EF! Summer Gathering Workshop timetable
Eerth First! Summer Gathering 2012 | 18.07.2012 10:32 | Bio-technology | Ecology | Social Struggles
The workshop timetable has been finalised.
We've got workshops on mobilizing for next years G8, the state of the anarchist movement in the UK, discussions around feminism, patriarchy, solidarity and community organising. As well as campaign presentations from Boycott Workfare, Frack off and Smash Edo. Plus much much more.
We've got workshops on mobilizing for next years G8, the state of the anarchist movement in the UK, discussions around feminism, patriarchy, solidarity and community organising. As well as campaign presentations from Boycott Workfare, Frack off and Smash Edo. Plus much much more.
The Camp will be located in the grounds of the Crabapple Community at Berrington Hall, near the village of Berrington. It is around 5 miles south east of Shrewsbury in Shropshire. (See Getting There for more details)
Crabapple Community
Berrington Hall
The camp will be open from Wednesday 1st August and will end on Saturday 5th August. Want to feel like more of the camp and make friends? Be part of the crew that help set up the camp in the few days before it starts and tat down (pack things up) after it finishes. Please contact us and let us know if you're game for this.
How much it costs
To cover costs we will be asking for a donation on a sliding scale of £30-£15. Please give as much as you can as these camps are Not cheap and we *just* cover costs...usually (no one is paid a penny for putting this on). Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be £5 a day. NOTE: the donation covers the cost of the physical camp, the food is paid for seperately and at cost-price.
Accommodation on the site is camping only. Please bring a tent and any equipment you need to camp for your stay. For those of you who don’t want to actually camp at the camp, a local B&B would be an option.
Camp catering
The cost per day of three meals and drinks will be £5 for adults (this is cost-price). Plates, cups, cutlery etc. is provided.
If you have special dietary requirements, please let us know in advance. All catered food will be vegan.
Access Issues
We don't want any-one to be excluded from the Earth First Gathering. We know that there is no one size fits all solution to inclusion and there are as many barriers to inclusion as there are people. We have very limited resources and we try to allocate them in order to best support the people who might like to participate.
Accessibility measures already in place:
> Step-free toilet.
> Tent spaces can be allocated according to need (i.e close to toilets or road) Support travelling between workshops.
> Some proper chairs in workshop and eating areas.
> Some flat wheelchair paths on key routes (the rest of the site is fields)
We have further things that we have prepared for but will only do if requested in advance to ensure that we use our resources most effectively:
> Transport from station to camp.
> Emergency help alarm/phone contact.
> Programmes and camp materials on coloured paper.
> Provide list of near by B&B's
> Human help to set up or take down tents.
> Alternative diets.
> Programme and camp materials available in large print.
If any of these are relevant to you, or if have any other access needs not covered in this list then please get in touch to discuss them.
What to bring
A tent and sleeping bag and any other equipment you may need.
Warm, waterproof clothes and boots. It can get chilly at night!
A torch
Money for the camp and for food - also there will be a bar serving alcohol which raises vital funds for the camp.
Literature and things to share with others that may be of interest
What not to bring
A camera
If bringing a mobile phone, leave it off and in your tent - do not carry it and do not have it in workshops, respect others right to security.
Prejudice and judgement. Also, be mindful of your privilege. This is a safe space.
Dogs are brought at owners risk and only by booking them in advance by emailing

Eerth First! Summer Gathering 2012
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