UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
Why are the police protecting Phillip Green? - A thought from jail....
18-12-2011 14:02

For chanting “pay your tax”, two snarling beefcake thugs hired by Topshop bent my arms behind my back, shoved me in front of two coppers, who then frog marched me out to the back of the store, and onto the police station, where I remained for seven hours.
Police station cells are barren concrete holes where the only signs of life come from the immortal carvings etched into the wooden bench by some previous guests of the State.
Yesterday’s police cell promoted two things things: 1)Walking in a circle 2)Thinking………
Why on earth are the police protecting the likes of Topshop, Vodafone, Boots, and Barclays bank!! The bosses of these companies take an active interest in reducing their contributions to public funds.
Hackers successfully attacked police computer systems during riots
14-12-2011 14:02

N30 Occupy London Tribute vid
14-12-2011 12:33
Short clips from the day spliced into 6 mins with accompanying track by Riot in London. In solidarity with all those who took part in the occupy and strike action on the dayKEN can't do it by rent stunt alone!
13-12-2011 18:04
The BBC is spreading the word for London career politico Ken Livingstone claiming that if elected mayor in 2012, he will practically revolutionise the rent system in housing. That is a good line, Ken. But you haven't shown you know what you are talking about. Unless of course Ken Livingstone is remembering the great initiative he had taken at the GLC, his bastion of pride, where he launched the series of ethicising corruption scams.Victory! Statement on acquittal of FRFI activist.
13-12-2011 17:51

‘The law is simply and solely made for the exploitation of those who do not understand it or of those who, for naked need, cannot obey it.’ Bertolt Brecht
Over one year of relentless campaigning by the Glasgow Defence Campaign was vindicated today as Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! supporter Joey Simons was found not guilty on all five charges relating to his arrest on an anti-cuts demonstration on 9 December 2010. Through twelve months of court appearances, and a trial lasting four days, the Crown office was unable to spin the shameless lies of Strathclyde police officers into a web of deceit sufficient to secure a prosecution by Sherriff Kerr. Cops lined up one after another to perjure themselves in front of the court, their ‘evidence’ concocted in concert and dutifully despatched; their well-rehearsed stories of rescue attempts, ‘threats to officer safety’, conspiratorial leaders, and ‘frantic’ crowds repeated again and again.
A Real Victorian Christmas Party and Picnic at Triton Square: Fri 16th
13-12-2011 10:49

Sicko Tory MP in Nazi stunt
12-12-2011 00:00

Why Tanya and @OccupyLSX need to cut ties with Oasis.
10-12-2011 17:25

I think that what a lot of the discussions that Occupy have brought up is the fact the dots are not necessarily being joined. There was a big banner outside Occupy London and it said “Capitalism is Crisis” and essentially I think that when I first started Occupy I didn’t look at it as, I looked at it as “Capitalism is IN Crisis” and the more I’ve learnt on this journey of being with Occupy, and the more research I’ve done, and the more I’ve talked to people, and discovered and read about what is going on with our economy, with the global economy, with the financial crisis, with the political instability in Europe, I mean, effectively there isn’t a day when you can’t open the paper and find something that really does directly link to capitalism being completely and utterly in crisis. One of the things that capitalism can’t do, is it can’t add value to our lives. You can’t buy your childrens joy. You can’t buy anything that gives you quality in life. And the idea that capitalism can just continue and continue and continue is just to simply, it is utterly the most unsustainable system that could ever have been created, because it relies on continual growth.
Tanya Paton – InterFaith coordinator at #OccupyLSX speaking at Ethical Capitalism? debate jointly organised by #OccupyLSX and Oasis.
The Unilever Strike and the Case for Classwide Solidarity
09-12-2011 17:41

A Rolling Festive Phone-in to Atos 'Healthcare'
09-12-2011 15:22

What kind of nonsense is going on at Occupy London?
09-12-2011 15:15
Yes, what kind of nonsense is going on at Occupy London? Meeting with UBS and The FSA? Hanging out with The Guardian?UK Uncut Christmas Special
09-12-2011 12:21

Cash tills were ringing, snow falling down.
Big business is merry, and with good reason-
For it’s the busiest shopping day of the season.
But not every CEO should sleep snug in their bed,
As dreams of big profits dance through their head,
Because any tax dodgers with hope of good cheer:
UK Uncut know you’ve been naughty this year.
Birmingham students occupy corridor outside VC office in response to injunction
09-12-2011 12:10
The following is a statement of response to Occupy Birmingham’s press release
Report Jeremy Clarkson to the Press Complaints Commission
08-12-2011 00:20
Indymedia users made a significant contribution to encouraging members of the public to register complaints with Ofcom and the BBC, in protest against Jeremy Clarkson suggesting striking public sector workers should be murdered. The Samaritans, Mind and Rethink Mental Illness are also making complaints to the Press Complaints Commission, urging them to investigate Jeremy Clarkson for suggesting that the remains of suicide victims should be eaten by wild animals. Please help by registering your complaint with the Press Complaints Commission here...
VID - N30 Strike! Interviews from the picket lines
07-12-2011 14:35

A brief snapshot of the morning with interviews from the picket lines. Why people are striking, and why it affects everyone, including those who think it doesn't affect them.
School strike shatters Oasis’ calm after pupil protest over redundancies
06-12-2011 11:00

NUT and NASUWT members are striking in response to the academy operator, OASIS, attempting to rush through the redundancy of 12 teachers – 20% of the teaching staff.
Herefordshire workers join N30 strike
04-12-2011 20:37

N30, corporate greed, Xstrata and the right to protest
03-12-2011 17:41

On Wednesday 30 November, Occupy London – part of the global movement for social and economic justice – sent a message to Mick Davis, CEO of Xstrata: As the highest paid director of any FTSE 100 company, we will not let your outrageous income go unnoticed. [1]
Occupy London supporters staged a highly memorable action with a banner drop from the roof of Panton House, Xstrata’s London offices at 25/27 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4EN.
We had to take a stand. These executives hide in their offices, and as they hoard capital they face no scrutiny for their actions. With our peaceful action, we wanted to remind the highest paid that they cannot continue to ignore this economic climate without repercussions.