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UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive

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Total Failure of Class War Politics in Britain

29-09-2011 00:02

The title of this post is meant to be ironic, as the Class War as it's fought both in Britain today and world-wide has been wildly successful, but Class War anarchism is a boat that's sunk...

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Open Letter on Atos ‘Healthcare’ to the BMJ and RCN

28-09-2011 19:16

Over 100 groups and individuals have signed a letter to the British Medical Association (BMJ) and the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) urging them to stop giving disability deniers Atos credibility by advertising their vacancies and allowing them to attend their events.

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National Day of Action against Atos. Oxford Protest.

28-09-2011 17:45

Advertising protest outside Atos Offices Oxford

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NHS child heart unit Vandalism

28-09-2011 17:32

Please act NOW to stop NHS closures killing British people

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TOMORROW: Spanish solidarity demonstration - "La lucha está en la calle!"

28-09-2011 16:24

CNT poster
On 29th September, radicals from the CNT, CGT and other unions - as well as workers from across Spain - have called a day of action against the country's savage austerity package. In London, Solidarity Federation have called a last minute demonstration outside the Spanish Consulate in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Spain.

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Scope to shut down DIAL UK, make all staff redundant

28-09-2011 14:21

Scope a National charity plan to shut down a smaller charity DIAL UK and make the DIAL UK staff redundant following a recent merger. This will impact on Disabled People's Advice Services.

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Benefiting from workfare - 'It's exploitation and it's repellent'

27-09-2011 11:41

TK Maxx, Wilkinsons, Savers and Matalan have been named as major retailers where unemployed people are being sent to work without pay. Since our article last month[1] exposing Tesco, Primark and other multinationals taking unpaid work placements, various people have contacted Corporate Watch describing their own experiences of being sent to major retailers, as well as councils and charities, to do similar work to that of salaried staff while receiving only £67.50 a week in Jobseekers' Allowance.

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National Day of Action Against Atos - Latest Round Up

27-09-2011 11:34

Cities around the UK are mobilising for the next National Day of Action Against Poverty Pimps Atos taking place on Friday 30th September.

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Indymedia, Terror, Anti-Cuts demos & the CPGB-ML

26-09-2011 23:34

State sponsored Maoism
The following URLs link to a BBC TV documentary from 1992 about the 'stay-behind' terror network which was armed, recruited and funded by NATO and the OSS / CIA in Europe after WW2, which used far-right killers to discredit anarchists and the radical left through false-flag terrorism and so-called Strategies of Tension. Most interestingly in context of current UK protests, the film describes how an Italian Fascist group was tasked with inventing a fake Maoist group and fly-posting Maoist posters etc...

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Solidarity Demonstration for Banner Drop Anti-Cuts Activist

26-09-2011 20:49

Our view of today's demonstration in Birmingham...

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Swindon Anarchists launched

26-09-2011 16:57

A new group for anarchists in Swindon and Wilts has been launched - come and join the fun!

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David Willetts says deaths of disabled people "are not a policy", gets pied.

25-09-2011 15:03

the attempted pieing
David Willetts was pied after attending a private function in Oxford last

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Greek Anarchy - in the UK now?

24-09-2011 23:38

Greek Anarchy - in the UK, now?

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Weekly blog roundup

24-09-2011 21:28

The weekly round up of blogs from Oxford/shire

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Lessons of the Miners Strike & Poll Tax Riot

24-09-2011 11:51

The Anti-Cuts movement will succeed if it defends true democratic principles, but FAIL if it is perceived to be opposing them...

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Cops to stop recording ethnicity of stop-and-account subjects

23-09-2011 17:50

Half of police forces nationwide, including 5 of the 10 forces with the worst record for targeting minorities, are to scrap the recording of the ethnicity of people they pull over under stop-and-account powers. The recording is being scrapped as part of the agenda to cut down police red tape. Of the 43 police forces in England and Wales, 21 are to scrap the recording of ethnicity, including West Midlands, Avon and Somerset, Thames Valley, Sussex and Hertfordshire, all of which already rank among the top 10 forces for targeting minorities. A West Midlands police officer is 7 times more likely to enact a stop-and-account on an Afro-Carribean than a white. [1] [2]

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State strategies to wreck UK Uncut, Dale Farm & March 26 etc

23-09-2011 16:23

The activist community needs to acknowledge the fact that the establishment is (often, if not always) much better at contesting campaigns over issues like public sector cuts etc than we are. The proof of this hypothesis is the fact that they've been able to implement such cuts etc at all. We need to face up to this, to coldly analyze how it is that they're able to de-rail our campaigns, and modify our beliefs and actions accordingly.

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National treasures 'under the hammer' as campaigners auction off public services

23-09-2011 15:21

Protest against the government's plans to sell off ALL our public services. Meet outside Westminster tube station (opposite Big Ben) in London at 1pm this Saturday 24 September. (Ring Cat Hobbs for more information or to join the protest 07817 885 131.)

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Brighton9: 4 acquitted, 5 Conditional Discharges

23-09-2011 15:09

Four of the uk uncut activists on trial for criminal damage were acquitted at Brighton Magistrates Court this afternoon. The 5 found guilty were sentenced to 6 months conditional discharge and costs of £2000 each.

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Brighton 9: Verdict this Friday

23-09-2011 09:49

On Friday afternoon, after a 9 day trial, the verdict for the 9 activists accused of criminal damage as a result of the Brighton Uncut action at Top Shop on the 4th December last year, will be announced. That day 8 activists super-glued themselves inside the windows of the shop (where they remained for around 4 hours) while a demonstration took place outside. In total 21 people (out of a total of around 50 people who took part) were arrested that day, with many people kettled and arrested outside the shop.