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UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive

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Taking Radical Banners & Flags to #Oct20

19-10-2012 14:07

Taking Radical Banners & Flags to #Oct20?!

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Oct20 - How The Cops Know Everyone's Names Already

19-10-2012 13:26

The police already know the names, and, in many cases also the faces of most of the people they feel are likely to kick-off tomorrow, because someone very helpfully posted the details of over 5,000 named radicals in the "invited" list for the Radical Workers Bloc page on Facebook.

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100,000s expected at TUC march – know your rights

19-10-2012 10:58

With 100,000s expected to march as part of the TUC mobilisation on Saturday, it is important that people know their rights and what to do in case of arrest.

We recommend that you take a minute to look at our bust card, which can be found in the resources section on the left-hand side of our website or in this post.

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65yr-old dies during today's protests in Athens

18-10-2012 15:38

65-year old protester Xenophon Lougaris dies during today’s General Strike demonstration in Athens; heart failure following tear gas inhaling flagged as most probable cause of death

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Stay Safe: Stay Anonymous!

16-10-2012 23:04

Our sister organisation, the Network for Police Monitoring, is launching their ‘Don’t End up on a Database’ campaign this month. In response to this, FITwatch will be producing a series of simple, easy-to-understand guides designed to help you defend your anonymity and stay off police databases this October 20th . We believe these steps should form an integral part of any protestors’ activities on the day, regardless of tactical or ideological preferences. We cannot mount a serious challenge to power until we are able to move and associate freely, without state intrusion.

Some of this may be new to you, some of it may be old. But we encourage all our readership to watch out for these blog posts in the run-up to the demonstration:

1) Refusing information
2) Masking up
3) Affinity groups
4) Fashion Tips for Dissidents
5) Block & Disrupt!

Please use social media to share and retweet this essential information.

Facebook profile: Fit Watch
Facebook fanpage: Fitwatch
Fitwatch on Twitter: @fitwatcher
NetPol on Twitter: @policemonitor
Hashtags: #staysafe #fightingFIT #oct20

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Despite Cuts Government Spending Increases

14-10-2012 21:27

The government’s austerity measures were described by the Financial Times as “the most drastic cuts in living memory...” The chancellor’s 2011 budget admits that estimates suggest the UK to be the most indebted nation on the planet. Four years on from the financial crisis not much has changed. Spending hasn’t decreased, it has increased.

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Why we need to NOT kick-off on Oct 20

14-10-2012 14:45

Please read all these points carefully before posting responses -

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Sacked Remploy Workers Demonstrate For Their Jobs

11-10-2012 22:15

Disabled Remploy workers who are being made redundant as the government closes factories demonstrated outside the Tory party conference yesterday, calling on the government to stop the closure and privatisation of the Remploy Factory sites and to enter into meaningful discussion on the structure and future of Remploy and the whole of supported employment programme in Britain with a view to introducing a new vision based on public procurement work.

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Tory Conference Demo

09-10-2012 21:24

Days before the anti-austerity protest was due to begin West Midlands TUC announced it would change the start time to an earlier time and change the assembly point from the High Street to Victoria Square. To counter this act of self sabotage Birmingham NUT and Birmingham Against the Cuts stock to the original plan and formed an education feeder march.

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Remploy Demonstration At Tory Party Conference – 8:30am Wednesday

09-10-2012 16:42

Sacked Remploy workers are going to demonstrate outside the Tory Party Conference from 8:30am on Wednesday over the closure of 36 Remploy factories with compulsory redundancy for 1,752 people of whom 1,518 of these are disabled.

ICC, Broad Street, Birmingham, B1 2EA

Accessibility information: Demonstration will be held outside. I’m afraid I don’t know how long it is expected to go on for. There is level access to the demonstration area in Centenary Square, and accessible toilets within 500 meters in Paradise Forum and Brindley Place restaurants/bars.

New Street, Moor Street and Snow Hill Train Stations are all around the same distance from the ICC and have level access. Five Ways train station is slightly closer but does not have level access.

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Cuts Cafe - first impressions and pics

09-10-2012 10:52

Welcome to Cuts Cafe banner
On the same day that George Osbourne announced even an even greater round of welfare cuts to add to those already previously announced...

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For a Future Without Work: Radical Workers' Bloc on South London feeder to TUC

06-10-2012 12:16

On Saturday 20th October, the Trades Union Congress has called for its second march against the cuts and 'for a future that works'. South London Solidarity Federation has announced that it will join the feeder march starting at Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park (opposite the Imperial War Museum), in support of direct action, self-organisation and solidarity towards a future without work, or at least without work for bosses who get rich off of our backs.

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George Galloway to sue the NUS - Analysis

02-10-2012 07:07

George Galloway to sue the NUS - claims against Galloway need to be understood in their political context.

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Census refuser on trial in Reading

01-10-2012 16:11

Deborah Glass Woodin, from Oxford, decided not to comply with the 2011 Census. This is the story of her trial at Reading Magistrates Court, including her reasons for resisting the census.

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Welcome The Tories To Birmingham

01-10-2012 12:00

On Sunday 7th October we’ll be welcoming the Tories to Birmingham for their annual conference, with a TUC organised demonstration marching through the town centre to a rally at St Marks Place:

Assemble: 11am, High Street
March from 11:30am to St Marks Open Space (postcode B1 2PJ)

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Everyone to the Stacks! Some Contradictions of the Squatted Library

26-09-2012 14:22

Friern Barnet Squatted Library
Some thoughts occasioned by the occupation of the Friern Barnet library and the ways in which volunteer-run projects could end up supporting the Tories' 'Big Society'.

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Debt Forgiveness Or Death!

26-09-2012 04:36

These are the only two choices for the global elite as history does not lie.

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QE3 Another Fed Give Away to the Banks

25-09-2012 12:03

Ben Bernanke, the head of the Federal Reserve, announced a few days ago QE3, quantitative easing three, and now he says they're going to continue to buy assets, multibillion dollars of purchases, until the unemployment rate goes down. He was then followed by the European Central Bank and the central bank of Japan

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Tax-dodging Barclay brothers suing the UK for £1bn

22-09-2012 20:12

Tax-dodging Barclay brothers
Sir David and Sir Frederick Barclay, proprietors of the Ritz hotel and The Daily Telegraph living in tax exile in Monaco, are suing the HMRC for £1bn of taxpayers money at a time when the country's public debt is close to a £1 trillion and public services are being cut.