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today's student demo

rejuvented git | 24.11.2010 16:26 | Public sector cuts

Over 2000 people (mainly under the age of 25!)gave the police a bit of a run around, biut were on the end just a bit too slow to take the initiave and take the protest into the city centre.

Its nice to go on a march with loads of people who haven't been on loads of marches before. No ones moaning that its boring, saying it pointless - just loads of exuberance about just being in a big crowd on the street - rememeber that? This even cheered a cynical old bastard like me up.

While the march from Bristol Uni may not go down in histoy, or even headline todays news reports (judging by what happened in london today) as the most significant ever, but there was several attempts to break through police lines - people who hadn't faced a riot cop police line were probably more intimidated by a "normal" police line had they been in that situation before, though saying that it was a group of school kids (not even 6th formers) who did actually burst through with us.

Basically, the police had contained most the crowd on park street, and after several escape attempts, they headed up to the student union, where it looked like they were going to ketteled (being kettled in a building with a bar is not so bad i guess) - at which point i left.

Police were stopping and searching the usual suspects (not the band) but as far as i saw no one had been arrested.

While they were a few people from the NUT and the IWW the mainstream unions were conspicuous by their absence. From what I heard from a UNISON (the biggest public sector union) member it seems as usual the tossers at the top are stopping any action.

For Christ Sake, f*****g wake up !

rejuvented git
- Original article on IMC Bristol: