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Côr Cochion joins the Global Day of Action against the banks

Wendy Lewis / Ray Davies | 15.10.2011 19:59 | Globalisation | Public sector cuts

Cardiff Reds Choir (Côr Cochion) sang its protest songs and occupied the major banks in Cardiff

All over the world there is a fightback against the austerity cuts and unemployment inflicted on working people as capitalism crumbles, a crisis caused by the bankers and fat cats in the city.

Wales itself is facing the prospect of losing 20,000 public service jobs, and youth unemployment is at levels that threaten our longterm future.
The Tories' answer is tax cuts for the 1% who own 70% of the country's wealth; while we, the 99%, suffer cuts to libraries, childrens services, health and education.

In response to the world financial crisis, the people of New York took over Wall Street. The occupation began on September 17 and still goes on, and the protests have spread to Tel Aviv, Madrid, Paris, Italy and Greece, and throughout Britain.

Côr Cochion spearheaded the day of action in Cardiff.

Our target was the bankers, the main culprit in the global meltdown.

We marched through Queen Street, which was crowded with rugby fans, and occupied each bank in turn for 20 minutes. Our singing brought the banks to a standstill; security guards tried to bully us to leave, but we stood firm.

As "Banks of Marble" echoed through the lobby of Lloyds, to applause from the customers, the manager shut the doors. We explained that we held the banks responsible for the global crisis. The managers all claimed that it was not they who the government was bailing out, but the other banks.

Singing "We will Rise`, we took on Barclays, Natwest and HSBC in turn. We sang as we proceeded through the main pedestrian thoroughfare in Queen Street, and the majority of people expressed their support for our stand.

Our campaign will continue until this Tory /Coalition government starts showing some compassion for those suffering from their ideologically driven cuts.

Wendy Lewis / Ray Davies
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