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Royal Holloway stage a Funeral of Education

Royal Holloway Anti Cuts Alliance | 30.11.2010 16:57 | Education | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles

The Royal Holloway Anti-Cuts Alliance today took part in a funeral march to mourn the death of education.

Mourners read eulogies in the Founder's Quad
Mourners read eulogies in the Founder's Quad

A moment's silence in the Bedford library
A moment's silence in the Bedford library

Principals join the RHACA in a minute's silence after questioning
Principals join the RHACA in a minute's silence after questioning

The Royal Holloway Anti-Cuts Alliance today took part in a funeral march to mourn the death of education. The cortège began outside the Founders building, with mourners making their way around campus to read eulogies and take a moment’s silence at the Bedford library, the Founders quad and outside the management corridor. Tributes were paid to English seminars, the music library, language courses for non-language students and the science communication department, all of which have already been cut at Royal Holloway in anticipation of the 80% funding cuts which will be enforced from April. Readings also took place to remember other workers who will also be affected by the cuts including lecturers, teachers, NHS staff and fire-fighters.

Casket held aloft, the cortège paid their respects to the poorest 10% in society, who will lose 24% of their income compared with the 1.5% lost by the richest 10%. The procession culminated at the management corridor where mourners met with Principal Prof. Paul Layzell and Deputy Principal Prof. Rob Kemp. Layzell took questions regarding his progress in cooperating with the Alliance’s demands since last week’s occupation, to which he responded that he had met with David Willetts MP last Thursday and would make himself available for a public meeting about the cuts at Royal Holloway before the end of term. When asked to comment on the student movement’s protests against cuts Layzell praised last week’s occupation as a method of peaceful demonstration, saying it was right to protest and that “We can only speak with our actions”.

Both the Principal and Deputy Principal joined the Royal Holloway Anti-Cuts Alliance in a minute’s silence to mourn the death of education.

Royal Holloway Anti Cuts Alliance
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