UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
Geographies of the Kettle: Containment, Spectacle & Counter-Strategy
17-12-2010 19:28
The last few weeks of student-led protests against the ideologically blunt and financially reckless Tory-Liberal Democrat cuts and the massively short-sighted, brutal and regressive cuts to third level education in particular may well have marked something of a turning point in modern British history. They have won back the power of political protest that was seemingly lost after the defeat of the anti-war marches in 2003.Banner Drop in St. Andrews (Photos!)
17-12-2010 16:22
15/09/2010 For IMMEDIATE RELEASE ST ANDREWS activists ascended up to the University's Main Library to freely display their message to the public...that is until authorities tear down their banner.
This Week's Special Offer is Direct Action! Citizens Utd. join in on National Anti-benefits Cuts Day.
17-12-2010 16:22
Activists from the broad-based, anti-cuts group Citizens United set up an information stall today, outside Lidl on Glasgow's Victoria Road.
The stall was set up in response to the call for a national day of action to protest benefits cuts:
In reaction to recent articles surrounding the student protests
17-12-2010 10:14
Protest is a right of ours, but with a highly distorted understanding of democracy and resistance engrained throughout the UK, what are the most effective methods for getting heard... or better still, achieving change?UK Uncut: Challenging dominant frames
16-12-2010 21:51
Public service “waste”, public sector cuts and “deficit reduction” are being conflated. In some ways this is testament to the ability of capital to dictate the very terms and frame through which the public at large are encouraged to understand and talk about politics and economics. The neo-liberal ideologues have captured the territory and frames for understanding. How has this happened? And how is this representational ‘trick’ performed?BBC close Jody McIntyre blog
16-12-2010 18:11
The BBC are so afraid of discussion of their activities that they have now closed the blogGuerrilla Orchestra - Birmingham musicians & students protest against cuts
16-12-2010 15:55

New anti-police tactic direct from Athens: Fire extinguishers!
16-12-2010 00:09
As was pointed out tonight on the excellent Occupied London blog from Greece, 'One of the most empowering elements of today’s demonstration was peoples’ sheer anger and their willingness to fight back at the police repression and to defend their right to be on the streets. New tactics, including the incredibly successful use of fire extinguishers in keeping police away from demonstrator blocks, is surely a legacy for the struggles to come'.Cut the crap: The cuts as profit opportunities
15-12-2010 20:18
The Con-Dem coalition government has started to roll out its austerity package and introduce cuts worth £83bn over the next four years, which will hit the poorest hardest and open doors for big business to reap the benefits. But people are fighting back. Over the past few weeks, we have witnessed extraordinary and inspiring protests across the UK. Many of these have had an anti-corporate focus, targeting big businesses that are eager to profit from the cuts and have the government’s ear in policy formation. Here is some information on some of them.Prisons for rent
15-12-2010 20:17
As the coalition government announced its plans to 'reform' the prison and rehabilitation services, private companies were greasing their palms for fat contracts in the new market. Meanwhile, private security giant G4S has been preparing to build new custody cells that it will rent (literally) to the police.Uninvisible Rally
15-12-2010 19:15

Now Athens Riots - happening riot now
15-12-2010 13:14

Anti-cuts song Liar Liar by Captain Ska for Christmas Number One
15-12-2010 12:42
Dark days have arrived in Britain. The coalition government and their toxic flotilla of cuts are ruthlessly hacking away jobs, damaging vulnerable lives and chipping away at the very fabric of our society. We cannot afford to stand by and let this country sail towards a future of inequality.Fear Not! Captain SKA and his ship have arrived to fight this coalition, but more crew members are urgently required, there is strength in numbers.
Pass this link on to other potential shipmates and download the song.
Spanish air controllers :A brief wildcat strike takes the Spanish skies by storm
14-12-2010 23:31
Desscription of the recent wildcat strike staged in Spain by air controllers.A message of Solidarity to British Students - From Iranian Students
14-12-2010 23:12
In response to a solidarity massage to Iranian students from occupant students in the universities of UCL, Manchester, Sheffield, SOAS, Brighton, Goldsmiths and Bath:(

Media Lens: What Happened To Academia? - Part 1
14-12-2010 22:12
Exchanges With Piers Robinson of The University Of Manchester
What happened to academia? In 2008, Terry Eagleton, formerly Professor of English Literature at Manchester University, wrote:
"By and large, academic institutions have shifted from being the accusers of corporate capitalism to being its accomplices. They are intellectual Tescos, churning out a commodity known as graduates rather than greengroceries." (Eagleton, 'Death of the intellectual,' Red Pepper, October 2008)
He added:
"The logic of the commodity has now penetrated into the sphere of human needs and nurture, breeding pathological symptoms there. In universities, as in transnational corporations, a largely disaffected labour force confronts a finance-obsessed managerial elite."
National Day of Protest Against Welfare & Housing Benefit Cuts - December 15th
14-12-2010 18:17
Take action now to defend the Welfare State. We will not pay for their crisis.CONDEM is cutting everything yet hyping up Crossrail every single day!
14-12-2010 15:32
There shouldn't be any jobs cuts anywhere at all! Why? Because Crossrail is 'coming'. This is the message being given out by Big Biz that is behind the propaganda for Crossrail. It is a big con. Like the CONDEM!NCAFC STALINISM - 'Professional Activists' stifling The Peasants' Revolt
14-12-2010 14:23
It seems as they are sitting there in their middle class comfortable rooms saying to themselves... "I know something you don't know"... And already they have begun to form parties, to say to people "don't go to other protests" - we are supposed to run to them for protection just like "the party" protects under StalinismReel News Screening – Newcastle Wed 15 Dec
14-12-2010 10:02
In the global war between rich and poor we need:Reel News – 90 minutes of activist video.