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UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive

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hundreds of students Occupy Senate House grounds in Cambridge.

24-11-2010 23:54

Local and national media were watching...
Today in Cambridge, on November 24th, 2010 the ante was well and truly upped by several hundred very angry and frustrated students, when not only did they take to the streets in protest against the ConDem'med government's plan to raise tuition fees up to at least £9,000 per year, but they also took direct action and occupied the front lawn of Cambridge University's Senate House for several hours.

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Royal Holloway Occupation Continues!

24-11-2010 23:34

The Royal Holloway Anti Cuts Alliance are still occupying the picture gallery corridor of Founder’s building

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Blogs of Occupations - add yours to the list

24-11-2010 23:22

Here are a few of the blogs from this weeks occupations which took place across the UK
The students have put up their demands and each occupation can be followed at length.
We will add as you send them in.

Royal Holloway:


List of Universities Occupied:
Royal Holloway
Birmingham City
Manchester Met

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Thousands Protest Against Cuts To Education

24-11-2010 23:22

University of Bristol Union Occupied
Report And Photos From Student Anti Cuts Demo
Today somewhere between 2000-4000 students, teachers and lecturers protested in central Bristol, meaning that the protest was probably the best attended Bristolian demonstration since the anti-war protests of 2002. Having congregated outside Bristol University's Senate House to hear union reps give short speeches at 12:30, the protest moved down to Clifton triangle, past the Wills Memorial building and down Park St, which was filled by protesters, the majority of whom were aged between 14 and 20. At the bottom of Park St the march was blocked from entering the centre by a police cordon, and so most of the march went back up Park St where protesters were hemmed in on all sides by police cordons. In spite of this, large groups managed to break out, including those who went to the Bristol University Student Union building and have occupied the building

In sum the demo was well attended by young people, many of whom have never been on a protest before. There was a general sense of anger and hostility towards the ConDem coalition and in particular the cuts to the EMA and the proposals to triple university fees while completely withdrawing state funding from the arts, humanities and social sciences. Many students brought home made banners with a diverse range of slogans from 'Think Now Before Its Too Expensive,' and 'Thought is Not a Commodity' to 'Browne is Shit' and 'Tory Scum'.

Full Article and Photos | Occupation of University of Bristol Union | Activist Hospitalised by Cops at Bristol Student Demo | Police Not Displaying Numbers on Today's Demo | Today's Student Demo | Bristol University Students Union Under Occupation

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Cardiff Uni Occupation CONTINUES: Public Statement

24-11-2010 21:54

Cardiff University Students will continue Occupying Large Shandon Lecture Theatre in the Main Building of Cardiff University over night. The decision was taken by consensus by the ~50 students present at 9.45, shortly before the deadline to leave set by the University Management (10pm).

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Tory Party HQ Nottingham Closed for Business Today

24-11-2010 21:25

Wednesday 24th November 2010,

The Conservative Party HQ was closed for business today. 

The large gates to the compound where the offices are located at King Edward Court were locked shut. A note on the gate informed us that offices were shut today, but without any further explaination. Another note says that if you needed access to the  offices of the Crown Prosecution Service CPS, then need to contact them. Windows remained broken and boarded up after a previous incident last week. There was also a police presence watching out for any eventualities.

So, what's going on?  Well there was a nationally advertised student walk out today.  They were clearly worried about further direct action by students and others on the issues of fees, cuts to public service, and all the rest ...... 

Me thinks that the Conservative Party are nervous about the publics reaction to these issues.

earlier: .......

Last Thursday, damage was done to the Conservative Party Nottingham Office.

Obviously as a protest against the governments cuts to welfare, public service, care etc etc .... [oooops sorry, I meant the governments public spending review].

Some windows had been smashed along the wall in King Edward Street and there were some painted messages including "Fight the cuts" and "Tory Scum".

Windows have now been boarded up, awaiting the glaziers.  This is the latest expression of peoples anger at these proposals.  There have been other examples around the city including County Hall and a firm of baliffs offices.

In a statement, they said: "We did this because we believe in acting autonomously with the rage in our hearts. And we did this in solidarity with those arrested for being at Millbank, and all people who are getting fucked over by the cuts and capitalism on a daily basis."

So, there you have it. I think you can only imagine this becoming a continuing trend!

Conservative Party Office
1 King Edward Court,

Smashed Windows & Graffiti @ Conservative Offices

Statement on these events at: at:
Tory offices in Nottingham smashed

and earlier .....

Fuck austerity! Fight the cuts!

Baliff Bashing

and ......

Details of forecoming events at:
Notts Save Our Services | Defending jobs, services, welfare ...

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham.  UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
                                   It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"

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Edinburgh University occupied by anti-cuts protesters

24-11-2010 21:24

At 1pm over 300 students gathered in Bristo Square, Edinburgh, to begin a day of protest in resistance to cuts and fees; meanwhile, 50 workers and benefit claimants were holding a demonstration outside Edinburgh's A4E offices.

read more

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Uni of Manchester Roscoe Building Occupation

24-11-2010 21:20

A press statement released by the occupants of the University of Manchester Roscoe building.

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University of Sheffield Occupies!

24-11-2010 20:01

Sheffield University has been occupied by students opposed to the increase in tuition fees and education cuts.

Support the occupation against Higher Fees and Public Sector Cuts!

Come and join us in Hicks Building LT 5 & 6.

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Interview with an anarchist student occupier at Sheffield University

24-11-2010 19:25

Interview conducted today (24th November) with a student currently involved in the occupation of the Hicks Building at Sheffield University as part of the national wave of actions against education cuts.

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Bristol University Students Union under occupation!

24-11-2010 18:25

Around 100-200 students have occupied the University of Bristol Students Union on Queens Road following the large student protest in Bristol today. They have tents and supplies inside the building and are willing to stay 'as long as possible'. They are currently in a meeting to discuss further action/statements/aims/demands.
*will update with further news
Around 100-200 students have occupied the University of Bristol Students Union on Queens Road following the large student protest in Bristol today. They have tents and supplies inside the building and are willing to stay 'as long as possible'. They are currently in a meeting to discuss further action/statements/aims/demands.
*will update with further news

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Police Not Displaying Numbers on Today's Demo

24-11-2010 18:25

Despite having being repeatedly told that it is illegal for police officers to cover up their officer numbers when dealing with public dmeonstrations, notably after Climate Camp at Kingsnorth and then the G20 demo in London last year, it seems that some coppers still don't want to comply and make themselves identifiable.
Despite having being repeatedly told that it is illegal for police officers to cover up their officer numbers when dealing with public dmeonstrations, notably after Climate Camp at Kingsnorth and then the G20 demo in London last year, it seems that some coppers still don't want to comply and make themselves identifiable.

While most the coppers who were out preventing several thousand school and university students from entering the town centre today had their numbers on display here's some evidence that the practice of covering up numbers is still practiced by some officers.

This is done so that officers are able to act in a violent and unlawful manner without being identifiable by their victims. The police have repeatedly reassured the public that this practice no longer happens. It would appear that this is not true.

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Activist Hospitalised by Cops at Bristol Student Demo

24-11-2010 17:22

Initial report
Bristol University occupied, 4000 on the streets, police arrest and assault students to maintain their order.

After initial fears from organisers that todays Student demo was going to be a damp squib, these concerns were waylaid as between 2000 and 4000 students and supporters took to the streets of Bristol.

The march did not stop at Wills Memorial as planned and instead moved into the city centre. As the police tried to contain the march groups split off in different directions. Bristol university union has been occupied and when all entrances were sealed by the police on the order of the uni president, activists broke through police lines and stormed the building.

We received reports of groups of students being kettled and attacked by Police outside wills memorial, the city centre and on college green.

On arriving at college green we found students and activists breaking out of kettles and scattering into the side streets.

An attempt was made to occupy the Council building but were held back by police who kettles and searched protestors.

Witnesses say as one protester was leaving the area he was set upon by three police men using their batons and fists. Comrades have taken him to the BRI with concerning injuries to his wrist.

We are aware of at least two arrests but have not further details at this point

With both our universities occupies and 4000 on the streets Bristol looks set be a major flashpoint for the movement.

An injury to one is an injury to all. Show solidarity in any way you can.

We have comrades in the occupations and the BRI but have no information about arrestees at this time but there is nobody gathered outside Trinity.

More information as we receive it.


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today's student demo

24-11-2010 16:26

Over 2000 people (mainly under the age of 25!)gave the police a bit of a run around, biut were on the end just a bit too slow to take the initiave and take the protest into the city centre.

Its nice to go on a march with loads of people who haven't been on loads of marches before. No ones moaning that its boring, saying it pointless - just loads of exuberance about just being in a big crowd on the street - rememeber that? This even cheered a cynical old bastard like me up.

While the march from Bristol Uni may not go down in histoy, or even headline todays news reports (judging by what happened in london today) as the most significant ever, but there was several attempts to break through police lines - people who hadn't faced a riot cop police line were probably more intimidated by a "normal" police line had they been in that situation before, though saying that it was a group of school kids (not even 6th formers) who did actually burst through with us.

Basically, the police had contained most the crowd on park street, and after several escape attempts, they headed up to the student union, where it looked like they were going to ketteled (being kettled in a building with a bar is not so bad i guess) - at which point i left.

Police were stopping and searching the usual suspects (not the band) but as far as i saw no one had been arrested.

While they were a few people from the NUT and the IWW the mainstream unions were conspicuous by their absence. From what I heard from a UNISON (the biggest public sector union) member it seems as usual the tossers at the top are stopping any action.

For Christ Sake, f*****g wake up !

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Fit documenting students

24-11-2010 16:26

FIT are filming as usual.


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Virtual occupation of Lib Dem headquarters

24-11-2010 15:50

Demonstrators are not being allowed to get near the Lib Dem headquarters to demostrate there, so let's occupy it virtually with e-mail, fax and phone calls...

Write and call them to say that you've had enough of Lib Dem lies on student fees. When Clegg signed the pledge on student fees, that should have been a real promise, not something to renege on later!

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Rough guide to student occupation so far

24-11-2010 15:50

While waiting for those in the Oxford occupation and those involved to compose their thoughts and come out with a more complete summary of events, this is a rough collation of various sources for those such as myself trying to stay up to date with student protests round the country.

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Statement of Occupation at Warwick University

24-11-2010 15:41

Following on from a march ealier today 80 students from the University of Warwick occupied the University's Arts Centre Conference Centre.

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Occupation of Radcliffe Camera, Oxford

24-11-2010 15:13

The Radcliffe Camera of the Bodleian library, oxford, has been occupied

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Michael Sadler building at Leeds University occupied

24-11-2010 14:32

Students enter building
students have occupied Michael Sadler building at Leeds Uni. 400 planning to stay night