UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
Birmingham N30 Strike photos part 2
30-11-2011 18:54

Birmingham N30 Strike photos part 1
30-11-2011 18:37

Sheffield University occupied
30-11-2011 17:47
Sheffield student occupation - initial statementN30 March In Oxford: My march
30-11-2011 17:35
Thousands of striking workers took to the streets of Oxford to support the national day of action against pension cuts. I went along too, here are my impressions of the demo.Protest Tonight 8pm, Stoke Newington Police Station
30-11-2011 16:34
Solidarity demo tonight after 30 arrested in Dalston.Building housing Britain's highest paid CEO is raided.
30-11-2011 16:26

See report from Occupy SLX below.
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1000 march in Swindon!
30-11-2011 15:59

St. Andrews N30
30-11-2011 14:42

Timeline for #N30 Day of Action
30-11-2011 08:55

18:35 Attempt to stop coaches from taking away 20(?) arrestees from Panton Street. Coached have now left.
18:10 Reports that cops are demanding details under S50, that some have refused and been arrested and out on coaches.
17:50 Section 60 at Panton St. People being searched, filmed and having their details taken. Very slow to get out of kettle especially for women as few few cops to do searches. Empty coaches hired by the Met are parked nearby indicating that mass arrests are likely.
17:20 Reports of a new kettle in Haymarket.
16:40 There appears to be a separate kettle at Charing Cross.
16:20 Panton House target was Mick Davies, CEO of earth trashing corporation Xstrata. "Last year, when his companies had losses and the economy collapsed. He received £18,426,105 for his efforts".
16:00 Kettle in Panton Street following 'breach of the peace' when undercovers cops were spotted and challenged.
15:55 Reports that protestors have entered Panton House, Haymarket, believed to house offices of UKs highest paid CEO. A flare has been set off in the lobby and a banner hung from the roof. Police have entered the building and Haymarker is blocked off.(see pics below)
Scroll down past photos for earler events.
15:45Solidarity demo for Dalston arrestes announced: "STOKE NEWINGTON POLICE STN, 8PM TONITE: Solidarity with 40 pickets arrested in Dalston. Bring flyers, banners & noise"
15:40#OccupyLSX and samba now moving off from Piccadilly Circus.
Sky News & Evening Standard lie about their own polls
30-11-2011 08:28

N30 Strike: What's Happening in the North West
30-11-2011 01:25
There are marches and pickets to support the pensions strike in a number of towns in the north west region.Birmingham City Council tries to sabotage N30 demo
29-11-2011 12:23
Unions have accused Birmingham City Council of trying to sabotage the N30 demonstration after asking for £8,000 to cover the cost.Wednesday’s Strike Is About More Than Pensions and Cuts
29-11-2011 11:38

A Message to Occupy Birmingham from Chomsky
29-11-2011 11:29
The Occupy Birmingham camp has received the following message of support from Noam ChomskySmash EDO: This week's noise demo cancelled -support the N30 strikers
29-11-2011 11:27
This week's Wednesday noise demo will be cancelled. We hope that everyone will be out on the streets in support of the November 30th strikers instead.You Can Shove Your Rubber Bullets...
28-11-2011 23:57

White working class areas in Birmingham feel 'alienated'
28-11-2011 11:11

Join Us Friday for Eco Build Fest/Tutorial
27-11-2011 23:17
Time 2 December · 10:00 - 13:00Location Peace gradens birmingham/ Occupy brum