UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
African Activists: Make Poverty History is being co-opted
08-07-2005 12:37
Patrick Bond, Dennis Brutus and Virginia Setshedi argue that the celebrity chasing paternalism of Make Poverty History and the Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) is an unwelcome retreat from the global democratic challenge to market-led globalisation.Images from the 'Horizone' eco-village at Stirling
08-07-2005 11:47
The Shy Man
08-07-2005 11:12
The London Bombings: Time for Blair to Wake Up or Resign
08-07-2005 10:23
The US & UK’s oil & war-hungry foreign-policies look set to see London and other major western cities facing years, perhaps decades, of terrorist guerrilla warfare. Could our elected representatives be doing more to speak out against the illegal wars that have precipitated these barbaric acts?M9 drumming Blockade and Cow Stampede
08-07-2005 04:26
Explosive interview - Stop and search techniques woefully inadequate
08-07-2005 02:04
Police operation in Auchterada
08-07-2005 01:00
The Security fence comes down.
08-07-2005 00:39
07-07-2005 23:56
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.Photos from the G8 summit in gleneagles
07-07-2005 21:42
ps please acredit sal achhala if u use the photos
Stirling campsite update
07-07-2005 21:04
All morning, people have been allowed to leave on one by one basis on condition that they are searched, they give names, are filmed/photographed and have good excuse to leave (like catching a train). In the afternoon, two large groups (around 300) attempted to leave the campsite.London bombing to the eyes of the third world
07-07-2005 20:38
What is the feeling in the so called third world about the bombing?As in all matters, all depends on the glass you see the reality thru.
general statement on police allowing G8 protest
07-07-2005 18:41
i know this is the wrong space to publish this kind of mainstream statement, but i posted it on bbc "have your say"- while submitting it I realised that they wont publish it anyway. So, posting it here is kinda just to beat my frustration with the corporate media.The BBC discussion was on the issue of allowing G8 protests.
Action at Gleneagles
07-07-2005 17:47
barcelona action agains g8 and climate caos
07-07-2005 17:31
Ciao G8!
Freedom for the arrested people!
G8 Tocat i Enfonsat
GW8 Audio: Global Warming 8 Counter Conference Recordings
07-07-2005 17:16
Global Warming 8 (GW8) was hosted by the unique coalition of the UK's leading aid and environment agencies, the Working Group on Climate Change and Development formed to fight the unprecedented threat climate change poses to human development. It offered a 'reality check' to the G8 heads of state as people from eight developing nations outline the devastating impact to be expected if climate change goes unchecked.
Bitter: Chronicle of the final Boddingtons Strike
07-07-2005 16:05
Get a clue -- terrorists don't throw rocks, London bombings and the G8
07-07-2005 15:37
British and London authorities should be ashamed of themselves. While1500 London police are over in Scotland, part of a 15,000-strong
policing force, watching people chant and march
against the G8, they leave their home unprotected from real terrorists.