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UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive

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Advice for Anyone in the March 26 Black Bloc

02-05-2011 20:39

Having recently been nicked by the Met and witnessed several squats being raided in a mass fishing expedition. A quick bit of information for those who think their name or photo may be on their list seemed in order

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Cambridge Uncut stages two successful actions.

02-05-2011 15:36

HSBC: past sins revisited.
On Saturday (29/4/2011) afternoon Cambridge Uncut successfully closed down one of Philip Green's Top shop in the The Grand Arcade, Cambridge, in protest at his notorious tax dodging tactics, as well occupying a branch of tax dodging bank HSBC.

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Wedding of Mass Distraction

02-05-2011 11:44

Anti-royal wedding party in Newcastle city centre as millions are spent on Royal
wedding while £billions are cut to jobs benefits and services.

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Newcastle Anarchists on May Day March

01-05-2011 23:43

There was a highly visible and lively Anarchist Bloc on the Tyne and Wear TUC May Day March in Newcastle on Saturday 30th April. Elsewhere on the march, interesting banners and placards were present from a wide range of groups.
Newcastle Anarchists on May Day March

The Anarchist Bloc was headed up by a massive “Reclaim May Day – Solidarity is Strength” banner held by members of the newly-formed Northeast Anarchist Group, and there were also many black, and red & black flags and a variety of other banners and placards. A sound system mounted on a bike rode alongside the bloc, playing an International Workers' Day-themed mix of music. Northeast Anarchist Group also distributed leaflets to shoppers and passers-by along the march route.

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Birmingham Mayday

01-05-2011 20:54

photos from Birmingham Mayday and anti-cuts rally

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Stop these attacks on our right to protest - defend the Fortnum 145

01-05-2011 15:57

Protest outside the hearing of Fortnum & Mason anti-cuts occupiers
MONDAY 9th MAY, 9am
70 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 2AX
Called by Defend The Right To Protest, in support of the Fortnum145 defendants campaign - - details at end, below

On 26 March, around 140 people were arrested and detained for taking part in the occupation of Fortnum & Mason to highlight tax avoidance. Their protest was peaceful, as documented by eyewitness reports and video footage. They were told by police that they were free to leave – but as soon as the protestors left the building they were arrested. The occupiers now face charges of aggravated trespass and the possibility of a prison sentence.

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Statement from Queer Resistance re: Events on 29th April in Soho Square London

30-04-2011 16:25

On 29th April Queer Resistance the LGBTQI anti-cuts collective planned a Royal Zombie Wedding Celebration in Soho incorporating a picnic breakfast, performances, a zombie blessing and marriage ceremony by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence followed by a zombie flash mob through Soho.

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How to find out the location of Brighton Mayday

29-04-2011 14:55

Just to clear up any confusion- Brighton May Day is on 30th April, not officially of course just the protest. Start location will be announced shortly before on here, Facebook and Twitter. If you can’t get to a computer call 07950 889281 after 1130am and a message will tell you, don’t leave messages or text it, cause no one will get back to you. Alternatively go on the critical mass bike ride, which will form up on the Level at 1030am.

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Press Release - Mayday Mass Party and Protest in Brighton - Saturday 30th April

29-04-2011 12:13

While bankers are rewarding themselves with taxpayer funded bonuses and the royals are forcing us to pay for their weddings, ordinary people are facing an attack on their lives, massive cuts to jobs, benefits and the services they rely on. In response to this, on Saturday 30th April, people will gather at an undisclosed Brighton location to celebrate May Day, a day to stand up for workers' rights and resist oppression, capitalism and the elites who benefit from them.
A critical mass bike ride will be held at 10.30am at The Level.

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Trafalgar Square Anti Cuts Occupation goes 48 hours this May Day weekend

28-04-2011 18:53

Following a month of successful 24-hour peaceful anti cuts occupations of Trafalgar Square across the last four weekends with around 100-200 people taking part each weekend, the Trafalgar Square Anti Cuts Occupation will celebrate its one month anniversary this May Day weekend with a 48-hour occupation starting at 6.30pm Saturday 30th April.

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2 Days til Brighton Mayday

28-04-2011 13:47

fuck the royal wedding... come down to Brighton...

Our lives are under attack.
Our future is being sacrificed to increase the power of an elite.

The bankers’ crisis is being used as an excuse to push through a far-right agenda of vicious cuts – cuts which will hurt the poorest and line the pockets of the rich. The NHS, Education and Welfare systems are being stripped back while the bankers are being paid million pound bonuses.

Their only answer to the disaster is more of the same, capitalism with the gloves off. More wars, more ecological devastation and we’re being asked to pay for it.

We are being robbed blind – it’s time to reclaim what is ours.

Mass party & protest. 30th April 2011. Central Brighton.

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Brighton May Day- Only 3 Days to Go

27-04-2011 21:11

A mass party & protest, called for by a coalition of Brighton protest groups, will kick off at midday on Saturday 30th April. It's main focus will be on the banks and politicians who gambled with our futures, but we may also pay a visit to some of Brighton's other less savoury locations such as arms factory EDO, tax dodgers Top Shop and properties owned by local landlord and thug Nicolas van Hoogstraten.

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State Assessments of Strategic Prospects for the Anti-Cuts Movement

27-04-2011 14:56

Policy Exchange UK published a You Tube video of a symposium in which policing experts and former police infiltrators offer frank assessments of government responses to the threat they face from the anti-cuts movement _

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A Matter of Life and Death - Mutual Aid against NHS reforms

27-04-2011 10:45

No-one can fully predict what political strategies might or might not work best, but if the NHS is privatised we'll never get it back. Radical strategies can be pursued alongside liberal strategies. The protest movement is working. Sign the 38 Degrees NHS Petition...

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Invitation: Royal Zombie Wedding Celebration & Flash Mob

26-04-2011 21:08

Royal Zombie Celebration & Flash Mob
Queer Resistance - the UK anti cuts LGBTQI collective - invite you to a Royal Zombie Wedding Celebration & Flash Mob on Friday 29th April

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Cut Cake Not Services Guerrilla Picnic

26-04-2011 11:20

A group of local Telford residents will be hosting a guerrilla picnic themed 'Cake Not Cuts' at the Telford Town Park Amphitheatre on Monday 1st May from midday onwards.

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Toby Young, the EDL and the Rally Against Debt

26-04-2011 11:12

A nasty little bunch of right-wing chancers are organising a Rally Against Debt to show public "support" for public service cuts, scheduled for 11am to 2pm at Old Palace Yard, Westminster, London, May 14 -

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Clegg visiting Bristol 26/04/11

26-04-2011 10:56

Unconfirmed reports of Nick Clegg visiting Bristol today, see below for dets

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Sheffield Universities to Charge High Fees

25-04-2011 19:11

Report and analysis on the recent decision of both of the city's Universities to charge near-maximum tuition fees.

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Mayday! Mayday! Save our libraries!

25-04-2011 17:36

To celebrate International Workers’ Day Library Workers For A Brighter Future and Sheffield Uncut would like to invite you to the opening of the Sheffield Peoples’ Library . The exact location is yet to be confirmed, but we will meet in Cathedral Square at 1pm and proceed to the venue which we will occupy and transform into a library.