UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
Met occupation evicted by Police midnight raid
10-05-2011 07:55
The entirely peaceful student occupation of the Graduate Centre on the Holloway Road was raided tonight by 16 thugs, including private security guards, 10 bailiffs, 4 police officers and only ONE London Met Security guard, John Hunt.
They forced entry to deliver a high court injunction at about 11.55pm, which was ordered against 5 named individuals and Persons Unknown. It required the defendants to cease their current trespass, or they would be in breach of court and “could be arrested or imprisoned”.
This was massively initmidating and directly victimises students who face transfer to other universities as a result of the cuts. Students were only given 10 minutes to read the order and to leave the premises. The management had got the police involved to intimidate the students and threaten them with arrest, despite this being a civil matter and should not even be on site. The police told the student to “pack up and go” or be arrested.The students had no time to prepare their defence, read the paperwork OR call lawyers. This is a disgrace and shows Malcolm Gillies (VC) is just as much of a thug as the sexist and racist individuals he has placed inside and outside the occupation, at an alleged cost of £35,000.
The eviction came as a surprise, as Malcolm Gillies had agreed to meet the students tomorrow morning at 9.30am to begin a dialogue about their futures. Clearly this was all false information and proves that his view of ‘consultation’ is that it is worthless. Tonight’s events illustrate how Gillies continues to cowardly refuse to communicate, even though his plans will devastate hundreds of lives.
Worried that they were about to be arrested, the students decided to leave the occupation peacefully, and now face having to find their ways home when public transport is closed.
The fight for our futures is now hanging in the balance. Please join us for a mass lobby of the Board of Governors on Wednesday at 4.30pm in Moorgate, to make a public protest to save London Met, and call for the resignation of Malcolm Gillies. This is disgraceful behaviour and such actions by Management should not be acceptable in a University environment.
NHS protest Tues 17 May, Gower Street, London, 5.30pm
09-05-2011 23:36

Squirrels now advocating direct action
09-05-2011 23:14

We Will Rise! - Song for our times
09-05-2011 21:18
We will rise! Sung by Côr Gobaith by Dr Vole, Zayeet & Paula Boulton written for Côr Gobaith, Dec 2010-Jan 2011 recorded live at Transition Llambed's party, Lampeter, 26 Feb 2011International Week of Virtual Protest Against Atos Origin Begins Today!
09-05-2011 09:22

As part of the National Week of Action Against Atos Origin we are calling for a virtual protest to be held across the world!

Picnic and Party Against Atos - part 2 - Monday May 9th
08-05-2011 21:16
Monday, May 9 · 2:00pm – 6:00pmAtos Origin HQ, Triton Square, London, NW1
Silent protest against Witney youth centre closure
07-05-2011 19:38

Birmingham: May Day International Worker's day
07-05-2011 19:11

May Day celebrates International Workers Day and is marked traditionally when the Trade Union Movement gathers with the community to celebrate our achievements and to commit ourselves to achieving economic and social justice for all.
Birmingham TUC worked together with Birmingham Against the Cuts and invited trades unionists, students and the public to join this demonstration to stop the cuts and fight for an alternative based on our needs, not bankers greed!
DPAC was there with our stall and banner at the start at St Philips Cathedral – we were to march through part of the city centre to Victoria Sq where there were speeches. I joined Matt, Linda and Paul there to hand out leaflets and chat to the people there. It was a lively crowd and people seemed genuinely interested to stop and chat and to take up handouts. There was a UKuncut group dressed up in white body suits with black tipped markings – they said the body stockings were what the UKuncut people (Fortnum and Mason Solidarity Bloc) had to wear after the Fortnum and Mason event in London, 26th march. Next to our stall was the Confronting Anti Muslim Hatred stall. There was also an anti war stall.
Met Occupation still going strong
06-05-2011 12:08
Update on London Met Occupation ( see
All the support has been really really touching. Thank you for all your love and solidarity.
It is important to stress what is going on…
In case you’re unaware, the University plans to cut 70% of the courses being offered at London Met. This is a clear, ideological attack on Higher Education. The Government’s decision to cut the HE budget by 40% is having very real, and devastating effects on the ground. For somewhere like London Met that is heavily subsidised, the impact is obviously worse. People’s lives, both students and staff, are currently being turned upside-down. Hundreds of redundancies are in process.
Social Centre Plus 1 in Deptford evicted this morning
06-05-2011 11:58
Social Centre Plus 1, the originally occupied Job Centre site on 122 Deptford High St, was finally evicted this morning by a group of bailiff thugs from Locksbury Services backed up by around 10 police officers.70% of courses cut- London Metropolitan University Occupied
04-05-2011 22:38
The Graduate Centre of Holloway Road Campus is currently occupied by students in protest against Vice- Chancellor Malcolm Gillies’ decision to axe 70% of courses- including Performing Arts, Philosophy and History. Gillies’ decision came as a shock a couple of weeks ago.Connexions Strike Birmingham
04-05-2011 21:05

London Met Students Occupy to Defend Courses
04-05-2011 19:05
UNISON and UCU are encouraged to learn that as of this lunchtime someof our students - in particular, Performing Arts students, have
occupied the Graduate Centre at London Met in protest against the
massive cuts to courses proposed by London Met management.
They, like us, believe these massive cuts to our course portfolio -
the loss of Performing Arts, Philosophy, History, Caribbean Studies,
Trade Union Studies, .... will irreparably damage local working class
student education and the very essence of our university.
National Week of Action Against Atos Origin - 9-15th May - Latest News
04-05-2011 10:18
Disability activists, claimant groups and anti-cuts campaigners have called a week of action against poverty pimps Atos Origin beginning on Monday 9th May with a picnic and party in Triton Square*, home of their head office, at 2pm.Both announced and unannounced protests are set to take place around the UK outside the offices and testing centres operated by Atos Origin.
Portsmouth Mayday March
03-05-2011 22:36
On Sunday 1st May, a mayday march of 150 people made its way from Victoria Park to Southsea Common to protest against the cuts.Connexions Strike on Wed May 4th
03-05-2011 21:54

Cop Advisors Admit Anti-Cuts Protests Can Win!
03-05-2011 20:53
Policy Exchange UK published a You Tube video of a symposium in which policing experts and former police infiltrators offer frank assessments of government responses to the threat they face from anti-cuts protests. These experts advise that the protests can succeed, and their primary advice to the government is to "kettle the political debate as efficiently as the Met kettles rioters". What strategies can protestors adopt to make sure that doesn't happen?Photos from Oxford's May Day March
03-05-2011 20:32

Hundreds march through Cambridge against cuts.
03-05-2011 17:08

Three banks in Birmingham sabotaged on Mayday action
03-05-2011 12:26
Last night a group of activists sabotaged three banks on the High Street in Harborne, Birmingham.