UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
Support For Ed Woollard - 26/03/11
25-03-2011 19:53
Show your support for a victim of politicised sentencingEenee Stannit - Cuts March Edition!
25-03-2011 14:12
Back after an absence of nearly 10 years, the latest edition of the Eenee Stannit can be found here26th March Dissident Feeder March Still On!
25-03-2011 01:46

Brussels demo kicks off against EU summit
25-03-2011 01:07

Because of a fear of violence, helicopters circled over the summit site, hundreds of police patrolled throughout the capital, and heavy equipment, including water cannons, was stationed close to EU headquarters. Demonstrators armed with sticks and other protesters throwing stones confronted police cordons but could not break through.
It Cuts Both Ways... Alternatives to Cuts (a Video)
25-03-2011 00:41
A film about UK Uncut and alternatives to cuts by Oonagh Cousins.March 26th: Tactical Briefing: Cops, Anarchists, Flashpoints
25-03-2011 00:34
Freedom newspaers useful guide to official preparations for March 26th ant-cuts demoMET officer brags on facebook
24-03-2011 18:22

"Hope it gets cold down there tonight and we keep them penned in for another 6 hours!"
The words of MacDara Conneely, an officer with the Metropolitan Police. The following transcript was taken from a facebook dialogue involving Conneely back in November 2010, during the student protests. Please spread.
Download this flyer for distribution on the demo
24-03-2011 12:32

Sukey slip closer into the arms of the Met
24-03-2011 00:21
Sukey have changed their their Warning To Idiots page to come across a little more, er user friendly.Call Out for help in making noises, protest songs, handing out flyers
23-03-2011 23:20
Call out for helpers to hand out flyers about other direct actions on day of demo 11.00-2.00pm Sat Mar 26th at start of TUC demo and to join in with vocal groups in noises, protest songs etcWhat is the alternative?
23-03-2011 14:31
Can someone fron the TUC or unions please explain what alternative is proposed...Sleep-in at Trafalgar Sq against proposed ban on rough sleeping
23-03-2011 13:26
Westminster have proposed a new byelaw to ban rough sleeping and the provision of free food in public spaces in the borough. A mass sleep-in is being organised to protest the ban, which is due to take place at 7pm at Trafalgar Square this Saturday, 26th March.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Breaking news ... 20 women locking on at Downing Street!!!
23-03-2011 12:22
This just in ...BBC to be funded by US State Department.
23-03-2011 12:02
The BBC World Service division, responsible for foreign language broadcasting of "news" into other nations around the world, has approached the US State Department for funding.Three Days...
23-03-2011 10:12

Glasgow Uni Occupation Violently Evicted by Cops
22-03-2011 15:22
The 49 day long occupation of The Hetherington Building at Glasgow University has today been violent evicted by the cops. In response, occupiers, students and supporters have occupied the Senate Floor of Glasgow University.Over the last month The Hetherington Building has been the site of Free Space offering workshops and other useful social activities.
Will Sukey Keep Us Safe? … Leaked Minutes Reveal Cosy Chats With Met
22-03-2011 10:09
On the face of it, Sukey (1), the mobile phone application launched to much fanfare in the mainstream press, seems like a good idea. Sukey is designed as a: “a multi-platform news, communications and logistical support system designed to ensure safety for protesters during demonstrations”.Birmingham rally against cuts as the national budget is announced
22-03-2011 09:02

Rally against cuts as the national budget is announced
Government Office for the West Midlands, St. Philips Place, B3 2PW (Cathedral)
Thurs 24th March
National Day of Action to defend English Classes for speakers of other languages (ESOL)
12.30 Protest at Council House Victoria Square B1 1BB
NUS elections: interview with left-wing candidate Mark Bergfeld
20-03-2011 09:19
Ahead of the National Union of Students elections in April 2011, we publish here an interview with the left-wing candidate Mark Bergfeld, as well as two short replies by students involved in education campaigns.“I doubt Bergfeld has the strategy to win”, says Patrick Rolfe, Really Open University
“Let’s critically support Mark”, says Jess Bradley, Students for Sensible Drug Policy