UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
Summary of arrests for March 26th
29-03-2011 20:18
Official police figures for arrests during the Mrach 26th anti-cuts demo.Pictures from March For The Alternative (part 3).
29-03-2011 16:13

Pictures from March For The Alternative (part 2).
29-03-2011 15:41

Pictures from March For The Alternative (part 1).
29-03-2011 15:22

What Now After The TUC's London Demo?
29-03-2011 13:17

Black Bloc: Useful time to think about it's good and bad points
29-03-2011 12:54
Three texts that came out in America after the Black Bloc at the Republican National Convention a few years ago. Worth reading for some good arguments and counter-arguments within. Post M26 seems like a good time for those in the Black Bloc and those who enjoy it's snake like route of destruction to consider what was good and what was bad in the wider scheme of the day about the bloc. Useful if it the BB is not just to become a standard repetition with no real imagination and with all the joy and life sucked out of it.Trafalgar Square: A report
29-03-2011 11:52
This Saturday over half a million people took to the streets in the biggest anti-government demonstration since the invasion of Iraq. Trade unionists and community activists from around the country rallied together. The attack on Trafalgar Square highlights to what length the police will go to quell dissent.Why we took out Ann Summers on Saturday 26 March:
29-03-2011 01:36
A response to the confusion emerging from the broken Ann Summers windows on a march about... CUTS?!Dancing in the Streets: Reflections on 26th March
28-03-2011 23:05
Thoughts on some of the pros and cons of Saturday's demo, and where we go from here.Keep the pressure on-actions for Saurday 2nd April
28-03-2011 21:36
Saturday, April 2 at 6:30pm - April 3 at 6:30pmVideo shows how police tricked Fortnum & Mason occupiers into mass false arrest
28-03-2011 19:43
Video shot by Green and Black Cross and released by UK Uncut via The Guardian shows how a Met Chief Inspector lied to occupiers promising they would be let free if they left the building. They were then arrested en masse, many held for 24 hours, and 138 charged with aggravated trespass. The Met's case now appears in tatters.A letter to UK Uncutters from the 'violent minority'
28-03-2011 17:59
We're writing this to you to try and prevent the anti-cuts struggle being split up and weakened by the media.#ukuncut #ukunstuck what was the point?
28-03-2011 16:25
My sympathies go out to everyone in UKUncut who ended up being arrested piling out of Fortnum & Mason on Saturday, but I hope the question "what was the point of that?" is being asked amongst the organisers and the wider activist community.New Police Tactics March 26th
27-03-2011 20:28

If you liked March 26th you'll love Brighton Mayday
27-03-2011 19:17

Some thoughts on M26
27-03-2011 11:50
Just some thoughts and personal experiences from the day.First Aid Point at Big Society HQ
26-03-2011 21:12
First aId point now open at Big Society HQ, Curzon St.Some photos from the TUC anti-cuts demo #march26
26-03-2011 19:44

March 26th Demo: Where do we go from here?
26-03-2011 09:16
What do we do after today's march. What is behing the cuts and the drive to war? Why Labour is not an alternative.Legal Advice Lines / Bust Card For Tomorrow 26th March
25-03-2011 20:57

Print off and keep with you on tomorrows march / occupations.