UK Globalisation Newswire Archive
Blood Coltan
17-01-2009 00:54
"4 million people have died in the past 13 years. THe violence feeds on the abundance of natural
-Blood Coltan
Summit protests and the economic crisis
16-01-2009 18:03
Shift Magazine #5 is out! The content includes comments on the economic crisis, an interview with Werner Bonefeld, articles on anti-militarism the COP-15 Copenhagen mobilisation and Rossport. This is the editorial:Dissident Island Radio tonight - Mobilising '09
16-01-2009 14:02
Smash we can! Sabotage the State of War!
15-01-2009 19:42
Who is pulling the string of KIEV over the Gas dispute.. ?
14-01-2009 12:39
Gazprom's Deputy CEO Alexander Medvedev accused the United States of pulling the strings. "It looks like ... they(Ukraine) are dancing to the music which is being orchestrated not in Kiev but outside the country," he said.Ukraine's national energy company Naftogaz refused to accept Russian natural gas for transit to Europe for a second day, Russia's gas monopoly Gazprom said on Wednesday.
An overview about the resistance against the NATO summit in Strasbourg and Baden
14-01-2009 11:09
One purpose of the meeting in Strasbourg from January 16th to 18th (see
For this, we translated a text that was published in a german lefty monthly newspaper and gives a summary of activities. But the text does not regard the current situation of a "non-dogmatic" radical, anarchist, autonomous left in Germany. To provide that, see this brief summary.
Who is Black America's Moral Emissary to the World?
14-01-2009 08:49
Protests against beginning Airport extension in Frankfurt/Germany
13-01-2009 21:22
+++The Owner of the Frankfurt Airport, Fraport, started today the extension of the airport to build a new runway+++woodcamp still exists+++more than a hundred people on a spontaneous demonstration in the woodThe Detailed, Photographic Killing of Unarmed People by Police Worlldwide
12-01-2009 18:25
![Oscar Grant](/icon/2009/01/418162.jpg)
To discuss economics and the Gaza Strip, the International Crisis WS continues
12-01-2009 17:22
![Governor Roberto Requião](/icon/2009/01/418151.jpg)
To discuss economics and the Gaza Strip, the International Crisis WS continues
12-01-2009 12:40
![Governor Roberto Requião](/icon/2009/01/418100.jpg)
Netcu Watch // The cult of the killer ape.
11-01-2009 16:28
This is the year in which Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday will be celebrated and the 150th anniversary of his “the Origin of Species” one of the most important books ever written. Evolution, the transmogrification of primordial slime into dogs, cats, humans and everything else is surely proof that we are all interconnected and indeed transient as species adapt and change. In fact if time on Earth (itself one planet among billions) were condensed into one year humans would arrive at 23.45 on New Year’s Eve.The Romanian ‘orphans’, for whom ARK (Absolute Return for Kids) are now fundrais
08-01-2009 13:44
Roelie Post’s book "For Export Only; the untold story of the Romanian ‘orphans’" isessential reading for anyone who has an interest in this issue. 'The reader is taken along on an eight year travel, and will be shown the story of the Romanian ‘orphans’ from a different light, where global politics and private interests compete with the rights of the child.'
Call For A New International - post forward
07-01-2009 15:17
A post to forward the message, and to repeat it as many times as necessary: Source:![](/img/extlink.gif)
The End of Capitalism?
07-01-2009 09:03
The collective consciousness of the U.S. working class is on the brink of a profound transformation. We grew up being told that capitalism was the best of all possible systems, with apparent confirmation being supplied by the fall of the Soviet Union. But we are now entering a new reality that has the potential to overturn all the old, established assumptions — perhaps, in the final analysis, even to overturn capitalism itself.NATO summit in Cracow
05-01-2009 09:20
The next NATO defence ministers meeting in Krakow is on 19-20 February 2009.1988 - 2088: at least 13,341 deaths at the borders of Europe
03-01-2009 18:41
According to the blog Fortress Europe at least 13,341 people have died since 1988 along the european frontiers. Among them 5,131 were missing in the sea. (these are only deaths that were recorded by press agencies, the real number is not known but is certanly higher.)Israel's War Crimes and "Change we can believe in"
03-01-2009 10:58
Lemma, Haya and Iman
31-12-2008 19:21
It happened at 9am this morning. We were speaking to Sabrine Naim at the time, standing and talking in the Naim family home which had been wrecked this morning. Chunks of debris – one a meter long and a foot wide - glass, and sharp slices of their own broken roof, had smashed onto beds, chairs, their kitchen and living room. Only two of their family of 12 had been home at the time. They were expecting an attack. And it came at 4am – a missile strike by an F16 on the local police station and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine offices. Smouldering rubble and rocks and dust were strewn across the heart of Beit Hanoon – the market, taxi rank and main streat littered with debris.If The Economy Doesn't Shrink, We're Finished!
31-12-2008 18:22
![The graph that says so much](/icon/2008/12/416564.jpg)