UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
British Heart Foundation May Be Withdrawing From Workfare
12-11-2012 18:14

>> 21 Nov 2012 << London Protest >>
08-11-2012 21:55

Crash! Financial Crisis event on 24th Novemeber
08-11-2012 15:44
Free Event 10.30 – 17.00 Saturday 24th November. Main Building, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ETGet to grips with the basics of the financial crisis, and make links with other people from Birmingham and the West Midlands who want an economic system that puts people before profit.
If you want to understand how the global economy got into such a mess, and what to do about it this event is for you.
CURO Housing renting its homes as holiday lets to wealthy tourists
07-11-2012 17:03
CURO Housing proposes to privatise 600 affordable homes in Bath and re-let them on the private market and for holiday letsRobb Johnson Benefit for Save Our Hospitals 17 november SW5
04-11-2012 07:38

Shared Planet 2012
01-11-2012 16:32

Anyone With A Heart Would Not Support Workfare
29-10-2012 14:02
Boycott Workfare West Midlands will be holding a demonstration at the British Heart Foundation on Harborne High Street because of their involvement with workfare programmes that will see benefit claimants kicked off benefits for three years if they don’t take part in forced unpaid work schemes like Mandatory Work Activity.SPILL Festival of Performance: Bedding In
29-10-2012 13:39

UK's newest gas power station shut down and occupied
29-10-2012 12:50

How much do police fear being photographed on demos?
25-10-2012 21:14
Spain’s government is drafting a law that bans photographing and filming the police (interestingly, the ban even extends to a prohibition against recording SOUNDS of the police) -
The Earth Needs Rebels
24-10-2012 00:19
23-10-2012 18:45
Once the source of hope, the US is often a source of fear. Closing most of the 700+ bases would be a step from empire to republic. Security is a political and social challenge, not only a military project. Development should be a right, not only a hope and a promise. The future should be open and dynamic, not closed and static where the poor are forgotten (cf. J.Moltmann, C.Johnson, E.Hobsbawm)Boat Race Protestor Jailed for Six Months
22-10-2012 19:06
"Britain, particularly England, is a brutal, deeply divided class-ridden place. Let there be no mistake, there has long been a deficit of democracy. Today it is at breaking point. It is time for a revolution.” Trenton Oldfield.October 20: The view from Oxford Circus
22-10-2012 14:52

Starving disabled blockade London traffic
21-10-2012 22:27
We’re digging through dumpsters just to stay alive, disabled demonstrators said this weekend in a dramatic blockade of London traffic.Dozens of activists with Disabled People Against Cuts shut down mid-afternoon traffic in Marble Arch on Saturday, handcuffing themselves and their wheelchairs together to protest “deadly” attacks on state benefits.
unions cuts march and london anti-workfare actions - pics & report
21-10-2012 13:30

How to support Trenton Oldfield
21-10-2012 11:58

On the same day George Osbourne was refusing to sit with us “plebs” in the second class train carriage, Trenton Oldfield was beginning a six month prison sentence for protesting against elitism and inequality. See excellent article by Nina Power below.
Please show your support by writing to Trenton.
You can email Trenton using: with the details: Trenton Oldfield, Prison ID: A1010CT, H.M.P.Wormwood Scrubs.
Or send a letter: Prison Number: A1010CT, H.M.P.Wormwood Scrubs, P.O.Box 757, Du Cane Rd, London W12 0AE
March For A Future That Works
21-10-2012 06:47

#Oct20 + TUC trending top across all UK cities
20-10-2012 09:35