UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
Teach-in and sit-in at Warwick Uni today
30-11-2010 19:46
Warwick Uni students today held a day long teach-in followed by a sit-in protest occupying the busy public Art Centre foyer this evening, winning great public support.Lancaster student protest kettled
30-11-2010 19:22
A protest was held today (30th Nov) in Lancaster city centre by school students, adult college members and uni students.
Around 300 were there. March took place and participants were roughed up by the police and directed during this.
Protesters were kettled in Dalton Square with protesters who attempted to break out being roughed up and thrown back. Protesters were kettled again while attempting to march past Lancaster Royal Grammar School. Protesters were also denied (by the police) access to the University Of Cumbria campus.
Leeds Cuts Cafe - a week of action on the cuts
30-11-2010 18:35

Join us for a week of workshops, discussions and action focusing on the current ideology around Con-Dem government's cuts and the privatisation of public and social services.
There will be discussions on education and the cuts, NHS and privatisation, austerity and the housing crisis and more
We will provide free tea and coffee and help facilitate open spaces, workshops and evening events.
Sheffield Marches on Clegg and Sheffield University Occupied Again!
30-11-2010 17:57
Report from Day X2 events in Sheffield.Oxford students occupy County Council and Castle Hill
30-11-2010 17:12

Royal Holloway stage a Funeral of Education
30-11-2010 16:57

Day X2: Birmingham students occupy council chambers
30-11-2010 15:32

Day X2: London live coverage
30-11-2010 13:47
Follow the cat and mouse game from London as protesters try to avoid being kettled by a massive police presence. Groups of people were walking, running etc around the main West End and Parliament areas. Cops seem to be kettling small groups.Notes from an Occupation
30-11-2010 10:54
On 24th November, as part of the first National Day of Action Against Fees and Cuts, the Radcliffe Camera, a central library of Oxford University, was stormed and occupied by around 200 people. The building was occupied for 28 hours until being raided and evicted by police. The occupation involved students from Oxford University, Oxford Brookes University, Ruskin, and many other educational institutions in Oxford. The intention of the occupation was to open the university library as a resource for the entire community. However, police and security colluded to deny access to anyone who attempted to enter. Below is a text begun within the Radcliffe Camera and completed after eviction. It was composed by a few not all of the those involved in the Radcliffe Camera Occupation, and neccessarily does not represent everyone's views.Sussex Police intelligence failure
29-11-2010 20:40
A press release from Sussex Police on the November 30 protest planned for Brighton shows their intelligence has failed - yet again.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Cambridge Old Schools Occupation now in Day Four.
29-11-2010 20:21

Nottingham Students Protest Fees and Cuts - Press Release
29-11-2010 20:10

Against Cuts - Essex / East London
29-11-2010 20:06
New collective organising resistance against the cuts and government oppression.Get involved.
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A Brief History of Kettling
29-11-2010 19:14

The process of kettling involves lines of police forcefully corralling people together into a space then surrounding the whole group on all sides preventing them from leaving the cordoned-in area. Any attempt by people to leave the cordon would result in physically being attacked by police (usually with batons, often with riot shields, boots and fists) in order to preserve the kettle. Detention in this manner would last several hours. After people have become bored, tired and cold they would be released in a controlled fashion, usually one person at a time, after being searched, photographed and had their names and addresses taken.
The students are revolting again - tomorrow
29-11-2010 18:22
tomorrow (tuesday 30th) 11am college green there is a second student demo callled, as always solidarity is welcomed, here are the details for those without facebook....Callout on facebook reads:
STARTS AT 11.. AND FINISHS WHEN IT FINISHS.. were all one team here.. a non violent team.
It's not long now until the Con-Dems try to pass their education cuts through parliament, and if they do – we will keep fighting!
But in the meantime – ALL OUT FOR THE 30 NOVEMBER!
• No to fees
• No to cuts
(tax the filthy rich to fund education for all)
We say:
• No to every cut!
• Publish the financial records – we won't tolerate rich and bloated managers
• Teachers' unions – bring forward your grievances – we should strike together!"
(2,191 "attending" for those that want to know)
Hope to see some of you out in the streets tomorrow!
Oxford Free School #dayx2 activity 30/11/10
29-11-2010 16:05

One hundred arts organisations face destruction from UK budget cuts
29-11-2010 13:57
The Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government in the UK proposes slashing 29.9 percent from arts funding over the next four years. As a result, 100 arts organisations are threatened with losing their entire funding.Flashmob blockades Top Shop in support of UCL antiCuts Occupation
29-11-2010 13:55

One Top Shop employee begged flashmobbers to trash the store, explaining that even though Top Shop's profits have risen by 19%, employees are to receive a measly £5 bonus.
Direct action training in Brighton tonight
29-11-2010 13:01
Representatives from Climate Camp will be giving useful training on direct action this evening at the Brighton student occupation.Police say "think of the children" in student protest
29-11-2010 10:52
Police use children to seek sympathy ahead of demonstrations