UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
Does my society look big in this? Understanding the numbers
10-02-2011 21:55

Call for International solidarity for Mexican Johnson Control workers
10-02-2011 18:57
The International Metalworkers' Federation joined with other labour and rights groups in taking further steps to protect the rights and safety of workers, Mexican Miners' Union members and labour rights activists at Johnson Controls in Puebla, Mexico.Save Sheffield Sure Start Children's Centres
10-02-2011 17:00
Sure Start Centres all over the country are under threat of closure and budget cuts. In Sheffield the Council may cut funding to all Sure Starts by 15%. Join the campaign to resist this cut.Lewisham Council Cuts Update
10-02-2011 13:49
These are some immediate headlines from the papers that have been produced for the Public Accounts Committee for Tues 15th – and will then go on to the Mayor and Cabinet.Leading RBS banker funds Ed Balls
10-02-2011 07:31
Labour were making much of the Tories City backing during their exchanges George Osborne kicked back mentioning Ed Balls receiving financial backing for his leadership campaign from a “Lehmans banker”.Take VAT LEEDS
08-02-2011 20:04

TAKEVAT is a new Mass Action with a particular focus on VAT.
Protests spread to occupied Cyprus...
08-02-2011 19:23
Turkish Cypriot resistance to the occupation of Cyprus by Turkey continues to be completely ignored by the British media intent on perpetuating the myth that the Cyprus problem is one of Turks vs Greeks instead of one between imperialism and liberation... This week up to half the popultion of the north took to the streets... As Ergodan said: "Who do they think they are... I have strategic interests!"Early release for Trident Ploughshares prisoner Georgina
08-02-2011 12:50
Eight-one year old Georgina Smith was released yesterday (7 Feb) from Cornton Vale women’s prison ten days early, after an anonymous benefactor paid the compensation order she had refused to pay.Earlier report:
Senior woman anti-nuke campaigner jailed for 45 days in Scotland

Leeds in Crisis event - 'What if there was a new movement and we weren't invited
07-02-2011 09:23

why? Is what we’ve done in the past still useful today? And what
can be done now that couldn’t have been done last year?
Wednesday 16 February 7.30pm - LEEDS IN CRISIS
Take VAT
06-02-2011 13:06

so YOUR travel prices are rising and even VAT on the toilet paper you use to wipe your ass has risen, whilst the richest companies are getting away with murder!
...TAKEVAT is a new Mass Action with a particular focus on VAT
Shhhhh In at Sheffield Central Library #shh4sheflib
05-02-2011 16:31

Stroud Views & Burblings Issue 3: Housing Special
04-02-2011 18:58

500 issues are now printed and ready to be handed out. Let us know if you can help distribute them or if you are friendly with a local pub that might take a bundle
Stroud Libraries Event Saturday 5th 12-4pm, Protest 4-5.30pm
04-02-2011 10:10

In Stroud several authors have stepped forward to run sessions to celebrate Libraries
There will also be a talk on "Deficit Hysteria and Alternatives to the Cuts"
At 4pm, when Strtoud Library shuts, library supporters will become protesters - taking their views to the streets.
Another Trident Ploughshares woman jailed, for 14 days
04-02-2011 09:28
Please send letters and cards of solidarity to:Sylvia Boyes
HMP New Hall
Dial Wood, Flockton
West Yorkshire WF4 4XX
Quaker Woman Imprisoned over Anti-Trident Protests
Sixty-seven year old Sylvia Boyes, a Quaker from Keighley, appeared on Thursday (3 Feb) at Bingley Magistrates Court. She was sentenced to 14 days in New Hall Prison for refusing to pay fines arising from a series of protests against Trident in and around Faslane Naval Base in Scotland during the summer of 2009.
Cardiff North Africa / Middle East Solidarity Protest
03-02-2011 17:33
Just a poster for the above event - Friday, 5.30 - 7pm, meet at Nye Bevan statue, Queens St.Pictures from the anti-cuts demonstrations in Sheffield on Saturday 29th Jan
03-02-2011 15:23

upcoming demo and public meeting in Bath
03-02-2011 15:07
Join union members, students, claimants and community activists around Bath and the surrounds, to fight against the Con-Dem cuts£1.85m overseas aid spent on Pope visit
03-02-2011 07:51
20% of taxpayer funding for ex-nazi's visit came from fund protected from cuts and intended for the most needy in the world, such as those in countries torn apart by ratzinger's anti-condom good news.ConDem Coordination Event
01-02-2011 22:13
The ConDem government is having a conference in Sheffield on March 11-13 2011.Meeting to discuss coordination and convergences against them.