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UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive

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Term starts today: Plebs' College is back!

18-10-2011 12:12

Plebs' College is open for the new term.

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Occupy Birmingham: a camp has started

17-10-2011 23:29

A small group of people camp at Victoria Square at Birmingham. Two assemblies have been celebrated since Saturday 15th October. A general assembly is announced to be hold at Victoria Square on Wednesday 19th October around 6pm.

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St Paul's protests - Who is fleecing us and how?

17-10-2011 09:57

Yesterday I went around the "village" hearing a lot and telling a lot with anyone that wanted to tell and hear.

No doubt there is a lot of peaceful passion. But there's still enormous confusion around what exactly is the problem.

1. We know we are being fleeced big time.
2. We know from which direction we are being fleeced.
3. But we don't know exactly who is fleecing us, nor how.

This makes our case very poor in the eyes of the sleeping majority and the media.

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Occupy report in The Daily Mail

16-10-2011 19:05

Some context about the Occupy movement as reported in the right-wing newspaper The Daily Mail. The Daily Mail is a/ hard-right b/ virulently pro-capitalist c/ sells over 2 million copies, so reports like this are absolute gold-dust - all the more so for preaching to the UN-converted and through not originating in the radical press.

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Côr Cochion joins the Global Day of Action against the banks

15-10-2011 19:59

Cardiff Reds Choir (Côr Cochion) sang its protest songs and occupied the major banks in Cardiff

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Occupy Birmingham Protest

15-10-2011 19:04

AROUND 60 people protested in Victoria Square, Birmingham against the financial, capitalist, and political system..

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Weekly blog roundup

15-10-2011 10:28

The following is drawn from a variety of local activist blogs

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Brent-Kensal Rise library

15-10-2011 00:28

Brent SOS Libraries campaign was unsuccessful on thursday in the high court against closure. Local community resists full closure.

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Defend Welfare Gathering

13-10-2011 15:27

Join us for a meeting with like-minded people to share ideas and strategise to stop the government’s attacks on welfare.

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Reports from Occupations, Part 1: Portland

13-10-2011 13:04

It remains to be seen whether the internal contradictions within the Occupy movement-the limits of the 99% as a framework understanding for race, class, and police in America will be overcome by its significant contributions to the renewal of revolutionary potentials-its defiance of authority, its willingness to operate outside of dead-ended political channels, and its ability to arouse a sense of possiblity in thousands previously hopeless.

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12-10-2011 22:22

A poem to the forthcoming occupations.

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#OccupyLSX Callout – Let’s do this!

12-10-2011 16:48

Occupy the London Stock Exchange
15th October
St Paul’s Cathedral

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The Impact of Occupy Wall Street: Some Early Indicators

12-10-2011 14:30

A quote well-known among activists, variously attributed to Gandhi or US labor leader Nicholas Klein, says that “first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” In the space of just the past several weeks, it’s possible to discern the first three steps of this progression in the response of the US political, economic, and media elite to the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement. This fact should be a great source of encouragement for all those brave and dedicated individuals who have helped build this movement.

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Birmingham Guild Reinstate the Vice President Education Mobilisation!!!

11-10-2011 13:00

Edd Bauer was arrested on Friday the 16th of September after unfurling a banner at the liberal democrat conference saying “Traitors Not Welcome, Hate Clegg Love NCAFC”. He has been constantly fighting to defend education through grass roots campaigning which he pledged to do in his manifesto
On Tuesday 27th of September Edd Bauer was suspended as the vice president of education “indefinitely”. Stop Fees and Cuts Birmingham are calling for Edd’s reinstatement to his position with immediate effect and are calling for national mobilisation.

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#OccupyLSX First General Assembly

11-10-2011 09:41

Sunday's General Assembly

London’s first General Assembly took place on 9th October during UK Uncut’s Block the Bridge, Block the Bill action on Westminster Bridge. The General Assembly is the main decision-making forum for #occupylsx – as it has been for other international occupations, drawing on the model pioneered in Spain earlier this year. It’s a form of direct democracy, a space for debate that is totally open to the public – it’s there for anyone who wishes to make their voice heard and there is plenty of room for dissenting voices, although we try to reach consensus.

It is intended that the General Assembly become a permanent feature of the occupation, an open forum which will provide a platform for everyone to air their grievances, demands and proposed solutions. The hope is that the General Assembly will be allow us to create a list of demands democratically – a unified message that represents the sentiment of the 99%.

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Block the bridge live video feed

09-10-2011 16:25

5.24pm protestors blocked in mini kettle by cops..

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Anarchist reportback and critique from Occupy Portland

09-10-2011 10:43

We just got back from the opening march for Occupy Portland, and were even more disappointed by how liberal, reformist, and nonthreatening it was than we had expected. The website for Occupy Portland had promised that "proper actions" would be taken against "instigators" of any "illegal activity (property destruction etc.)," which we can only interpret as a threat to snitch to the cops, so we went with low expectations, but this was by all means a massive disappointment even taking into account our pessimism from the get-go.

We attended the opening march for Occupy Portland because we are some angry-ass proles who really hate capitalism. Although Occupy Wall Street (and the various off-shoot occupations) have few official defined goals or positions, there is a general opposition to "corporate greed" and "corrupt politics". As anarchists, we seek to expose and destroy the roots of these problems - as long as capitalism and the state exist, there will be greedy corporations and corrupt politicians. Capitalism and the state cannot be reformed into something kinder, gentler, or more humane, it is exploitative by nature. We wished to push the discourse at Occupy Portland in a more radical, explicitly anti-capitalist and anti-state direction. So we attended the Occupy Portland opening march in full team colors with a big banner that read "NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP (A) NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN." Hey, we do have a sense of humor.

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Occupy LA: One Week Old and Going Strong

08-10-2011 16:55

OccupyLA Day Seven. The encampment at City Hall continues to grow. The camp now numbers close to 100 tents with at least two occupants per tent. Rain on Wednesday failed to discourage the occupiers, and the encampment is now larger and more organized than ever. Tomorrow the camp will have completed its first full week. It has been an action packed week and has drawn much media attention even competing with the Jackson murder trial just down the street.

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#occupyLSX assembly at Block The Bridge

08-10-2011 14:54

Assembly Flyer
With the #WallStreetOccupation into its third week, plans are afoot in London for an occupation of the London Stock Exchange to be one the many occupations that are planned to begin globally on October 15th. Today people have been working on banners, and tomorrow those interested in joining the London occupation are invited to join a general assembly which has been called to take place at tomorrow's 'Block the Bridge' on Waterloo Bridge.

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TUC March for the Alternative Manchester Oct 2011

08-10-2011 03:26

Salford against the cuts Banner
They may have come in their thousands to tell the coalition government "cuts are not the cure".
Unfortunately they were met by Dr TUC’s quack medicine wagon and patented Labour party elixir
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