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UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive

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Solidarity Protest for banner drop activist remanded in custody

22-09-2011 09:08

On Friday 16th September, 3 student activists dropped a banner reading "Traitors Not Welcome, Hate Clegg Love NCAFC" for the opening of the Liberal Democrat 2011 conference in Birmingham. All 3 activists were arrested and held in police cells over the weekend, charged with road traffic offenses. At their bail hearing on Monday 19th, 2 were released on bail, whilst the third individual was remanded in custody.

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Lib Dem conference protester remanded in custody after banner drop

21-09-2011 08:56

The three men remanded in custody for three days over the weekend, after a banner drop at the Liberal Democrat conference, appeared in court on Monday. The men were remanded as their membership of an “organization” showed that they could not be trusted not to cause danger to the public.

At court all three men pleaded not guilty denying entirely that they caused danger to road users. Even the prosecution accepted in court that “no damage or injury was caused.” Two of the men were bailed on the condition that they do not enter Birmingham City Centre but the other one – a 22 year old from Fleet in Hampshire – was refused bail on the grounds of a previous conviction for aggravated trespass, as well as his continuing trial for the peaceful occupation of the Fortnum and Mason shop on March 26th of this year. He has been sent to prison awaiting a review of his bail.

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Fight The Power - London + Manchester Demos!!!

20-09-2011 12:18

2nd Oct, 12 noon, Liverpool Rd, Manchester M3 4JR

Defend Education, Fight Privatisation - NATIONAL DEMO

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Live stream from #occupywallstreet #takewallstreet protest

18-09-2011 16:37

This channel will feature live streams from global non violent revolution spreading across the globe, with the first broadcasts from Wall Street Occupation in NYC that will start on Saturday, September 17, 2011. The channel will also feature live stream from solidarity protests and events in Spain, Greece, France, Belgium, Iceland and other places around the gblobe

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Educate the Lib-Dems

17-09-2011 18:51

Nick Clegg – "I pledge to vote against any increase in fees"
Educate the Lib-Dems. Use web cafés + IP shielding –

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NCAFC activists drop banner for day 1 of Lib Dem conference

17-09-2011 09:16

Activists from the National Campaign against Fees and Cuts [1] did a banner drop yesterday, on the bridge connecting the Hyatt hotel, where delegates are staying, to the ICC conference centre, over Broad street, during rush hour.

The banner, which read “Traitors Not Welcome, Hate Clegg, Love NCAFC“, reminds delegates of the pledge taken by every Liberal Democrat candidate before the last election to vote against a rise in tuition fees and press for a fairer alternative.

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Nick Clegg now attacking democracy itself!

16-09-2011 12:10

Nick Clegg lied about opposing tuition fees, Nick Clegg is collaborating with back-door privatisation of the NHS, and now Nick Clegg is spearheading the biggest covert attack on British democracy since Margaret Thatcher tried to introduce a medieval Poll Tax...

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Brighton uncut activists in dock along with right to protest.

15-09-2011 10:27


On Tuesday, nine Brighton UK Uncut activists faced their first day in the courts. Eight of them had superglued themselves to a Topshop window last December to protest against tax dodging by Sir Philip Green, the billionaire retail magnate who owns the store along with several other major UK fashion chains within the Arcadia Group. The ninth was arrested before the action took place.

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Public Sector Strike Predictions

14-09-2011 14:29

Expect to see old pictures like this dredged up over the next couple of months
General secretaries have used the Trades Union Congress conference in London to announce that they will be balloting their membership for strike action against the government's raid on pensions. So far, only 30% of the public sector workforce is covered by the ballots, but already the ruling class is howling in outrage. Using past experience and a little dialectical materialism - i.e. revolutionary common sense as a philosophical guide for the working class movement - what can be predicted over the next few months?

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Defend The HSBC 3! The Appeal Approaches

12-09-2011 17:54

Defend the HSBC 3!
The HSBC 3 were 3 anti-cuts protestors who were put on trial on political charges in March. Two were convicted and fined - a direct attack on the anti-cuts movement. on the 27th and 27th September their appeal will be held in Newcastle. Demonstrate and show your solidarity - defend the movement!

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Statement from the Chilean school students on hunger strike

12-09-2011 15:06

Translation of communique issued Sunday September 11 by the school students on hunger strike (some for 50 days now) in Santiago, Chile. Education without profit.

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PHILIPPINES: High price of electricity is anti-women, anti-poor

12-09-2011 10:32

MANILA, Philippines – In a society where women are mostly in-charge of managing the household budget, higher electricity rates mean additional burdens and deeper indebtedness for Filipino women, especially those who already find it hard to make ends meet.

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Weekly blog roundup

10-09-2011 22:11

The weekly round up of blogs from Oxford/shire

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Karla on the trapeze: the 15 year old Chilean high school hunger striker

09-09-2011 18:45

Karla, 15 years old, is one of 50 Chilean school and university students on hunger strike in the occupations of Santiago de Chile.

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Harsh sentences for student demonstrators

09-09-2011 16:04

Student demonstrators arrested at last years protests have been convicted without sufficient evidence, and have been subjected to disproportionate sentences according to legal support activists.

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Why I put myself back in the dock over Fortnum’s

09-09-2011 15:41

On 26th March, I was arrested, along with 144 other people, for sitting down in Fortnum and Mason, in protest at their tax avoidance scheme, which costs taxpayers nearly £10m per year.

On the 18th July, my case was dropped, along with around 100 others, leaving 30 defendants to be tried (some were never charged, and youth defendants had already had cases dropped in case you are confused about the missing numbers). On Sept 7th, the Fortnum145 defence campaign revealed that 21 of us have decided to revive our case.

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Cartoon on cuts/riots

08-09-2011 21:18

Cartoon on cuts/riots

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National Day of Action Against Atos - 30th September

08-09-2011 13:44

Take Action Against Atos Origin and the Poverty Pimps on the 30th September 2011.

We aren't going anywhere!

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Spartaci, Spartacum, Spartacuses?

07-09-2011 15:14

I have put myself back on trial to support the F&M defendants because I believe the CPS has no more reason to prosecute them than they do to prosecute me. It is in no-ones interest to penalise peaceful protest. It is in everyones’ interest to support people who stand up against injustice.

Anonymous Spartacus

In June, the Crown Prosecution Service dropped charges against 109 of the Fortnum 145, after doing the same with the few younger protesters some time before that. Their reason for continuing with the remaining 30 has been cited as the possession of ‘leaflets and signs‘.