UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
Sheffield workfare protest, Saturday May 4th
27-04-2013 15:18
On Saturday May 4th, starting at 1pm, Unite Community members will be protesting outside Poundland on the Moor as part of the ongoing national campaign against the government's workfare schemes. We hope you can make it. For more information, see the facebook event:
The Thatcher Legacy, the Legacy of Dependency.
21-04-2013 22:36

Council Tax Refusal Campaign Begins
20-04-2013 17:24
In the Nottingham area a Don't Pay Council Tax Campaign has been launched as a protest against the continuing cuts in spending on public services which particularly impact on poor and disadvantaged people.Wrexham Waves Goodbye to Thatcher
17-04-2013 19:08

Around 60 people gathered at the Arc Statue in the centre of Wrexham at 5pm today to mark Maggie Thatcher's demise with a vigil for 'the workers and unwaged who are still living with Thatcher's legacy.' There was a silent vigil and then speeches.
Bifurcated Britain
17-04-2013 14:27
The funeral arrangements accorded to Margaret Thatcher by the poitical elite reveal the divided nature of British Society and the continuance of 'two-nation' Toryism.Margaret Thatcher Funeral & Trafalgar Square Party Compared
17-04-2013 08:12
In contrast to the 2-3,000 that the BBC confirmed attended the Margaret Thatcher Death Party in Trafalgar Square, 9am 17 April the BBC are reporting "one or two" members of the public gathering to pay their respects to Margaret Thatcher on Fleet Street, and "well over a thousand" gathered around St Paul's...Full article | 1 addition | 12 comments
Margaret Thatcher owned £6m house linked to THREE tax havens
15-04-2013 19:26

Global Day of Action on Military Spending. Solidarity in Wrexham
15-04-2013 16:49

Stop making a killing from war: #demilitarize now
15-04-2013 15:17
The international peace network, War Resisters' International (WRI) supports the Day of Action on Military Spending taking place worldwide on 15 April.WRI strives against all causes of war, as affirmed in its foundation declaration: “War is a crime against humanity”. The military-industrial complex is as strong as ever - war profiteers continue to make a killing from war. They do this with support from governments who see military strength as the most useful tool for imposing their influence. The stronger your military power, the more influence you have. This means that governments spend millions to arm themselves. The latests figures from the 2013 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) annual report show a slight decrease in military spending of 0.5 percent, but in 2012 worldwide, we still spent $1.75 trillion on weapons to kill each other. It's hard to imagine what this money could do if spent more productively. A graphic produced by WRI member AA-MOC will give you some ideas.
Direct Action at EDO, Brighton, on Global Day of Action on Military Spending
15-04-2013 12:25
Workers at EDO in Brighton arrived to work today to find the front gates drenched with red paint, symbolising the blood of the victims of the weapons manufacturer.ukuncut london millionaire eviction - report and pics
14-04-2013 21:04

trafalgar square thatcher death party - report and pics
14-04-2013 17:45

Margaret Thatcher death party - Trafalgar Square, London, 13 April 2013
14-04-2013 01:16
Margaret Thatcher death party - Trafalgar Square, London, 13 April 2013An Analysis...
Ding Dong, BBC make history as music downloads become news!
12-04-2013 20:56

Buckingham Palace, Church & Whitehall getting cold feet over Thatcher funeral
12-04-2013 17:34
Margaret Thatcher worship FAIL - the carnage continues...MEETING PLACE FOR UK Uncut ACTION SATURDAY – EVICT A MILLIONAIRRE
12-04-2013 11:33

Margaret Thatcher - The Daily Mail miscalculate badly!
10-04-2013 22:00

Vigil for Thatcher's Many Victims - Wed 17 April in Wrexham
10-04-2013 07:36

Baroness Thatcher - have a word with the Daily Mail
09-04-2013 09:25

State Funeral for Margaret Thatcher?
08-04-2013 12:20

Should tax-payers be forced to pay for such an insult?