question is whether the McCain campaign will turn out to be equally misguided.
Green protesters hijack train carrying 1,000 tonnes of coal
By Dave Higgens, Saturday, 14 June 2008

Riot police last night boarded a coal train which had been stopped by climate protesters as it headed for one of Europe’s biggest power stations. Dozens of officers surrounded the locomotive which was halted a few miles south of Drax power station, North Yorkshire. ..
Protesters oppose Somerset coal gasification plant

Posted by David Beard, Boston.com Staff, July 11, 2008 08:33 AM
By Beth Daley, Globe Staff
The state may be a leader in pushing green energy, but coal is undeniably in our future.
And yesterday, dozens of youth activists in the region delivered a pile of coal to the state’s Executive Office of Energy and the Environment to tell officials they don’t want it to be. ..
Russia power firms turn away from coal as cost surges
By Simon Shuster and Jackie Cowhig

MOSCOW, July 7 (Reuters) - Russian power producers expect coal prices to follow the cost of gas sharply upward in the coming years, and are switching away from coal as much as possible, said the head of one of Russia’s largest power firms.
AG seeks to slow coal-fired plant’s approval process

BY CHRIS RIZO, July 10 2008
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (Legal Newsline)—New Mexico Attorney General Gary King has filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and supporters of the proposed Desert Rock power plant on Navajo Nation trust land in the Four Corners area of the state

Desert Rock coal-fired plant is owned by Sithe Global who in turn are owned by the world’s, largest private equity corporation, Blackstone.
Brian Mulroney joins Blackstone board Firm takes on new directors as it prepares for blockbuster IPO

OTTAWA — Former prime minister Brian Mulroney has been named to the board of directors at Blackstone Group PLC, just as the U.S. private equity firm prepares for a blockbuster IPO.
Blackstone said in a regulatory filing Monday it has also named Lord Jacob Rothschild as a director.
Energy Association worried about coal
Monday, 07/07/2008

The power industry has warned that Australia needs to look after its coal industry in the face of reduced greenhouse gas emissions targets…
The world’s largest Coal mining and Uranium corp etc., is RIO TINTO

Both the firm Rio Tinto and its name come from southern Spain, where the Río Tinto (Spanish ‘Red River’) was the site of an ancient mine [1] which supplied the Phoenicians, Ancient Greeks, Carthaginians and the Roman Empire. Its water is red-colored because of highly acidic pollution from acid mine drainage.
In 1873 N M Rothschild & Sons of London and de Rothschild Frères of Paris joined with other investors to acquire the Spanish government’s money-losing Rio Tinto mines. The new owners restructured the company and turned it into a profitable business. From 1877 through 1891, the Rio Tinto mine was the world’s leading producer of copper.[3] By 1905, the Rothschild interest in Rio Tinto amounted to more than 30 percent. Alfred Milner, 1st Viscount Milner served as chairmen for a period before World War One.
During the Spanish civil war (1936-39) Rio Tinto sold pyrites to the fascists on credit which allowed General Franco to trade with Hitler and finance the war against Republican Spain. British investment in Spain was also a major consideration for British non-intervention in Spain.[4]
Barrick Gold: Planned Environmental Catastrophe in the Andean Cordillera Pascua Lama Open-cast mine

No to Pascua Lama Open-cast mine in the Andean Cordillera
Halt the destruction of glaciers providing pure water
No to Pascua Lama Open-cast mine in the Andean Cordillera on the Chilean-Argentine frontier. We ask the Chilean Government not to authorize the Pascua Lama project to protect the whole of 3 glaciers, the purity of the water of the San Felix Valley and El Transito, the quality of the agricultural land of the region of Atacama, the quality of life of the Diaguita people and of the whole population of the region.
Judge for yourself if you want to take action. In the Valle de San Felix, the purest water in Chile runs from 2 rivers, fed by 2 glaciers. Water is a most precious resource, and wars will be fought for it. Indigenous farmers use the water, there is no unemployment, and they provide the second largest source of income for the area. Under the glaciers has been found a huge deposit of gold, silver and other minerals. To get at these, it would be necessary to break, to destroy the glaciers - something never conceived of in the history of the orld - and to make 2 huge holes, each as big as a whole mountain, one for extraction and one for the mine’s rubbish tip. The project is called PASCUA LAMA. The company is called Barrick Gold…
China chases ultra low quality, cheap coal

By Jackie Cowhig and Rujun Shen
LONDON/SHANGHAI, July 11 (Reuters) - Coal end-users in China and India have given up waiting for standard quality prices to fall — instead seeking extremely low quality coal which matches their target prices, traders and producers said.
U.N. Warming Program Draws Fire
By Jeffrey Ball
Wall Street journal

A United Nations program designed to combat global warming has started doing something no one expected: It is subsidizing fossil-fuel power plants that spew millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere annually.
World coal fired power plant capacity to increase by 60%

July 14, 2008 - According to latest forecasts in “Coal Fired Boilers: World Analysis and Forecast” published by the McIlvaine Company, World coal capacity is expected to reach approximately 2,500 GW by the end of 2020, an increase of nearly 60% from 2008.
Climate campaigners threaten to invade and shut down power plant
By Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor
Friday, 11 July 2008

Green activists are vowing to force their way into one of Britain’s biggest power stations next month in what will be the most serious clash yet between the burgeoning climate change protest movement and the authorities…
Vietnam to Produce More Coal in 2010
Posted on: Wednesday, 9 July 2008, 09:00 CDT

Vietnam to produce more coal in 2010
HANOI, July 8 (Xinhua) — Vietnam will, under a recent national coal development strategy, explore more coal mines, and exploit more coal using advanced and environmentally-friendly technologies in the coming years, according to local newspaper Vietnam Economic Times on Tuesday.
Northern councils urge Shell to halt methane hunt
WENDY STUECK , July 9, 2008

Municipal councils in Smithers and Prince Rupert have passed a resolution calling for an immediate halt to coal-bed methane exploration in the region, throwing their weight behind native and environmental groups that have been lobbying against Shell Canada’s plans to hunt for coal-bed gas there.
“There are a lot of unanswered issues,” Smithers Mayor Jim Davidson said Monday. “And the biggest one is what impact it will have on rivers.”
Coal War: Georgia Court Halts Construction of New Coal-Fired Plant: First-ever thumbs-down by a court based on greenhouse gas as a pollutant
By David Biello Scientific American July 4 2008

Tribes look to benefit from energy sources - Royalties rising as hope grows for more development
By MATTHEW BROWN, Associated Press
Sunday, July 13, 2008

CROW AGENCY, Mont. - They tried casinos on the Crow Indian reservation. The one designed to bring in the biggest crowds, Res-a-Vegas, went bust within a year and is now a fireworks stand.
But now the Crow are convinced a really big jackpot lies below the surface: coal…(coal to liquids)…
Vigil/Info Picket against Nuclear Power and Privatization of Ontario Power Wed February 25, 2009, Toronto, ON (psea update)
Ontario Power Generation building (OPG)
700 University Avenue corner of College/University Av,
Toronto, ON M5S 1VO
Say No to Ontario Power Authority Disempowerment
Say No to Nuclear Power, Gas and Coal plants
Say No to $40 Billion for Nukes
Say No to privatization of Ontario Power
Say Yes to Green Jobs, Social Safety Net, Anti-Poverty Programs, Ending Child Poverty etc.
Say Yes to 100% Public Power
Say Yes to 100% Energy Efficient Infrastructure (old and new)
Say Yes to 100% Renewable Energy
Vigil-Info picket
say no to Nuclear Power
11-12 noon / Wednesday February 25, 2009
Ontario Power Generation Bldg corner of University and College,
Toronto Across from Queen’s Park
Paradigm Shift Environmental Alliance(a homeless network of transborder activists, students, academics, Aboriginal etc.)
Paradigm Shift Environmental Alliance (a homeless network of transborder activists, students, academics, Aboriginal etc.)
The Great Struggle Continues….
Paradigm Shift Environmental Alliance