UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
May Day march and rally in Edinburgh
03-05-2014 23:15

March on Parliament, 21st June! Austerity is Theft!
15-04-2014 20:23

No More Austerity! Austerity is Theft! National Demo!
Festival outside the BBC, then march on Parliament
People attacked under ConDem Govt are et down by the funded "advice"
10-04-2014 14:46
Cheatonesadvice is of course a word created today.UK Nazism's Plan D - the "White Pride" demos!
09-04-2014 23:40

Bedroom Tax Demo by Hull People’s Assembly Against Austerity 5th April
06-04-2014 13:54

Stop Basildon Council Evictions on Fri 11th April
05-04-2014 14:47
In excess of 30 cases will be heard regarding possible evictions due to rent arrears at Basildon County Court on Friday 11th April 2014. Most cases are as a result of the imposition of the 'Bedroom Tax' by Basildon Council. Please come and support them and show solidarity against the Tory/UKIP majority council. Meet 09.00 Basildon County Court. Address: The Gore, Basildon, SS14 2BU EssexBring banners and attitude.
Esther to be rehoused! Solidarity works
05-04-2014 10:43

On Monday morning over 20 people descended on the offices of Metropolitan Housing in Lambeth to insist that the Association finds appropriate housing for Esther.
The @SalvationArmy Must quit #Workfare
04-04-2014 23:54

Local people in Southwark yesterday staged protests outside the Salvation Army UK HQ at Elephant and Castle, before moving onto to a local Salvation Army 'Charity' Shop. They are angry that the organisation continues to participate in the coalition's workfare programme which forces people to do unpaid work for their benefits.
Day of Protest against ATOS & DWP. Report from Wrexham
01-04-2014 12:33

Today, 1 April, has been called as a further day of action against ATOS and the Department for Work and Pensions. I decided to lend my support to the call for an end to the notorious work capability assessments that force disabled people to seek jobs that don't exist, and to the genocidal government policy of cutting off benefits and leaving claimants without the means of survival.
Billboard modifications subvert HMRC propaganda & Starbucks etc
26-03-2014 13:15

Student Protests Totally Vindicated - Tuition Fees Betrayal is Sham **Official**
22-03-2014 08:26

Theatre for Change
21-03-2014 15:37
A article about two of the projects of Leith-based drama group Active Inquiry. The 'Resilience' project refers to the challenges faced by community groups in the economic crisis and "Flashback' to a consideration of the meaning of independence.Ash Wednesday peace liturgy and End Hunger Fast Campaign
15-03-2014 11:12

As a Lenten observance Scott has also shaved his head and is attempting to do a 40 day fast. This is to highlight food poverty in Britain. Keith Hebden who is also fasting said that Scott has a unique perspective on hunger in Britain.
RIP Bob Crow - who told it like it is - RMT General Secretary
11-03-2014 13:31

How disrespectful. Trades unions have 15 times more members and are far more democratic than political parties in the UK Mr Mason.

Londoners tell Boris 'Our City is Not for Sale'
11-03-2014 09:49

Stop Workfare In Its Tracks – Join The Week Of Action 29 March – 6 April 2014
05-03-2014 12:52

In April George Osborne’s mass workfare scheme will begin. Unemployed people will be sentenced to 780 hours community work simply for being unable to find a job. Not even lone parents with young children are to be exempt from the scheme which will see so-called charities like Groundwork UK and the Salvation Army paid by the tax payer to force people to work for free. Part time workers and those currently genuinely volunteering will also face being sent on unpaid work.
Petition against Hospital Closure Clause - PLEASE SIGN NOW!
03-03-2014 18:55
166,500 signatures and counting! Just days to the deadline -
IMPORTANT! NHS Care Data Opt-Out Forms!
01-03-2014 15:40

Hereford Heckler #23 now out...
28-02-2014 14:07
Issue 23 of the Hereford Heckler has hit the streets!