UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
University of Bradford occupied!!!!
06-12-2010 23:21
Following a meeting earlier this evening with the vice chancellor of Bradford University, A large number of us decided to further our message of sincerity against tuition fees by occupying the management suit outside his office.....for however long it takesUAL: Camberwell College of Arts Occupied
06-12-2010 22:22
University of the Arts London, Camberwell College of Art is now OCCUPIED!We now have an Amazing space at Wilson Road (SE5 8LU) which is occupied…!! The Lecture Theatre will become a space for students to plan action, make work and perform. It will act as a student union and catalyst to create ideas for action and organisation. We call for more support and involvement! The space is open and everyone is invited to be involved in discussion making and workshop building. Open meeting today: 6.12.10 at 3.30pm.
We, the students of Camberwell College of Arts, believe that if the massive cuts proposed for education happen, it is unlikely that academies such as ours will continue to exist. Arts and humanities courses are being targeted with the largest cuts, while still requiring a great deal of funding, which even a rise in fees will not cover. In response, we have decided to occupy the Wilson’s Road building at our college.
We see the arts as occupying a vital place within society, one which benefits us all, both culturally and economically. If arts education ceases to be a viable route for students, that benefit will be lost.
An artless society is a heartless society!
We oppose the transformation of education into a market. Education should be a forum for all publics, not just those who can afford, to learn, experiment and debate.
Therefore, we call for all arts students, especially those from UAL to join this occupation, and call for more arts-led occupation and actions. We propose to use our space for a practice led resistance. We will run workshops, performances, debates and experiments, creating a collective space of generative discourse. At no point will we disrupt any fellow student’s education, allowing all scheduled lectures to continue. We wish to propose, rather than simply oppose!
We demand that UAL:
- Issue a statement condemning all cuts to Arts education, and the rise in tuition fees and defending the value (economically and culturally) of Arts education for society, and its place within government funded education.
- Put pressure on the MP of every borough that UAL has a college in to vote against the educational reforms.
- Guarantee that there be no more course closures, or course amalgamations. This includes, if possible, the re-instatement of the Ceramics course at Camberwell.
- Safeguard all jobs for our teaching, research and support staff.
- Issue a statement guaranteeing no further cuts in access time to workshops and facilities. This means no losses of current facilities, studio space or access time to workshops.
- Provide full details of the existing budgets, and any projections of how the budget is likely to be spent if cuts and fee reforms do happen.
- Provide all cleaning, catering and security staff with a full living wage package, again with no loss of jobs or hours, and that all outsourced staff and services are brought back in-house.
- Provide a more effective, regular structure for student feedback which effects positive change, in the normal running of the University.
- Do not victimize anyone taking part in this occupation.
- Allow free access in and out of the occupation for all students, staff, speakers and other visitors.
The Occupiers, Camberwell College of Arts
Cambridge student occupation comes to an end.
06-12-2010 21:55

However, what a rather dry (albeit accurate) press release can't do quite as well is convey an idea of what it was like to be there witnessing history being made.
Hopefully my photos will go some way towards doing this.
St Andrews Students Occupy!
06-12-2010 21:22
ST ANDREWS – On Monday 6th of December 2010 at 9:15 AM a group of over 20 students occupied Parliament Hall in protest against the stance adopted by the University of St Andrews in regard to the Browne Report. The University was quick to limit movement in and out of the building, only permitting access to toilet facilities.Cambridge Students Pursue University Head Through Town Centre
06-12-2010 16:53
report on protest in CambridgeDid plain-clothes security break the law at Topshop protest?
06-12-2010 11:06

1000 Cancuns: Solutions from the Grassroots!
06-12-2010 09:11

A celebration of Brixtons Radical Roots
12th December : 1pm-4pm: Windrush Square, Brixton
An afternoon and evening of activities including an informative locally-focused exhibition, Bash the Bankers piñata, speakers and films.
National Day of Protest Against Welfare & Housing
06-12-2010 01:22
Take action now to defend the Welfare State on the 15th of December 2010.
We will NOT pay for their crisis.
The National Day of Protest Against Welfare & Housing Benefit Cuts aims to begin by focusing on the Housing Benefit cuts so why not organise a sit in, protest or demonstration in your local Civic Centre or Town Hall.
Roy Bailey Set from the Sheffield University Occupation
06-12-2010 01:16

Sheffield University Occupation Rally Against Cuts
06-12-2010 01:00

Homeless at Christmas
05-12-2010 23:22

Redundancy Letters sent to all Hounslow Council Employees
05-12-2010 21:31
More Job Losses to come - are you ready for civil disobiediance......Public Meeting at Cambridge Student Occupation attended by hundreds.
05-12-2010 20:51

Notts Cuts Watch #8
05-12-2010 20:23
The news this week has been dominated by snow which has rendered the north of the Nottinghamshire and much of the country almost inaccessible. But a little frozen water isn’t going to stop the important business of cutting private services and there’s no shortage of material for this week’s Notts Cuts Watch. All of it brought to you in a new, shorter format which is hopefully easier to use and more interesting .
As before, this is derived largely from the local press and blogs. If you’ve got a story which hasn’t been picked up elsewhere, email nottssos+watch [at]
An unemployed father staged a protest outside Newark Job Centre on Tuesday after his job seekers’ money was stopped without notice. The DWP alleged that Andrew Allam had been insufficiently active in his search for a new job.
Notts Save Our Services have produced the second issue of their newsletter with more information on anti-cuts activities around Nottinghamshire. On Saturday, they organised a protest against tax avoiders, which merged seamlessly into a student protest.
A consultation on the merger between South Nottingham College with Castle College began on Wednesday. According to the Post, "The board of Castle College voted in principle to merge earlier this year in light of a £6m deficit. Support for the plan is needed from the Skills Funding Agency. It will require the approval of the Secretary of State for Education. It is hoped that any decision on the merger will be made by March 2011, with a view to the merged college being in operation by April 1, 2011."
Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Eric Pickles has suggested that councils should tap into their reserves to protect frontline services. Locally, the Post reports, "Nottingham City Council has £61 million saved up in the bank, 11 per cent of its annual expenditure. Notts County Council has around £105 million set aside, 10 per cent of its annual budget... Ashfield district council had £8.6 million in reserve, while Mansfield had £15 million. Meanwhile Broxtowe borough council had £2.5 million and Gedling had £5.3 million. Newark and Sherwood district council had £5 million."
Following the remarks, deputy leader of Nottingham City Council described the minister as "very silly". Chapman argued, "Eric Pickles just doesn't understand local government finance. He has frontloaded cuts to council budgets over the next two years and now he is looking to councils to paper over the cracks in his sums."
Gedling Borough Council
It has emerged that a cost-saving restructuring at Gedling Borough Council will cost the council almost £188,750. Chief executive Peter Murdock is due to retire at the end of December, while Sue Sale, head of democratic and community services, will finish in May 2011.
Newark and Sherwood District Council
It looks likely that NSDC will lose £500,000 it invested in Sherwood Energy Village E-Centre, Ollerton. The E-Centre, offering office accommodation and community facilities, was the centre-piece of the energy village, which was created on the former colliery site and went into liquidation in August. This comes as the council tries to save £7.5m over 4 years.
Nottingham City Council
The city council has managed to secure a judicial review into the cutting of funding for the Building Schools for the Future PFI programme. This announcement was welcomed by the head teacher of Trinity School, Aspley, one of the institutions which had money for planned improvements taken away.
Surprisingly, the council has thrown its weight behind the protest against fees. Councillor David Mellen, the portfolio holder for education, is to propose a motion at the next full council meeting on 13th December requesting that the government "review and change" their policies to avoid "leading to a wasted generation in Nottingham and the UK." The council has also this week come out criticising government plans to Working Neighbourhoods Fund and schools sports funding.
It is to be hoped that this is a principled shift and that the council is going to join the struggle against the cuts. Of course, in reality this is highly unlikely. Recall that this is the same council which has made it clear to campaigners that it has every intention of implementing the swingeing cuts mandated by the coalition government. They may well moan about it, but that is a very different thing to actually opposing the attacks on local communities.
As if to underline this point, the council has just announced that it is to begin charging for the use of computers in libraries from January. This will hit the poorest in society whi already face a growing "digital divide" at a time when all levels of government are looking to push more services online in order to save money.
Nottinghamshire County Council
The council has announced plans to cut its main offices from 23 to 8 in order to save costs. According to the Post, "The building sell-off plan would save the council £2 million a year from 2014/15. About £8.5 million would be generated from the sale of the buildings themselves, but the changes proposed would cost £10 million to put in place."
Among the buildings to be axed is Chancery Court, which houses Retford's register office, as well as children's and young people's services. A council spokesman told the Retford Times that staff would instead work at one of the retained offices, and the authority would look for another venue in Retford for weddings to be held.
The council meanwhile, is currently consulting on plans to reduce the opening hours of local libraries, but don't worry, the Big Society will sort everything with volunteers being sought to mitigate the impact of cuts.
Unions have warned that cuts to County Council services will have a negative impact on schools. The comments were made by the Joint Union Committee (JUC), made up of the National Union of Teachers (NUT), the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) and the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT).
Efforts to save Geling School have continued, with the Save Gedling School campaign sending councillors a campaign briefing "to assist their debates and representations in what is likely to be the most important decision affecting the Gedling area in this current election cycle." Meanwhile Local scientists from BioCity and Nottingham Trent have joined the chorus of opposition to the closure. In 2009 the school received the best GCSE science results in Nottinghamshire.
It's been a busy week for student campaigners. Tuesday was the second day of action against fees and cuts. There were rallies at both a the University of Notttingham and Nottingham Trent University. Students at Notttingham University followed their protest by beginning an occupation of the Great Hall in the Trent Building.
The occupiers were joined by for dance lessons, Venezuelan activists and even musician Billy Bragg. Students ultimately agreed to leave on Friday afternoon with an open meeting about the students concerns agreed with university authorities for Monday.
The following is a run-down of the anti-cuts events happening over the next week.
- Monday 6th December, 2.30pm. Rally outside the Great Hall in conjunction the Vice Chancellor meeting that the occupation successfully negotiated.
- Monday 6th December, 3.30pm all students are invited to join an open forum discussion with the Vice Chancellor over the raise in tuition fees and cuts to the university, which is taking place in the Great Hall. All students are allowed to come, even if you weren’t in the occupation; even if you’re unsure about your position.
- Monday 6th December, 6.15pm, Bakersfield Community Centre, Sneinton. At this Nottingham City Council “We Asked, You Said” event, the council will tell us the results of a recent survey sent out in the arrow about which services should be cut, Sneinton Against the Cuts are urging people to come along and "make your voice heard!"
- Tuesday 7th December, 7.30pm,The 3rd meeting of the Nottingham 'Anarchists Against the Cuts' non-group will take place at the Sparrows Nest.
- Wednesday 8th December, protest against Nick Clegg in Sheffield. University of Nottingham Students' Union are putting on coaches, leaving the university at 10am. It isn't clear if this is open to non-students.
- Wednesday 8th December, Defend ESOL: a meeting about a cut to funding for ESOL (English for speakers of other language), called by UCU (Universities and Colleges Union) and NNRF (Nottingham and Notts Refugee Forum). This cut to ESOL will affect both service users and teachers.
- Thursday 9th December, MP’s will vote in the commons to raise tuition fees. NSACF have organised coaches to take students, staff and supporters down to London for the National Day of Action. The suggested donation for the coach is £5, but whatever you can afford. If you are interested, email: nsafac [at] with your name. Coach leaves 9am from Portland Building steps, University of Nottingham.
student action against the cuts newcastle
05-12-2010 16:26
saturday the 4th december student activsts took part in anti cuts protest across shops in newcastle shops include. VODAPHONE ( 6 billion in tax owed )
. BOOTS ( 86 million in tax owed)
. TOP SHOP (owned by phillip green who owes 285 million in tax)
Wood Green Tax Dodgers - Topman & Boots targeted
05-12-2010 04:50
An angry crowd of Haringey residents marched on Wood Green Topman and Boots shops this morning (Sat 4th Dec) in protest against the corporations' tax-dodging activities and against the government's cuts. Protesters gathered outside Boots with placards, leaflets and a banner reading "Make corporations not people pay".
A tax collector from the Haringey Big Society for Revenue and Customs was amongst the protesters. He led the crowd into the shop as customers were alerted of Boots's dodgy tax practices by protesters. He then gave the store manager a bill for £86 million bill to pass on to the company's management. It was made clear to staff beforehand that the action was targeted at management not workers. The crowd only left the shop when it was agreed that the tax bill would be passed on to management.
The scene was then repeated at Topman a few yards further down the High Road. Retail billionaire Philip Green's tax bill was left to the store manager. Outside, a megaphone was used to inform the public of the corporation's tax evasion tactics, which are damaging everyone.
Rather than fighting tax avoidance, the government is making us pay for the bill by imposing cuts to all services. This morning, the Big Society for Revenue and Customs sent a clear message to corporations and politicians that we will not bow down to this!
How Boots are walking right all over us
As exposed by the media, Boots the Chemist are stealing £86 million a year from the public thanks to a tax dodge. They moved their headquarters to Switzerland to avoid paying UK taxes and the government are letting them get away with it.
Retail billionaire Philip Green, head of the Arcadia Group (Topshop, Topman, Miss Selfrdige, Burton, etc) dodged a £300m tax bill in 2005! The group is registered in the name of his wife who lives in Monaco. Despite this, David Cameron has recently appointed Philip Green as a public spending adviser!
From tax haven to public services hell
This is all happening at the same time as massive cuts are made to public services. What we are seeing is a deliberate attack on the majority of the population by corrupt politicians who work hand in hand with greedy global businesses. The rich are getting away without paying taxes while the poor, the unemployed, the disabled, students and public service workers face the brunt of the cuts.
This is no coincidence! The cuts aren't made out of economical necessity but are driven by the government's anti-working class agenda.
Resist the cuts
We say we have to fight back! The anti-Vodafone protests, the students protesters in London and striking London Underground workers have shown us the way. We have to make it quite clear to the ruling elite that we will not put up with DAYLIGHT ROBBERY from Boots, Vodafone, Bankers or any other Fat Cat criminals!
Topshop day of action against tax dodger Sir Philip Green
05-12-2010 01:39

UKUncut protest at Topshop
05-12-2010 01:22
Protests at Topshop and other shops owned by tax evaders, Oxford Street, London, Saturday 4th December 2010
When this government let Vodafone get away with not paying a £6bn tax bill earlier this year they sent a very clear message to UK citizens: we are not all in this together. Ordinary people must accept savage public spending cuts, whilst rich corporations can avoid paying billions and billions in tax.
Sir Philip Green - owner of Topshop (and other Arcadia Group stores Burton, Dorothy Perkins, Evans and Miss Selfridge) transfers profits to his wife - tax-resident in Monaco - as dividends. In 2005 alone she received £1.2bn, avoiding paying a penny of that in UK tax. UK Uncut have called for protests in response.
Anti-cuts day of action in Nottingham
04-12-2010 23:25
Saturday 4th December was a de facto day of action against cuts in Nottingham with a demonstration against tax avoiders and a student protest running into one another.
I turned up at the Market Square at 1pm for the student demonstration, by which point the demonstration against tax avoiding corporations had already been going on for an hour (although I spoke to a couple of people who had turned up for the originally advertised start time of 12 noon and been hanging around for 2 hours). The tax avoiders demo marched in, having already visited Vodafone, and presumably others.
As the assembled throng came into the Market Square, they were chanting, "They say cutback, we say pay tax," quite possibly the single least inspiring slogan I've ever come across. There was then an extended period of milling about, before people decided to march around the Market Square. With the "Victorian Market" inhibiting our ability to do a complete circuit we ended up going down Cheapside and turning left onto Clumber Street.
Inevitably, this took us past Vodafone and begun the first chant of "pay your tax," a refrain which would be repeated - ad infinitum - over the course of the march. From their we made our way down to Parliament Street and along the side of the Victoria Centre. At this point, people went into Boots (another high profile tax avoider) and began chanting, before continuing into the Viccy Centre.
Here people went into Topshop (part of the Arcadia Group owned by government adviser Philip Green, who has put the company into his wife's name so as to avoid paying tax) for some further chanting and then onto another Vodafone store. This was closed and the target of an extended period of chanting.
From here, people made their way outside and then around the Victoria Centre, back past Boots (this time closed by staff) down to the Tory Party offices for some more shouting. Then we returned to Market Square, briefly disrupting Parliament Street and again coming past Vodafone on Clumber Street.
The march ended at Byron House with a planning meeting, although protesters were informed by the police escort who had been unable to stop anything so far that anybody who kept their banners up after they left the square would have them confiscated.
This was an interesting demonstration: sizable, militant, but also confused. I was struck by the fact that very little of the chanting was led by students with other activists controling the megaphone. They perhaps can take some blame for the unimaginative, incessantly repetitive chanting. Before the next demo, somebody should invest in a new chant sheet.
To my mind what should have been a protests against education cuts and the imposition of higher fees was dominated by the demands that companies "pay your tax." As somebody who would think nothing of tax avoidance if I thought I could get away with it, I can't help feeling this misses the point and turns a useful propaganda point (multinational corporations are getting multi-billion tax breaks while the government is slashing services) into a demand we have no chance of achieving.
Certainly, there seemed to be widespread bemusement amongts Christmas shoppers as to what we were protesting about. For all most people will know, we were simply the direct action wing of Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs. Polls consistently show that people don't like the cuts but have bought the lies that they are necessary. It does us no favours to imply that if only a handful of dubious corporations paid more tax the poor Tories wouldn't have to cuts all these services. They obviously don't want to.
Despite my reservations about the demo, the meeting afterwards was positive and suggests that there is a real comitment to take the movement forwards. Nottingham may not yet have its own Millbank, but things are definitely happening.
Student protesters on Long Row
04-12-2010 23:25
Students begin march from Market Square around Nottingham.