UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
Islington meeting wants no bedroom tax evictions
04-04-2013 20:38

Daylight Robbery In Cyprus.
01-04-2013 12:11
The article considers some implications of the recent sequestration of bank deposits in Cyprus. It points out that this 'heist' demonstrates capitalisms continuing self-destructive tendencies which have implications, not only for jobs and welfare services, but also for the future functioning of towns and 'bedroom tax' protest - report, pics and analysis
31-03-2013 15:48

Atos Mass Read 9th April
27-03-2013 08:03
Looking for people to take part in a mass read of the Atos Monologues on 9th AprilStop G8 Call for workshops - Ideas Vs Capitalism
27-03-2013 00:55

The StopG8 week of resistance is taking place in London on 10-14th June, in the week running up to the G8 World Bosses' summit. As well as action in the streets, the week will include an events programme of talks, meet-ups, films, games, concerts, and more, all over London and beyond.
Please get in touch if you would like to run or take part in an event, if you can help with organising or venues or publicity, or if you just have an idea for something you'd like to see happen. We want this to be big, so we're starting to plan the week right now.
Syriza: Crucible Or Cul-De-Sac
24-03-2013 23:28
There have been many calls for a 'party of the people' in the last couple of years. A speech by Alexis Tsipras in London March 15 2013, outlined what policies Syriza as ‘a party of the people’ would implement if it gained power. This article questions whether in the current crisis, such parties and policies are rational proposals or just the result of nostalgic and idealistic longings.JSA & ESA South London Claimants Union
21-03-2013 13:32
For a Claimants Union in South London!Wednesday 27th March 4pm
Eileen House, 80-94 Newington Causeway, SE1 6EF
Bedroom Tax campaign meeting in Irvine
20-03-2013 21:24

Stop G8 national meeting - London - April 6/7
20-03-2013 13:01
The next Stop G8 national meeting will be held in London on the 6/7 April- all welcome except cops and journos
To propose items for the agenda, request accommodation in London or for
more info please contact

Workfare Makes You Free Claim Salvation Army – Join the Online Day of Action
18-03-2013 22:01

Jobseekers & ESA Workshop this Wednesday 4pm @ Eileen House
18-03-2013 19:29

Sheffield action against library closures and workfare, 23rd March
18-03-2013 12:59
This Saturday, we'll be taking to the streets to defend our libraries and take action against forced unpaid work. Join us!Internal deportation in Tower Hamlets
16-03-2013 12:47
Tower Hamlets Council is ranked at the top of the deprivation league. Whoever is counting, the position hardly changes. The borough is deprived. Most people in it are in low income. So why is the Council's own "newspaper" not reporting this?Self Organised London still alive and kicking!
15-03-2013 23:17

A massive 55 nationwide protests against Bedroom Tax this Saturday
13-03-2013 11:30

get involved! - Come to the Stop G8 Network Meeting in London
11-03-2013 20:55
StopG8 is organising a week of action, including workshops, gigs and cultural events in June. There is also a major day of action on Tuesday 11 June, 'J11 – Carnival against Capitalism'. There's lots to do and we need more people to get involved.Hate meetings?! No problem, we want people to come and take on jobs, you don't have to sit around in big groups discussing things. The next national meeting will be in London on 6th and 7th April (venue tba, see, we'll arrange the agenda so you can come along and get involved without spending hours in meetings.
occupiers of women's library being evicted!
09-03-2013 16:11
8th March feminists occupied the Women's Library in London to protest against its closure and against austerity cuts. They are now being evicted so support is needed.CALLOUT: National Day of Action Against the Bedroom Tax!
07-03-2013 17:09

Birmingham Anti-Cuts Conference – Saturday 16th March
05-03-2013 11:44

4pm – 6pm
Saturday 16th March