UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
It's not Greece. It's Capitalism, stupid!
03-03-2012 22:41
The Greek crisis provides the best evidence that the Capitalist model of governance has utterly failed and must be overthrown. By Nicolas MottasBoycott Workfare Demonstration Report
03-03-2012 20:53

Forest of Dean Wilderness Centre requires urgent suport
02-03-2012 14:29
The Protect the Wilderness Centre campaign faces the courts on Monday 5th March against Gloucester Council. We are under immediate threat of eviction. Please help.Shockingly, business leaders campaign against 50p tax rate
01-03-2012 08:32
A group of people referring to themselves as 'wealth creators' are awfully upset about how they have been put 'in a very awkward position' as a result of the temporary 50p tax rate. Obviously this is the biggest injustice of all the changes made to combat the credit crunch. Go ahead, scrap the NHS and make people work despite being in comas. Just for the love of god don't make the richest in the country have to pay a little bit more! Do you think we're all in this together or something?!Occupation starts as camp ends
29-02-2012 13:37
Occupy Birmingham will be leaving the park behind Symphony Hall today. The occupiers have had a permanent presence in Birmingham City centre since October 15th, first in Victoria Square and latterly in the park on Cambridge Street. The camp is the longest occupation in England, it might be dismantling but this does not end the activities of Occupy, far from it. This is not the beginning of the end, but is the end of the beginning phase of Occupy.Miserable Old Town of London
28-02-2012 15:31
Although there are tons of moans you can have about Occupy London, it's sure as hell depressing to see the bile, spite and joy people have been sticking up on blogs and media articles cheering on the eviction. Is it just London or also the rest of England that's become so servile, uncritical and miserable?‘Shame-Faced’ Tony Ball forced to Flee Council Awards by angry protesters
28-02-2012 06:07

Nominated for the award of ‘Council Leader of the Year’ by the Local Government Information Unit [1], Tony Ball was confronted by 50 vocal Dale Farm supporters when he attempted to leave the Westminster City Hall. He was hounded back into the building by the protesters, who invaded the lobby shouting ‘scum’ and ’83 families homeless’, and was ultimately forced to leave under police guard via a back exit.
1831 Issue #5 - Bristol's Radical News Sheet
25-02-2012 10:42
New Issue of 1831 out now - Hotter than a coffee shop in AthensIt`s not just Greece that needs reform, it`s the whole EU.
20-02-2012 17:05
Throughout the world working people are being dumped with the debts of the corrupt politico-economic elites and greece is no exception. Only a FAIR bailout package will be accepted which requires serious reform of a rotten Greek political system. But will this imply such reform throughout the EU?Andrew Lansley Humiliated by Pensioner
20-02-2012 17:00
Andrew Lansley Humiliated by PensionerOrganized Non-violent Civil Disobedience vs. Occupy Wall St.
19-02-2012 15:12
I'm all for organized non-violent civil disobedience but that is not what Occupy Wall St. has been doing.Victory at Connexions as Unison Campaign Secures Jobs and Services
17-02-2012 15:59
Over 100 staff at Connexions had good news this week after hearing that Birmingham City Council have backed down and withdrawn the threat of redundancies, stating that there will not be any more cuts to this vital service in the coming financial year. We hope that whoever is in power following the council elections in May will provide a continued commitment to Connexions.Tesco’s Secret Workfare Slaves
16-02-2012 17:05
Furious shoppers are threatening to boycott Tesco after their use of forced labour schemes came to light yesterday.Take back your campus.
15-02-2012 17:26
Today we staged a sit-in at the University of Birmingham for the following reasons:University of Birmingham Corporate Conference Centre occupied- over 100 students
15-02-2012 17:14
Simon Furse has today received an announcement that his disciplinary hearing that took place this morning has been temporarily cancelled. It was cancelled mid-hearing due to procedural irregularities caused by student protest throughout the day, which at one point stormed the room where the hearing was taking place.Occupation- Defending the Right to Protest
15-02-2012 17:09
After a march around campus, UoB students and supporters have occupied Staff House in protest against the injunction against protest on campus and the disciplinary hearing that is taking place today against the sole student that the University were able to identify from the previous occupation.When The Shop Keepers Join The Revolt!
15-02-2012 02:01
When the shop keepers join the revolt things must be very bad indeed.Benefit Claimants Fighting Back
14-02-2012 15:36
The Welfare Reform Bill is back in the Lords today which may yet result in some more tinkering with this desperate piece of legislation. However the main thrust of the bill, enshrining as it does Universal Credit, benefits caps, mass health and disability testing programmes, workfare and the slashing of benefit for 20% of disabled people, is all firmly established and will become law.
99percentrecordings launches UK action
14-02-2012 13:35 is a pioneering new electronic dance music label, with a mission to unite a generation and encourage a peaceful, democratic campaign against an unjust system.