UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
MoD procurement privatisation - crucial article that didn't appear online
23-03-2012 13:55
This article appeared in the print edition of the Bristol Evening Post but someone somewhere decided it should not appear in the online edition - wonder why? It names and shames the massive companies that are circling round the MoD procurement centre at Abbey Wood, North Bristol like vultures. Just imagine if the private arms firms were in charge of overseeing government arms contracts. Bye-bye future - it's 1984 in spades! The last line - as ever - is the most important considering BAe Systems are 'at the heart of corruption' in the global arms trade.according to Andrew Feinstein (see below)report and pics on budget day parliament protests
22-03-2012 02:55

after the ukuncut action at downing street this morning, protests focussed mainly on the media village at college green, with chanting and banners impingeing on broadcasts throughout the day.
Spontaneous demo against privitisation of NHS
22-03-2012 00:55

report on ukuncut budget protest at downing st
21-03-2012 22:55

The New Walking Dead
20-03-2012 07:09

report and pics on nhs demo and actions yesterday
18-03-2012 14:55

a peaceful protest to save the nhs yesterday became a blockade of whitehall and then a march through the streets of london. as TSG officers were deployed, there were some incidents and injuries, as well as a controversial incident with some gun-wielding diplomatic protection police.
Remploy march and rally, Wrexham.
17-03-2012 21:12

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Interview with PCT occupiers
16-03-2012 15:52
Interview with occupiersWe are occupying PCT headquarters in oxford ...
16-03-2012 13:59
We are occupying PCT headquarters in oxford and pics from yesterday's NUS walkout
15-03-2012 12:55

up to a thousand london students took part in the march yesterday afternoon, starting at malet street and ending with a call for david willett's resignation at the dept for business, innovation and skills in victoria. the procession was closely policed, and new tactics were deployed.
Campaigners Take Action Against Mainstream Banks
14-03-2012 18:12

Manchester University Walkout Against Rise of Postgraduate Fees
14-03-2012 18:04

Block The Bill Builders
14-03-2012 03:03
Action against the Coalition Government's planned Health and Social Care bill has so far largely been what ministers will have expected and planned for, since privatisation of the NHS was first mooted (long before the 2010 general election).As a result, such action is being largely ignored by those who will vote, and indeed by the mainstream media.
We are calling for a Day of Action on Wednesday 14th March
Workfare Walk of Shame
09-03-2012 11:20
Saturday, 17 March 2012 13:00 until 16:00Meet at Poundland, Kings Heath High Street, Birmingham
Fair Work - Not Workfare!
Join us on the Workfare Walk of Shame on Kings Heath High Street
Meet at Poundland from 1pm, at around 1:30pm we will go for a walk down Kings Heath high street, stopping off at places that use forced labour from workfare schemes.
Save Our NHS, Public Meeting, Stroud 15 March 2012
09-03-2012 10:19

Smash the Council, Blockade the Town Hall!
08-03-2012 13:35
Town Halls across the UK are now —where they ever anything else?— fronts for the implementation of control, subservience, atomisation, under the guise of austerity —a watch-tower over the “Proles”Wake Up Call follow-up: Oxford coaches NHS rally in London this Wednesday
05-03-2012 15:52
Following the screening of Wake Up Call, a series of three films explaining the Coalition Government's proposals for the privatisation of the NHS, there was quite a lot of interest from people interested in getting hold of the film and also to go to the rally to be held this Wednesday.March against “slave labour” targets big employers still backing ‘workfare’ after government U-turn
04-03-2012 08:46

The march targeted shops said to be involved in ‘workfare’, including McDonalds, Boots, Greggs, BHS and Primark, in an attempt to pressurise them to pull out of the schemes.
Sheffield Workfare Protest
03-03-2012 23:23