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Interview with Miguel Cruz Moreno

12-04-2008 14:35

Miguel Cruz Moreno of CIPO-RFM
Miguel is an organiser for CIPO-RFM. In this interview he explains the history of the forest dispute and the possible implications for the village of San Isidro Aloapam if the logging is allowed to continue.

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A compañera gives her eyewitness account of what happened.

12-04-2008 14:29

The companera gives her eyewitness account.
Another woman who was beaten by the paramilitaries explains why their struggle to save the forest is so important.

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Thereasa an eyewitness to the repression.

12-04-2008 14:21

Thereasa Perez Mendez explains what happened during the repression.
Theresa Peres Mendez explains why she and other women from San Isidro Aloapam chose to defend the forest from armed paramilitaries at considerable personal risk.

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Christina an eyewitness to the repression.

12-04-2008 14:14

Christina Perez-Alavas tells her story.
An eye witness account of what happened during one of the fatal confrontations between the people of San Isidro Aloapam and the paramilitaries. Christina Peres Alavas explains what happened that day and also testifies that the two dead paramilitaries from San Miguel were killed by their own people not the people of San Isidro Aloapam who are committed to peaceful action. The murder of people from San Miguel by their own paramilitaries is entirely possible as the town (which is under the control of the PRI) has many deep running internal disputes. The confrontation with the people of San Isidro Aloapam could have been used to settle a couple of scores while getting someone else blamed.

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Entering the threatened Forest in Oaxaca.

12-04-2008 14:01

The companero gives us his account of what has happened.
Upon entering the forest one of the villagers gave us some of the history of the region as well as the recent events which had ended so violently for the local people. Visitors were encouraged to ask questions and verify any facts about the situation which were unclear. The forest itself is breathtaking and stretches up the mountain as far as the eye can see. The companero gave a pretty detailed account of what happened during the repression and also named the man believed to be responsible for the confrontation to begin with and the deaths that resulted from it.

We were also shown a tree that had been placed across the road by the villagers from San Isidro Aloapam. Its purpose was to stop armed paramilitaries from the nearby town of San Miguel from attacking the village by road in pickup trucks. The closure of the road has added over an hour to the journey made by villagers wishing to reach Oaxaca city.

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Your mortgage, the worlds hungry, the next wars . . . .Remember this weeks G7,

12-04-2008 10:49

Big picture thinking is a stretch for the people meeting in Washington, but it seems the bulk of the commentators in the newspapers this weekend havent added their 2 + 2 together - forgetting to remember the reason wars often happen, forgetting to see the "creditcrunch/ meltdown/ depression/ crash" is a bit of the same jigsaw as the disastrous, exponential increase in the "cost" of staple foods to the worlds poor.

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New Project Meeting | Sat 12th April, 1-3pm | All Welcome

11-04-2008 22:23

Making UK Human Rights Compliant by 2012

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Novartis - Allergenic Asthma Applied to Rats

11-04-2008 12:34

This information campaign is dedicated to the victims of Novartis AG: Gunned-down Brazilian farmers - Tortured, maimed and killed animals in labs - Victims of sexual exploitation by the management - Africans left to die for profit - Patients poisoned and killed with harmful drugs - Babies fed with unhealthy food

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Climate Action Movement Building - Sat 19th

11-04-2008 11:57

A day of networking, skillsharing and organising Saturday 19th April, Sheffield, 10am - 5pm

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Oaxaca: indigenous, autonomous community radio journalists shot

11-04-2008 11:46

(ARTICLE 19/CENCOS/IFEX) - Two announcers of La Voz que Rompe el Silencio community radio station, which is based in San Juan Copala, Oaxaca state, in southeast Mexico, were shot dead when traveling on the highway connecting Joya del Mamey to Putla de Guerrero, two settlements in Oaxaca. Dead are Felicitas Martinez Sachez, 21, and Teresa Bautista Merino, 24. Four other people were wounded.

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Risky Geopolitical Game: Washington Plays ‘Tibet Roulette’ with China

11-04-2008 07:47

Washington has obviously decided on an ultra-high risk geopolitical game with Beijing’s by fanning the flames of violence in Tibet just at this sensitive time in their relations and on the run-up to the Beijing Olympics. It’s part of an escalating strategy of destabilization of China which has been initiated by the Bush Administration over the past months. It also includes the attempt to ignite an anti-China Saffron Revolution in the neighboring Myanmar region, bringing US-led NATO troops into Darfur where China’s oil companies are developing potentially huge oil reserves. It includes counter moves across mineral-rich Africa. And it includes strenuous efforts to turn India into a major new US forward base on the Asian sub-continent to be deployed against China.

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Hey, Tibet's been part of China for 700 years plus!

10-04-2008 10:20

Humanitarian Interventionists and Benevolent Global Hegemonists, most of whom lack even a rudimentary understanding of China's long and complex history, share a particularly nasty trait. Many of these Globocops imagine because they have downloaded a few pages of separatist propaganda from, and shed a tear or two while watching ‘Seven Years in Tibet,’ that qualifies them as China experts. They believe this qualifies them to pass judgment about whether China ‘deserves’ to remain intact or be forcibly Balkanized by the World's Only Remaining Superpower. Their attitude rivals that of the most contemptible 19th century imperialists.

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Olympic Movement .. !?

10-04-2008 05:52

Making UK Human Rights Compliant by 2012

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Serbian translation of 'Reinventing Dissent: G8 2005'

09-04-2008 23:07

PDF download of serbian translation of 'Reinventing Dissent: G8 2005' enhanced by footnotes explaining certain terms and actors.

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Follow SF Olympic Torch Tibet Protests here:

09-04-2008 20:31

Bus Stop Block (crazy driver)
On March 19, Direct Action to Stop the War successfully used Twitter for coordinating protest information. Today, Olympic Torch SF will attempt to pick up where DASW left, and expand the use of twitter into an open-publishing platform for news on the San Francisco Olympic Torch relay and the related protests.

For ongoing text-based coverage, please follow the SFTorch twitter account.

and of course here:


LIVE VIDEO (if it works ;)

from Students for a Free Tibet:
from Direct Action to Stop the War:
from Dimension7:


from Students for a Free Tibet:
from Team Tibet:

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Photography Exhibition : Images from anti-G8 demonstrations at Rostock 2007

08-04-2008 22:09

For all of April, an exhibition of photographs will be on display at the Sumac Centre, Nottingham. This work by photographers Guy Smallman and Paul Mattsson cover many aspects of this events, from the laughs and peaceful moments to the full on aggression displayed by law enforcement at such events. Please go and see this exhibition.

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timeline of antiNATO days, bucharest

08-04-2008 19:22

The NATO summit in Bucharest took place between April 2-4. Activists from Romania and abroad organized “Anti-NATO Days” between March 28 and April 5, as a form of protest. What follows is a daily chronology of events, starting with the repression and abuse by border guards, police and the mass-media, to the actions of solidarity by human rights organizations and foreign activists.

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The Fight for Justice for Simon Jones - Ten Years On, The Lessons Learnt

08-04-2008 18:22

A public meeting on the tenth anniversary of the death of Simon Jones, killed on his first day as a casual worker in a Shoreham dock.

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Novartis in India: Exploiting AIDS-victims

08-04-2008 18:19

This information campaign is dedicated to the victims of Novartis AG: Gunned-down Brazilian farmers - Tortured, maimed and killed animals in labs - Victims of sexual exploitation by the management - Africans left to die for profit - Patients poisoned and killed with harmful drugs - Babies fed with unhealthy food

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Ideas to save the planet - April 2008

08-04-2008 11:57

Update on ideas doing well and new submissions to the Simultaneous Policy campaign.