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UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive

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Hundreds vote with their feet by disrupting UK Energy Summit

03-05-2012 15:45

Today hundreds of people took part in the Big 6 Bash, an action targeting the UK Energy Summit.

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Arrests as climate activists and anti-cuts protesters disrupt UK Energy Summit

03-05-2012 11:42

Robin Hood Block- Energy Democracy Now
Today is the Big 6 Energy Bash- an action against the Big 6 energy companies and the government raking in billions of pounds while people suffer from fuel poverty, climate change and the cuts.

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Spirit of May Day Flickers Back to Life

03-05-2012 10:07

Anti-workfare protesters brought chaos to London’s West End yesterday after the annual Trade Union May Day march and demonstration. A roving mob of around 350 people successfully shut down countless shops and businesses who use forced labour under the Government’s workfare schemes.

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May Day in the Philippines

03-05-2012 06:27

THOUSANDS of trade unionists and activists poured into the streets of Manila and other key cities to celebrate May Day amid renewed hopes that the two latest efforts at labor unity will provide strong impetus to their uphill battle for labor and trade union rights.

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A visit to Occupy Brookes

03-05-2012 01:05

In mid-April 2012 a group of students from Oxford Brookes University in the UK started an occupy camp as part of a movement for free education and to demand that the University switch from fee waivers to bursaries.

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Liverpool Workfare Walk of Shame Occupies City Centre Exploiters

02-05-2012 16:14

Report on Liverpool Workfare Walk of Shame that took place on Sat 28th April

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Defend vulnerable people

02-05-2012 14:46

We are a group of individuals who have friends, relatives and are vulnerable people ourselves.

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London Stock Exchange: Paternoster Square Occupied

01-05-2012 20:55

The original intended occupation site of Occupy London - Paternoster Square - adjacent to the stock exchange, has been occupied by Occupy London on Mayday since around 6.45pm

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Mayday Workfare Demos Shut Ox St. Stores - report

01-05-2012 18:55

After the London Mayday trade union march up to 300 people took part in a roving anti-workfare demo with a banner reading "Workfare is Stealing Our Jobs", shutting down various branches of MacDonalds, Greggs, Topshop, BHS, Holland and Barrett and others including Boots, Pizza Hut, Greggs and more all along Oxford street and beyond. The protest was called by the London Solidarity Federations and supported by Occupy London. The final destination for Occupy London was to retake Paternoster Square.

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Where We Stand : Formation of a new anarchist communist project in the UK

01-05-2012 11:14

May Day statement of "Collective Action". In it we outline our analysis of the problems facing the anarchist movement in the UK and offer a call out to all independent anarchist communists to participate in our project to re-visit our political tradition, re-group and re-kindle our political action.

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Day five at Occupy Brookes

24-04-2012 19:22

A summary of the fifth day of the Occupy Brookes Movement

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From Bristol With Love #19

22-04-2012 09:04

From Bristol with Love is a showcase for local music, local news and new forms of local thinking.

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Occupy Brookes photo report

21-04-2012 22:53

bursaries not fee waivers!
Occupy Brookes settles in - an update and photos.

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Virgin Keep our NHS Public Picket: report and pics

21-04-2012 14:48

Virgin on the Ridiculous
Saturday 21 April saw about 30 activists descend on the Virgin shop in Cornmarket to protest Branson's plans to start buying bits of the NHS to run as competently as he runs trains, no doubt.

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Living in Sweden and the meaning of ‘subhuman’ - Intrepid Report

20-04-2012 15:21

Governmental reports indicate devastating 'structural discrimination' against minorities, a recent headline charging "Swedish society forces immigrants to emigrate". And, more Swedes emigrated in 2011 than at any other time in the nation's history.

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Keep Virgin Profiteering Out of Our NHS!

20-04-2012 09:28

Keep Our NHS Public will be picketing the Virgin Store, Cornmarket, Oxford, 12 noon this Saturday.

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They Took the Air out of the Life Jacket – A Report From a Workfare Attendee

19-04-2012 17:11
We’ve been sent this report from Raman, a Birmingham resident who was sent on the work programme, one of the compulsory workfare schemes we’ve been campaigning against with Boycott Workfare.

If you are on, or have been on the work programme, or one of the other workfare schemes, please get in touch with us, anonymously if you want, and let us know what happened and whether it was useful to you. email or comment on this post.
At our demonstrations we’ve had many people stop and talk to us telling us that workfare did not help them, and the more of these stories we can publicise, the more pressure there is on the government to scrap the scheme and stop the providers profiteering from the taxpayer.

This is what Raman has to say:

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Rights not Charity! - Protest brings traffic to a standstill

19-04-2012 07:02

Starting at Leicester Sq
Yesterday ,disabled people came from different parts of the country and assembled at Leicester

Square and moved off towards Trafalgar Square. It started raining intermittently. Police accompanied us and were not happy that we were on the road. They tried to get information and we heard them asking what were our plans but none of us spoke to them.

Arriving at Trafalgar Square, 2 groups of wheelchair users split up and block up two junctions. Police tried to get us off the street while activists chanted and voiced their protests.

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Mass Protest against Disablist Cuts - 18th April

16-04-2012 19:08

Meet outside McDonalds in Leicester Square at 1.30pm - Wednesday 18th April

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Rich people tax avoidance = £38Billion. Poor people Benefit fraud = £1.1Billion

10-04-2012 09:33

New direct action policies against inequality required...