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Protests set to continue outside Spanish embassy

23-05-2011 19:55

The protest and camp outside London's Spanish embasy that started almost a week ago grew in strenght during the weekend. On Friday night around 50 people set up camp, and on Saturday more people joined in to spend the night on the pavement opposite to the embassy. But it was during the day when the protest grew to several hundred, specially on Saturday when around 500 people joined in throughout the afternoon till well into the night.

Several working groups were formed and started to work on different aspects of the protest. These included logistics, communications & media, international, and art & action. The days were mostly spent in working groups meetings and plenary assemblies that discussed issues ranging from logistics and the future of the London protest, to people debating the characteristics and aims of this 'movement' both here in London and in Spain, as well as how it can be expanded beyond Spain. People from Italy and Portugal were present at the Sunday's assembly where they announced that people are starting to discuss plans for similar square occupations in their countries.

There was also time for spontaneous protest as people periodically gathered shouting "they (politicians) don't represent us!" whilst banging pots and pans. The bigger, loudest and more festive protest of the weekend was on Saturday night, with people improvising chants and slogans against politicians, representative democracy, bankers, political parties and demanding a system change.

On Sunday the plenary assembly decided to dismantle the camp until next weekend - starting on Friday 27th - but to continue the protest outside the embassy every day from 7 to 9pm, in solidarity with the camps in Madrid's Puerta del Sol [live webcam] and Barcelona's Plaça de Catalunya that announced they would continue for at least another week. During the daily protests this week there are plans for working groups meetings, workshops and further assemblies that  will decide on the shape of the protest for nesxt weekend as well as how to continue is 'movement' in London.

Here there are some photos from Sunday afternoon and evening ...

Related articles in London Indymedia:

More information about the protests in London:

More information about the square occupations in Spain:



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Bomb planted in Mexico HSBC

21-05-2011 19:01

hsbc bomba
El Coyote believed responsible

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'They all must go!' ...

21-05-2011 17:55

... people kept shouting last night outside the Spanish embassy in Belgravia. Since Wednesday 18th large crowds of mainly spaniards living in London are following a call to demonstrate and to express anger about the "political, economic, and social outlook which we see around us: corruption among politicians, businessmen, bankers, leaving us helpless, without voice."

On Friday 20th around 300 people showed up at Chesham Place for a 'pots & pans' protest, coinciding with hundreds of 'cacerolazo' protests called thorughout Spain as part of the 'Spanish Revolution' currently taking place all over the country. After the protest, a public assembly took place where, amongst other things, people debated the practicalities of setting up camp till Sunday 22nd. As a result, around 50 people spent the night outside the embassy, and there are plans for further demonstrations today Saturday and Tomorrow sunday [See Democracy London blog]

See pics of the London protest and read about the background story ...

What is all this about then?

Well, summing up the story began a few weeks ago when an anonymous call demanding 'True Democracy now!" went viral through social networking sites and twitter. The initial proposal was to take to the streets in as many Spanish towns and cities as possible on Sunday 15th of May, to express anger to the current  'democratic system' that puts the rule of the market above social needs and rights.

Currently in Spain there's 21% unemployment, which means that over 5 million people are out of work, 40% of which are young people. This, together with the massive 'austerity measures that Spanish government is imposing to the country affecting employment laws, cuts in public pensions and services, privatisation, and precarity in almost all aspects of people's lives,  is fast creating a general unrest that eventually exploded in  hugely successful demonstrations on over 50 Spanish cities last Sunday 15th.

The huge demonstrations in Madrid and Barcelona ended in  the occupations of Puerta del Sol and Plaça de Catalunya squares respectively. In both cities a few hundred people set up public assemblies that decided to set up camps immediately. In Madrid the camp was evicted by police the very first night whilst in Barcelona it was allowed to stay. The assembly of Madrid immediately called for another occupation of the central square for Monday night, and in the event, thousands of people turned up re-taking the square and setting up infrastructure for a long lasting protest. The camp in Barcelona was not evicted and by Monday night it also grow to thousands of people setting up kitchens, sleeping areas, debating forums, communications infrastructure and so on. By Tuesday, many more Spanish cities and towns started to mobilise too setting up their own protests, assemblies and camps, turning the spontaneous citizen mobilisation into something resembling and uprising. 

As a background to all this, there are the local elections taking place this Sunday all over Spain, together with, elections in some regional parliaments. It is for this reason why many of the communiques and manifestos coming out from the different camps talk about the need to go beyond parliamentary 'democracy' and into grass-roots and directly participatory ways of organising. It is for this reason that there's a general call from all the occupied squares to not vote on Sunday and to organise in local assemblies instead.

The main two camps in Madrid and barcelona are growing in numbers and strength (see live webcam from Madrid's Puerta del Sol) even though the protests are currently declared illegal since midnight Friday, due to the fact that Saturday is officially the "reflection day' during elections and as a result all public political expressions are banned by law. Madrid's local government had announced that they would not allow the camp to go into the weekend provoking fears of repression and the eviction of the camp, but the response was to gather in mass at Puerta del Sol and at midnight last night there where over 15,000 people occupying the square. The evictions has therefore not happened, and it now seems the camp will be allowed to stay, mainly due tothe fact that any violent eviction would play very badly in the hands of all parties seeking to get elected on Sunday.

The protests and occupations are due to continue till this Sunday (the election day), but the same as in the London's protest, there are now  many calls to turn them indefinite. It is yet not clear how this protest will continue and what it will turn into, nor whether this new 'movement' made of a new anonimous subject will actually become such a movement. At the moment it seems that it is a clear expression of anger, disgust and defiance to the current status quo, but whether this general unrest will actually politize itself it is still to be seen. What is clear though is that it intrinsically carries a lot of potential.

Note: solidarity protests have been called throughout Europe for today, including in Italy, Germany, Portugal, France and Belgium

Communique from Real Democracy in Manchester

Fake democracies all across Europe are in great danger because the Revolution has just started. This is a time for action, for rising up together and changing the system.

Europe is suffering from political regimes that set the citizens aside and lack from a plural representation and by doing so, they become false democracies that do not represent the wishes, aspirations and needs of men and women of each country.

They only consider our vote as a mean to reach the power and, as soon as they get it, they forget that their duty is to represent the people. It is then when, as it happened in Spain and other European countries, they give way to the market and banking dictates.
Because of this, our intention is to change the current system, this miscalled democracy, into a new one where the citizenship play a significant role in political decisions via assemblies and other means of participation, with a freer communication media available to them and with a true separation of powers. A democracy to serve the people instead of the markets.

We moved from "I have a dream" to the "We have a dream". We walk together in this with other people from the UK, Italy, France, Germany, Holland and many other European countries. What happens in London, Madrid, Milan, Berlin, Amsterdam... is also happening in other cities and thus we all want to get together under this revolution.

A revolution with the only labels of participation, freedom and no violence. Without flags or political parties; just with the people.  With honest men and women who have risen up to change a system that rejects them, a world that does not work at all. Because in the end, we are world citizens tired of enduring this situation.

People from Manchester:

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True Democracy NOW! Manifesto and anglophone group

20-05-2011 14:21

The manifesto and the anglophone group of the world wide growing movement of

True Democracy NOW!

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Tahrir Square Spreads to Spain

20-05-2011 00:24

Tahrir Square Spreads to Spain

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Dont Allow Romanian State to make a Hero of its Revolution Homeless

19-05-2011 21:13

I am writing this in support of my friend Ion Matache.
Ion is the holder of the “Diploma of Honour in the Revolution of December 1989” yet the Romanian state has left him almost destitute and now (under Law 112?) Ion’s simple home is now to be taken from him, to be "returned" to the decendants of the pre war owners, who plan to demolish it. Please Do not allow this to happen!

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if you've got 10 minutes spare this week.....

17-05-2011 00:36

As part of the growing mobilisation against the DSEI arms fair in September, activists from across the Midlands are targeting the Baby Show at the NEC this week. Like DSEI, the Baby Show is organised by Clarion Events.
It'd be great if you could help to ratchet up the pressure on DSEI and the corporations involved in its events, by contacting some of the numbers and email addresses below and letting them know how you feel about the international arms trade. They are keen to hear your views.

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stop the baby killers

17-05-2011 00:00

There will be a week of actions against the arms trade in the midlands starting on Monday 16th May. Clarion events who organise DSEI (the biggest weapons fair in Europe) are putting on the Baby Show at the NEC in Birmingham from May 20th – 22nd. For more background see

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British Sunday Times Rich List: Austerity? Not for the elite

14-05-2011 19:31

If further proof was required to refute Prime Minister David Cameron’s assertion that all in the UK are suffering his government’s austerity measures equally, one need look no further than the latest Sunday Times Rich List.

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Nestlé, Good Grief! - The Musical

11-05-2011 07:01

The annual demonstration over Nestlé's pushing of baby milk will take place on Saturday 21 May, 11:00 - 12:00 in Croydon. If you can't attend, you can still send us your 'Nestlé, Good Grief!' jingle.

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Stokes Croft Tesco about to reopen in Bristol with Chief Constable's support

11-05-2011 00:22

Avon & Somerset's corrupt firestarting Chief Constable Colin Port
Quite clearly Tesco's operations manager for the South West and our CORRUPT (according to the Bridgwater MP in the House Of Commons) Chief Constable Colin Port have had a little 'tete-a-tete' and agreedsupports an economic terrorism plan for Stokes Croft. Nothing is going to be allowed to stand in its way.

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Food Sovereignty Tour + Agroecology Short Course in Venezuela – July 10-22

10-05-2011 20:41

You are invited to participate in a study tour to study food sovereignty, social movements and social change in Venezuela, July 10 to 22. The tour will examine issues of land reform, urbanization issues, rural development and food sovereignty within a dynamic political context.

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Operation Sheeplemaker; 2nd death of bin Laden

09-05-2011 22:53

Cindy Sheehan is right .Anyone who believes this black-op farce story about Osama bin Laden being shot to death recently has their head buried in the sand. Well actually she used the word stupid.

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Review: Whatever happened to the anti-globalisation movement

09-05-2011 13:08

My account of Sunday's film screening in OARC - the Oxford Activist Resource Centre.

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Other Possible Worlds?

05-05-2011 14:12

Workshop :: Medellín :: Colombia :: Recent years have been marked by multiple crises -- of an economic, social, political and environmental nature. It is quite clear that the neoliberal model, based on fossil energy and consumerism, has reached its limits. Against this background it is more than reasonable to consider social and economic alternatives.

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Thousands of militant workers march for higher pay in the Philippines

05-05-2011 12:42

Manila, Philippines - Thousands of workers led by the Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL) and its allied organizations converged in key cities on Labor Day to reiterate their demand for better wages, improved economy, jobs, security of tenure for workers and an end to demolition of squatter shanties.

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War on Terror Re-alignment. Part 2.

05-05-2011 11:51

Re-aligning the War on Terror.
These are images which are currently circulating on the web from the Reuters News Agency. The images were taken by by a Pakistani Security official claimed by Reuters to be dated around an hour after the claimed raid by US military at the building in Abbottabad, Northern Pakistan.

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Osama Bin Laden Death Evidence

04-05-2011 14:41

Bin Laden and Barack Obama.
After three days in which public interest in this story has been built by all known media outlets, the Whitehouse, its dependents and partners, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Pentagon, US President Barack Obama spokespersons have finally revealed that images clearly identifying Osama Bin Laden as the male claimed by the US President to have been killed are to be released.

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Charlie Veitch, Soho Square Arrest and War!

04-05-2011 01:34

Having just watched the video of Charlie Veitch's arrest, which you can see here - - and equally sad and disturbing 'soho square arrest', which you can see here - - I cannot contain my anger or frustration and so NEED to say the following stuff:

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Libyan scenario for Syria: Towards a US-NATO "humanitarian intervention"?

02-05-2011 13:14

The Times, 23 April 2011
Britain, France, Germany and Portugal circulated a draft for a Resolution 1973-type initiative against Syria earlier in the week, failing which Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain later on the 27th demanded the Syrian ambassadors to their countries condemn their government's actions at home.

Synchronized with the U.S. action on the 29th, the European Union announced it plans to impose a wide range of sanctions against Syria including the now typical portfolio of travel bans, the freezing of assets and an arms embargo.

What is underway currently is the realization of the former George W. Bush administration's project for "regime change" in Syria of six years ago following the assassination of former prime minister Rafik Hariri in Lebanon and the subsequent Cedar Revolution - a term coined by then-U.S. Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs Paula Dobriansky - the withdrawal of Syrian troops from the country and the recall of the American ambassador from Damascus.