UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
May Day 2012 - National Call for Action
10-04-2012 08:36
Reclaim The Beach – May Day 2012A National Call For Action
This is a national call-out for a week of anti-capitalist action, events and celebration throughout the UK in the first week of May 2012 to show resistance to capitalism and remember all those workers who lost their lives for a better life for us all.
The BBC in bed with Atos ” Unbiassed BBC, like F### they are”…
07-04-2012 17:04

Well folks, If you ever wondered why Atos never get any real bad publicity on the BBC it’s because Atos and the BBC are in bed as it were, Atos are the BBC's IT Partners.
No Military on Our Streets
07-04-2012 12:39
Anti-Militarism - Anti-Olympic - Anti-Cuts Flyer PDF
Workfare Actions Around Birmingham in April
03-04-2012 18:20
March was another good month for workfare campaigns, locally and nationally, with a great demonstration held in Birmingham as part of a national day of action on March 3rd

Report of Speak-Out Against the Cuts - Byker, Newcastle - Saturday 31st March
02-04-2012 14:29
On Saturday 31 March 2012 supporters of Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! joined a speak-out against the cuts in Byker, Newcastle.Glasgow Picket Against Holland & Barrett Workfare Report
02-04-2012 02:55

Members of Clydeside Industrial Workers of the World, the Anarchist Federation and Solidarity Federation picketed the Queen Street branch of Holland & Barrett at lunchtime on Saturday 31st March. We managed to turn some people away at the entrance. We had placards proclaiming 'The H&B Workfare Deal, Employ Three, Get One Free' in the style of Holland and Barrett advertising as Holland and Barrett plan to have a quarter of their workers as unpaid labour. Another placard said, 'Say No To Workfare At Holland and Barrett'. We gave out 500 leaflets detailing Holland & Barrett use of unpaid labour. A number of people stopped to ask what the picket was about. A member of the Holland & Barrett staff was one of these people on her way in to start her shift. She said that one girl had been on work experience at the store, but that she had got a permanent job. We pointed out generally Holland and Barrett have not given permanent contracts to 80% of people on work experience, their plans to introduce a 1000 more work experience people in the next year and how that could affect the hours of the permanent staff. The manager tried to tell us to move away from the entrance, but we just ignored her. In a final pathetic attempt to show us who was boss she bluffed that the police were on their way, even though there was nothing remotely illegal about what we were doing.
Holland & Barrett Face Angry Pickets Across the UK
01-04-2012 16:05

Swindon Workfare demo - report and Pics
01-04-2012 15:50

Tory MPs' memo planning to 'humiliate' unions with 'our Thatcher moment'
31-03-2012 14:46
Due to lack of time article copy-pasted from
Energy, Climate and Cuts: A Fork in the Road
30-03-2012 22:45
We are living in a world where the effects of energy systems on society are becoming more crucial by the day and ignoring them will become more and more difficult. This statement while true is, in some ways, very misleading. It is not the case that energy has become more important to the functioning of society – it has always been one of the most important factors. However, the wave of extreme energy extraction methods that is sweeping across the planet, driven by rising energy prices and constrained supplies, is forcing similarly rapid changes in the world around us.Saboteurs chain metro gates open for fare strike, New York (USA)
30-03-2012 15:43
"Rank and File Initiative" chained open the gates of 20 underground stations allowing passengers a free ride in New York (USA), March 28Last week was a lousy week - NHS - RIP Demo Photographs
29-03-2012 10:55

UCU/NUT protest in london today
28-03-2012 22:55

several thousand lecturers and teachers were supported by many students and a delegation from the PCS today on a protest march across london to the department for education in victoria. they are highlighting pension changes which will mena higher payments and much later retirement.
'Clegg Off to Cuts!' - opposing the Lib Dem spring conference
26-03-2012 17:58
March through Byker against the cuts and the Lib Dem Conference - 10th March 2012Oranges and Warfare - Greece
25-03-2012 08:54
Oranges or arms - economic and other violenceFortnum and Mason trial C – Not Guilty (reposted)
24-03-2012 14:18

Thursday's NHS demonstration
24-03-2012 10:55
Demonstrators gathered outside the Bristol Royal Infirmary to protest the government’s controversial health and social care bill which was passed on Tuesday. The protest was the second in two days outside the hospital and had more than doubled in size. More protests are planned for the coming days and are expected to draw larger crowds again.Saturday, 1pm, March against Privatisation of the NHS
24-03-2012 10:55
At 1pm today, protests will continue against the privatisation of the NHS.This time we will meet in the Centre by the Fountains and march from there.
Yesterday saw a group of about 30 people meet at midday and march up to the Tory Bristol HQ in Clifton, with music and banners saying "The Future of the NHS is in Our Hands" and "Come join us. Save the NHS". Traffic backed up behind but I had chance to talk with drivers and so many are really angry. Angry at the government for what they are doing to working class people.
Fortnum and Mason trial C – Not Guilty
23-03-2012 21:29

What a wonderful final scene of the first act of this farce.
When the CPS chose to prosecute only 30 of the 145 people arrested in Fortnum and Mason’s on the 26th of June, we laughed at the arbitrary criteria on which we were chosen. The judge then recognised that we couldn’t all fit into a court together, and broke us into three groups – trial A, trial B, and Trial C – each with a different judge
Anti-Workfare Protest at Grayling’s Conference - Monday!
23-03-2012 18:15