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UK Bio-technology Newswire Archive

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This Year's Flu Shots Causing Guillain-Barre and Other Lethal Effects

28-01-2014 18:25

British, US, and other companies making lethal quadrivalent flu shots

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London ‘March Against Monsanto’ 12th Oct 2013 - report/pics

13-10-2013 15:53

march against monsanto, london
Yesterday’s ‘March against Monsanto’ was organised by, and was part of a global action with events in around 400 cities around the world. The march from Temple station ended in a very informative rally outside Parliament in Old Palace Yard.

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Campesino strike in Colombia

08-10-2013 20:23

The struggle for recognition of the basic rights of the Colombian, rural population has reached what could be a point of no return as the consequences of recent free trade agreements signed by the Colombian government with the USA, Europe and South Korea among others, take their toll.

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The latest on GM food, info nights next week

30-08-2013 10:22

Wednesday 4th September 2013
Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU. 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Free.
Similar events in Edinburgh, Manchester and Newport throughout the week. See website for details.

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UG#657 - Rounding Up The Opposition (Glyphosate Risks, David versus Monsanto)

29-07-2013 22:17

A two part look at the practice of Genetic Engineering as carried out by Monsanto. We begin with a radio adaptation of 2009 film "David versus Monsanto". Then it's an in depth look at what the Wikipedia thought police describe as a "virtually ideal herbicide": Monsanto's glyphosate. Senior Research Scientist Stephanie Seneff, publisher of a recent papers suggesting that glyphosate (roundup) may be implicated in many of the diseases which are now increasing in prevalence in USA.

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FLF (food liberation front) action last friday - some pics and words

16-06-2013 12:31

green assembly member jenny jones
a small protest specifically against asda and more generally against global food policies, corporations, monsanto, GMOs, G8 and austerity, was characterised again by massive overpolicing in a week of repressive crackdown on anti-G8 protests in london.

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BAYER Shareholder Meeting on April 26 in Cologne: Coalition introduces Countermo

11-04-2013 22:03

Hazardous drugs, pesticides, GM rice and election campaign donations under fire..

The Coalition against BAYER Dangers has introduced countermotions to BAYER´s Annual Shareholder Meeting on April 26. Environmental and social justice organizations announced to discuss the proposals within the meeting in Cologne. About 4,000 shareholders are expected to attend.

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Mass Movement Of Monsanto Boycott Growing

06-04-2013 20:19

A victim of genetic engineering
The Obama signing of a 'Monsanto Protection Act' has given great impetus to
the worldwide Monsanto boycott

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Taking DRAXtic Action 24th April: venue details announced

14-03-2013 14:37

Details of the venue for DRAX Plc's AGM and the meeting point for Taking DRAXtic Action have just been announced: Meet outside the Grocer's Hall, Princes Street, EC2R 8AD. We'll be flyering as investors go in from 10:30, and the main rally will start at 12:00. Bring things to make noise with!

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The Earth is being poisened

14-02-2013 10:52

Chemtrails are trails of substances sprayed from devices attached on aircraft into the upper atmosphere and into the air we breathe. They differ from the condensation trails sometimes seen emanating from planes in a number of ways, including that they often linger in the sky for more than half-an-hour, and can fill an otherwise clear-blue sky with an unnatural-looking cloud cover within which the tell-tale signs of electromagnetic gravity waves emerge.

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Monsanto Protest Costa Rica

07-02-2013 20:21

Maiz Maiz Maiz
Fuera Monsanto!
Wednesday 6th February in San Jose, Costa Rica saw yet another demonstration against the GMO giant Monsanto. Organised by Ya Basta! Attended by many.

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Ban of "psychotronic" weapons is now up to Russia and China

06-02-2013 13:42

After the article demanding the ban of "psychotronic" weapons was referenced on information websites of the United Nations, European Parliament and U.S. government Environment Protection Agency, it is now apparently mainly up to the governments of Russia and China, to decide whether the remote manipulation of human brains will be banned on this planet.

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How Far in the Future is the Ban of Psychotronic Weapons

29-01-2013 13:11

Psychotronic weapons are a definitive threat to democracy. They are in the arsenals of NATO and many other states. Though there are no legislatures around the world prohibiting the governments the use of those weapons against their citizens.

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Secrecy over government's provision of services to Huntingdon Life Sciences

24-12-2012 12:46

Back in 2001/2002 respectively the government took the unusual step of providing notorious animal testing laboratory Huntingdon Life Sciences with banking and insurance services - the pariah company being unable to source these services commercially. Ten years on a Liverpool woman is trying to find out the details of why, but the government is refusing to share what it describes as this 'highly sensitive' information.

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Bio-metrics for visitors in UK Detention Centre

13-08-2012 16:02

On a recent visit to see an Iraqi woman detained in Yarls wood IRC - was advised that my fingerprints and photograph needed to be taken before i could see her. This was apparently to protect the safety of people in the centre - see flyer.

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In times of austerity what do they do? Create another £70m animal torture lab

01-08-2012 10:56

The Government’s agricultural research body is pressing ahead with plans to build the second £100m phase of the new animal research facility at Pirbright in Surrey.

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EF! Summer Gathering Workshop timetable

18-07-2012 10:32

The workshop timetable has been finalised.

We've got workshops on mobilizing for next years G8, the state of the anarchist movement in the UK, discussions around feminism, patriarchy, solidarity and community organising. As well as campaign presentations from Boycott Workfare, Frack off and Smash Edo. Plus much much more.

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Protecting Seeds within Greek Crisis.

23-06-2012 16:13

Institutional support on local varieties diminishes, while grassroots networks flourish

Greece is currently facing a severe financial and social shock monopolizing the majority if the news coming from the country. As yet there is little information circulating regarding the impact on the country's real richness and a national bank of equal importance, the one of its natural genetic resources and its agricultural potentiality. Conservation programs of local varieties have suffered diminution of the official State support, as an impact of budget cuts on public institutes. Nevertheless, support from local initiatives, organizations and individuals interested on preserving agricultural knowledge and seed heritage is on the rise, counteracting to further loss of biodiversity.

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Landbouwactiekamp 5-10 July Den Bosch, The Netherlands

18-06-2012 12:43

agriculture action camp
From the 5th till 10th of July in Den Bosch in the Netherlands, ASEED will organize a 6 days long camp. The camp will involve workshops, trainings, discussions, and action, for good ecological initiatives, an alternative food chain, alternatives to industrial farming, and against gentech and meat industry, and more..
Do you know where your food comes from? Do you want to take food in your own hands and make the food chain shorter between the farmers and consumers? Do you also want to know more about the struggle against GMOs and industrial farming that is dominated by big companies? Do you want to organize actions against the meat industry and the imports of animal feed? But you are also interested in producing your own food on a sustainable, climate neutral, autonomous and social way? Are you not afraid of getting your hands dirty in a workshop? All of these and more will be covered during the camp. We invite activists, slow-foodies, farmers, gardeners, students, animal friends and people who want to learn and share skills on sustainable agriculture to come to the camp. Mark your agendas and join in!

Last year the first Agriculture Action Camp in The Netherlands took place in the Flevopolder with 70 participants camping on an organic farm for three days. We had a program full of workshops and discussions, and two actions close to the camp against GM crops and soy greenwashing. The participants opted for a replay, so here comes the second camp once again with an interesting programme of workshops, trainings, action and nice atmosphere.

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European activists link up to draw the line against GM - Take the Flour Back

28-05-2012 16:45

More than 400 growers, bakers and families from across England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France and Belgium marched against the return of open air GM field testing today. Take the Flour Back linked arms with their European counterparts, notably France’s Volunteer Reapers and walked calmly towards the site, before being stopped by police lines.