UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
NHS Gloucestershire escapes backdoor privatisation after high court drama
09-02-2012 19:09

Future Of NHS Hangs on High Court Scales, Wed 8th
07-02-2012 14:07

Call Out - High Court, 10am Wed 8th Feb Keep Gloucestershire's NHS Public!
06-02-2012 14:57

community hospitals out of NHS and into social enterprise. for more
info see http://www. or email
Calling all students, take back your campus
04-02-2012 12:16

Battle of Saltley Gate 40th Anniversary Commemoration
02-02-2012 17:08

Time: 11:00
Where: Gate St off Saltley Gate roundabout opposite Alum Rock Rd
Citizens Advice Bureau in New Funding Cut Difficulties
02-02-2012 16:50
Protest Outside Atos in Solidarity with the Nottingham 2
02-02-2012 13:08
Friday 3rd February 1-2pm Triton Square.Benefit claimants, disabled people and supporters will be gathering outside Atos’ head office in Triton Square this Friday in solidarity with the Nottingham 2 who were charged with ‘aggravated trespass’ at a previous protest in Nottingham.
Call from the Wilderness Forest of Dean Wilderness Centre
01-02-2012 22:19

Two activists jedi'd their way into the meeting, and handing out our "statement of intent" (link below) to the officious types sat around with members of the police, various council officers and advisors in Shire Hall, Gloucester, before being asking to leave -all was very polite, civil and in good humour.
We await their decision, which will dictate our next move.
Cuts to Bus Services Come to Cambridgeshire Today.
31-01-2012 16:25

In fact, decisions made today in that building will change many peoples' lives forever, as there was a meeting by county councillors to decide which rural bus services are to have their funding cut.
Richard Murphy Talk on UK Tax from Occupy Conference
28-01-2012 23:56

DPAC and ukuncut block Regent Street
28-01-2012 14:29

At about midday, a group of activists strung a chain across the Regent Street North junction with Oxford Circus, and a number of wheelchair users attached themselves to the train. Police were fairly slow to arrive, by which time numbers were also swelled with the arrival of those who had responded to the call out.
The protest was a response to the draconian measures being taken to slash welfare provision, with disabled people being some of the hardest hit. A propoganda campaign mounted by the state and corporate media has produced a nasty backlash against disabled people. One woman told me that she has been asked if she really needs her wheelchair.
DPAC called for more protests to be held across the UK, and it is to be hoped that this will happen.
Remembering the Battle of Saltley Gate
27-01-2012 23:59

On November 30th last year millions of workers went on strike across the country

#15MGlobalStrike – Italian Grassroots syndicalist general strike on 27 January
27-01-2012 02:00
We recognize that the strike on 27 January called by the USB, Unicobas, Orsa, SICobas, Snater and USI unions is an opportunity for this renewal of the ability to mobilize of the workers’ movement in Italy and as anarchist communists, we declare our solidarity with the workers of all kinds and with all those who join the strike and participate in the demonstration in Rome on Friday 27 January.Michael Gove Visiting Birmingham Tomorrow (Friday) – Protest 1pm
26-01-2012 23:51

Ninestiles Academy, Hartfield Crescent, Birmingham, B27 7FQ
Call out for support of Occupy Sheffield!
25-01-2012 17:57
Occupy Sheffield are facing court hearings tomorrow as Very Reverend Dead Bradley of Sheffield Cathedral takes Occupy Sheffield to court! Come and Support your right to protest!Market solution is the crash - prospects for March 2012 Euro settlement?
24-01-2012 23:52

Coryton oil refinery to close
24-01-2012 19:36
People who followed the Coryton oil refinery blockade back in September 2010 will be interested to learn that Coryton's parent company has filed for bankruptcy meaning the refinery is set to be closed and hundreds of jobs are on the line.Demonstration against the Conservative Local Government Conference
23-01-2012 18:58
Demo against the cuts - 24/02/12 Queens Hotel (nr train station) LeedsDefend Right to Protest - University of Birmingham
23-01-2012 17:47

Time: 13:00 until 14:00
Where: Clocktower, University of Birmingham
Operation Lunch - a lunch in the city
23-01-2012 14:14
UK Uncut and associated members of the 99% have decided that in light of recent news about corporate tax avoidance it is only right to make our voice heard and make sure we are not left out of these lunch meetings. As such we will host a lunch meeting in the city with a major corporation.